Author's Chapter Notes:
Meant to have this up earlier today, but my internet's been on the fritz these last couple of days...

I want to thank everyone who has reviewed. :)
Chapter Six - Perchance to Dream

Interview 2000

We sent out a hundred and fifty demo tapes…

November 1994

Acid Reign.

That was the name they agreed on after a long and arduous discussion. It wasn’t their first choice, but, as it turned out, that name was already being used by another band. So…Acid Reign it was.

And, since a name was chosen, William and Angel found themselves trying to put together a demo tape. They had written enough material to do so.

Money to do the tape, however, was a different story. In that, they didn’t have any. William was still working days at the publishing house and Angel still produced for small local bands but they didn’t have money to spare. Especially William and his bride, because Buffy decided she wanted to go for her Master’s and potentially her Ph.D. And William supported her decision. It wasn’t hard for him to do so. She had done it for him, and, lately, had to deal with his considerable lack of presence because of the demo tape. William felt horrible about it, but she assured him countless times it was okay. She had classes a lot of the time anyway. She knew this was a huge dream for him, just as he understood her passion for art.

So, it was mutual understanding between the two of them that they had to let the other follow their dreams.


“I’ve seen the other girls in the magazines, yeah
But that kind of beauty is not my style, no
The way you’re looking at me
I guess I can’t believe it
You know, I’m usually shy
But I’m willing to try
Girl, I think I want you

I don’t want to take you home
I just want someone to call my own…”

“Alright. I got it,” Angel said.

William stepped away from the microphone placed inside an empty closet in their make-shift studio at Angel‘s. Their money issue was solved when Angel suggested one day that they could use his place. They couldn’t afford to use an actual studio, so they could simply bring the studio home. After all, with Angel’s job, acquiring the equipment for temporary use wasn’t so difficult.

They had been working on this demo tape for months and it was finally finished.

Thank the bloody heavens, William thought to himself. This had been tedious. And at times, felt completely not worth it. The constant re-recording, adjusting, readjusting, rearranging, rewriting, cutting, mixing.

But it had to be perfect. After all, no respectable label would sign you if you sucked… Well…most of the time…

“So, mate, about how many of these do you think we should send out?”

Angel leaned back in his chair, “Well…”


One hundred and fifty turned out to be the magic number. Demo tapes were sent to any and every label and person they could think of. Big and small.

Atlantic. Universal. BMG. RCA. Columbia. Along with several other big ones and several independent labels.

They didn’t want to leave any leaf unturned. Their future and dreams were riding on this.


A few weeks later

“Hey, mate, we got ‘nother letter,” William said, walking into Angel’s studio.

“Who’s it from?” Angel asked, nervous anxiety tinting his voice.

“Umm, Sony Columbia USA,” William said, tearing into the envelope.

Angel jumped to his feet and walked closer to William, moving excitedly like a little kid. This letter could potentially be the single most important letter in both their lives.

“Well? What does it say?” Angel asked as William looked over the letter.

“…thank you for your…blah, blah, bloody blah….Unfortunately, we must, at the present time, reject your….”

Both men sighed, greatly disappointed. William crumbled up the letter and tossed it in the trash.

“That makes how many?”

Interview 2000

….and received one hundred and fifty bloody rejection letters…

December 1994

Rejection was hard. It was tough. It was downright cruel.

William decided all this after he and Angel received all those rejection letters.

Needless to say, both men were feeling a little down and disheartened. Maybe, William slowly, reluctantly decided, it simply wasn’t meant to be. He resigned himself to working at his present job. As much as he hated it, he was insanely glad he had the presence of mind not to quit before anything was confirmed.

Or denied, as the case ended up.

Of course, Buffy wouldn’t have let him just up and quit anyway without anything guaranteed first.

Speaking of Buffy, she felt just as horrible as they did about the mountain of rejection letters Acid Reign received. She understood it was huge blow to William’s confidence and self-esteem. She hated watching him resignedly going to work everyday at a place he detested. She wanted to tell him it was okay. It didn’t matter. Everything would correct itself. Just give it time. But she didn’t want to lie to him either. And she didn’t want to give him any false hope.

She didn’t want to watch him fall again.


It was a cold evening. A week away form Christmas. William and Buffy laid together, cuddled up on the sofa. They were laying in comfortable silence, watching the lights flicker, sparkle, alternate on their little Christmas tree. It would be their first Christmas together as husband and wife and while they didn’t have much money, they were determined to not have that let them down.

“William?” Buffy asked quietly, not wanting to break the spell.

“Yeah, pet?”

“I’m…I’m sorry it didn’t go the way you were hoping. I know you’re disappointed. But maybe -”

The phone rang, disturbing them. William groaned in frustration and reached over to the end table, grabbing the phone.


He listened quietly, “Tomorrow? Yeah, I should be able to. Yeah….okay, mate. See ya then.” The call ended and he hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” Buffy asked, turning around so she was facing him.

He gave her a quick kiss, “Angel. Wants me to meet him at the studio tomorrow. I don’t know why. He didn’t say.” He shrugged his shoulders.


“So, mate, why the cryptic phone call?” William asked as he entered the studio, taking off his jacket.

Angel ceased his conversation with the other unfamiliar man in the room and looked at him. The man beside him smiled in greeting. He looked professional, dressed properly in a business suit and necktie, wire framed glasses perched on his nose.

“Who are you?” William asked.

The man walked towards him, hand outstretched, “You must be Mr. Giles.”

“William,” he said, instinctively.

“Er, of course, William. I’m Wesley Wyndham-Pryce.”

William grasped his hand and shook it firmly. “Okay. So, uh, what’s going on?” He stole a glance at Angel, who was currently sporting a huge grin on his face.

“Of course. I was just discussing it with your partner when you arrived. I, er, managed to procure one of your demos from a friend of mine. And, I have to say, I was very impressed with what I heard. I understand, however, from Mr. Crawford here, that most were not?”

“…Yeah…” William was hesitant. This Wyndham-Pryce bloke couldn’t be saying what he thought he was saying. Could he?

“Mr. Giles, I believe Acid Reign is in need of some serious financial backing. Am I correct?”


Wesley smiled, “Very well. I’d like to work with you.”

Author’s Notes: The song William sings in this chapter belongs to Savage Garden. It could be found on their actual demo tape that they sent out. It is called “Aubergine Girl.” I was given a copy by a friend who got a copy from who knows where and while the quality isn’t the best, I believe the lyrics are accurate or pretty close to it.

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