Author's Chapter Notes:
It's been slightly more time than it has been lately to update but I've been a little busy, and a little more time still isn't a lot of time compared to my almost daily updates. I hope you like this chapter. I promise this is just the beginning.
He decided to ask her what he wanted to know, his voice lined with both fear and hope, “Does that mean you meant it?”

Buffy looked at him completely shocked that he would need to ask. Unfortunately before she could say anything the vampire alarm went off and they heard Faith and Willow shout for Buffy. Without thinking she darted for the door.

Spike couldn’t believe that when he was finally talking to her something like this had to happen. He had to know for sure what she felt and now some stupid vampire was going to ruin it.

Everyone was gathered in the large kitchen while Faith and Buffy were ordering slayers where to go to find who the vampire or vampires were that had come on the property. Before anyone got far however one of the newer slayers came back pulling a disgruntled Harmony with her under her arm. “I think this is what you’re looking for. Says she’s here help you.”

“You have got to be kidding me!” Buffy exclaimed to the heavens, more annoyed than ever. “Okay guys,” she addressed the slayers, “Crisis averted, actually crisis never started. You guys can go back to training.”

All the slayers trickled out of the room leaving the rest to look at Harmony sceptically.

“Sorry Buffy, we were doing a locator spell but she wasn’t showing up. We were working on a spell to see if she had died when all of this happened.” Willow explained to Buffy.

“Oh it’s okay Wills, it’s not like I was all that worried anyway.”

“Well you should have been. I’m your arch nemesis for crying out loud!” Harmony yelled at Buffy incredulously.

“My arch what now?”


“No, I heard you, I’m just wondering where in the hell you came up with that?”

“Look Buffy, you’re just jealous.” Harmony told her taking a step forward.

Buffy just laughed, “Jealous of what your bad outfit or your inability to count to ten?”

“Oh you think you’re so smart don’t you?”

“No actually, I just think you’re so dumb.” Buffy stood her ground. Buffy couldn’t remember a single time when Harmony hadn’t driven her crazy.

Everyone was watching the scene not sure if they should butt in or not. Spike was getting a little nervous however knowing exactly what Harmony thought Buffy should be jealous of. He knew Buffy had nothing to worry about of course but this exchange was making him uneasy.

“Oh, I’m dumb? Who knew about Spikey being back before holier than thou Buffy? Who was the one having sex with him right after he was all corporeal again? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t you.” Harmony crossed her arms and gave Buffy a look telling her that she knew that was all the ammo she needed.

Buffy’s face didn’t change not wanting to give Harmony the satisfaction of getting to her. Not to mention she didn’t believe for a second that Spike would do that. She was about to tell Harmony that when one glance at Spike said how wrong she was. She did a double take with her mouth still open to give Harmony a retort. Spike looked how he felt. Horribly guilty. Looking at Angel and he even looked like he felt bad for Buffy. She knew it was true. She felt every bit of her heart that she had put back together in the last few hours shatter into littler pieces. Not only had he not told her, but also he had slept with Harmony instead.

Everyone else was looking from the two women fighting, to Spike, and back again. They all knew it was true, and they knew Buffy knew it. Dawn simply looked angrier while Willow, Faith and Conner looked genuinely surprised at this development.

In spite of all of this Buffy still didn’t want to give Harmony of all people the upper hand. Though now instead of disbelief, she decided to go with nonchalance. “And that should make me jealous why?” Buffy put on her best I don’t care and I don’t know why you think I would face.

No one believed that Buffy meant what she was saying but they knew why she was saying it so they decided to go with her. That is everyone except Spike who felt like she had just given him his answer.

“We both know you wish it were you Buffy.”

“If that’s what we both know, then neither of us knows anything.” Harmony looked at her confused so she simply pressed on. “And after everything arch nemeses and nonexistent jealousy isn’t really what matters to me. What I’m wondering is what the hell you’re doing here.”

“Oh I’m here to help you.”

