[Reviews - 2] LikedPrinter
Summary: This story takes place following the events of my first FanFic “William The Bloody Is Back”. Buffy is left heartbroken after Spike has left her again deciding for the both of them it was for the best. Spike has left and gone back to LA to continue fighting the good fight by himself. Buffy needing resolution to their relationship feels she must find Spike and tell him how much he means to her. Unfortunately fate will not let them solve it so easily.
Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 16936 Read: 5523
Published: 09/15/2007 Updated: 09/15/2007

1. Gone Again by TillDustDoUsPart [Reviews - 1] (4793 words)
It’s highly recommended that you read my first FanFic "William The Bloody Is Back" as this is a continuation of the first story and the second in a trilogy. The final story is " Who Has The Last Laugh".

2. So this is Hell by TillDustDoUsPart [Reviews - 0] (5442 words)
It’s highly recommended that you read my first FanFic "William The Bloody Is Back" as this is a continuation of the first story and the second in a trilogy. The final story is " Who Has The Last Laugh".

3. Together at last? by TillDustDoUsPart [Reviews - 1] Liked (6701 words)
It’s highly recommended that you read my first FanFic "William The Bloody Is Back" as this is a continuation of the first story and the second in a trilogy. The final story is " Who Has The Last Laugh".