“Yes I remember. By the way, if you’re trying to help someone you normally don’t go for pathetic attempts at getting under their skin.”

Spike’s face was falling now along with his heart.

“Well, help or no help you bug me. No you have this ominous evil coming after you right?”

“And how would you know that Harmony?” Angel asked from behind Spike.

“Oh hey boss! Didn’t see you there. Thanks for the recommendation, it’s helped me get a lot of work.” Buffy looked at Angel now questioningly.

“She was my assistant at Wolfram and Hart.” If Buffy had any lingering question as to whether or not Spike had slept with Harmony, it was completely gone. “It was Wesley’s idea.”

Not blaming Angel for the ordeal but still confused she asked, “But Harmony? I mean come on, she’s useless.”

“She’s eager to please, makes for a good secretary.”

“Oh I’ll bet she is.” Buffy said through gritted teeth turning back to Harmony. Spike perked up. Was Buffy jealous?

“Harmony?” Angel asked.

“Yeah boss?” She smiled at him.

“The question Harmony.”

“Oh right! Sorry, my bad. I know because they tried to recruit me. Figured I want to kill Buffy for stealing my booboo from me.”

“Your what?” Buffy looked disgusted at the nickname. “Also, don’t you? I mean not for that but I mean in general. You tried before, no matter how sad the attempt, also you seemed to have convinced yourself that you’re my arch nemesis.”

“Well yeah and I’m not going to join forces with Dorkus it’s pathetic.”

“You mean Dru?” Spike perked up.

“Yes,” Harmony rolled her eyes, “Your precious Dru is back and wants to kill Buffy here, but the way I see it, it’s not going to happen.”

Buffy looked at her questioningly but it was Faith who asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“Hey! I remember you, you’re the one giving Buffy skank lessons!”

“Please don’t make me go all cheerleader bitch on you again because I’d much rather kill you and that’s where I’m leaning now that I can without the moral ambiguity.” Buffy told her faux bored.

Harmony glared but continued without commenting on Faith again, “Look a lot of people have tried to kill Buffy. More than just me, standing in this very room. You know who else is unfortunately standing in this room? Buffy. Do I think Dorkus can pull it off where she couldn’t before? Where Spikey couldn’t before? Maybe, but I’m not fighting on her side to find out she can’t and die. The way I see it, I can team up with you, one of my Blondie Bear’s exes still gets toasted, and I don’t have to die.”

Buffy was impressed. “That has to be the smartest thing that I’ve ever heard you say.” After a beat, “Except for the whole you don’t die part.”

“But I came to you with information!” Harmony was angry now, but also scared realizing she hadn’t thought this part through.

“If you have good information, I might give you a head start…maybe.” Buffy waited for her reply.

Harmony was scared but not quite stupid enough to try to run. “Fine.”

“Okay, why don’t we start from the beginning?”

Buffy began to lead them into the living area when Dawn piped up. “Do I have to be here for this?” She had been angry that Buffy was considering forgiving Spike but she had started coming around to the idea. Now she found out that Spike had done that and once again wondered if it was all a lie. If he hadn’t cared enough about Buffy he couldn’t possibly have cared enough about her too.

“No that’s cool, I’ll fill you in.” Buffy assured her.

“Cool.” She turned to leave not noticing Conner watching her. His heart went out to her knowing what it felt like to feel abandoned by those you love. He felt it was time to talk to her as well and began to follow her giving Buffy a can I go look. She smiled at him letting him know he could. She quietly wondered if even he knew how he felt yet.

Everyone had walked past her into the living area following Willow who had picked up lead for Buffy. When she turned back around to follow Spike was standing there watching the scene obviously noticing the same thing. Forgetting about the situation he gave Buffy a knowing smile, which quickly dropped when he noticed her icy expression.

“Apparently it didn’t matter anyway.” Sure he knew what she was talking about Buffy walked past Spike without another look.

Spike reluctantly followed. Fuck, what have I done?

Chapter End Notes:
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