Chapter Fifteen

*One Month Later*

"Spike! The fence is down on the southern pasture. I thought you said you took care of it yesterday!" Mr. MacNeil boomed. He was a short plump man who thought the world revolved around him. Sure, he was the boss, but he expected everything to get done at that moment.

"I told Higgins I couldn't get to it since I was still working on the east fence. I said he would go look at how bad the south fence was and said not to worry since no cattle was over there." Spike wondered how he could have found out about him not doing it yesterday, He never got on a horse to check out his own spread. He always had someone tell him what looked in need of fixing and then he just snapped out orders.

"That isn't what Higgins told me. He said you refused to do it last night after the east was done." Higgins could be seen in the back of the barn, smirking. Spike should have known. Higgins was MacNeil's right hand man.

"I'll go right now and fix it." Spike knew not to make a scene. He needed this job. MacNeil was the only ranch that would take on Spike since h refused to five references. Spike didn't want Angus to find out where he was and come hunt him down for being with Buffy.

'Buffy." Just thinking of her brought back such heartache. He had called David and asked how Buffy was. David had said that as soon as he left, Buffy went home with her mother. He hadn't heard from her since. Spike then knew that he had blown it with her. She wasn't going to wait for him to get his life back in order. He had nothing to offer her. Here he was stuck on a ranch with the worst crew and boss. Everybody hated the new man. Half the time, he just wanted to back and go back to the Summers ranch on hands and knees.


"Are you feeling any better today, baby?" Buffy had been sick this past week. Joyce had a suspicion, but wouldn't voice it to her daughter just yet. Joyce wanted to think she was wrong. Her baby was 17 and still had one more year of school. She wasn't ready to be a parent, and a single parent at that.

"No. I thought I was over it yesterday night when I felt great, but now this morning it is back again." Buffy said with her face looking down the toilet bowl. She looked pale. Joyce knew she hadn't been sleeping well since coming home, but with this "illness" she is getting more worn down. "Mom?" Buffy finally looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes. "What if I'm pr...preg...pregnant?" A loud wail filled the room. Joyce hurt for her little girl. Sitting on the floor, Joyce took her daughter in her arms and slowly rubbed her back, while Buffy cried in her mom's shoulder.

"Everything will be ok. I will just go to town and get a test and.."

"How is everything going to be ok? I am 17 years old and pregnant!" Buffy wailed again.

"We don't know that yet. Let's try to think positive. That you have a stomach bug." Joyce tried to smile at Buffy, but when given the yeah right look from her, Joyce knew life was going to change again. And here she thought life would be easier now that Hank was sentenced to prison for 5 years. Joyce even filed for divorce the day she got back home. "Well, I guess I will go get that test." Joyce rose to go get her purse and find out if she was about to be a grandma.

"Thanks mom." Buffy said looking down at the floor again.

As Joyce was pulling out of the driveway, she took out her cell phone and made a call hoping he had called.

"Summers Ranch."

"David, we got a problem."


It was coming on midnight and Spike was still out in the southern pasture. Out of spite, Higgins had moved the cattle to the southern pasture and Spike had to scramble to put some type of barricade between him and the cattle. He had spent hours trying to keep the cattle away from the barricade since they seemed to just knock it down. Finally, he was putting the last nail in the fence. It may have taken all day, but the fence was now complete and he beat those pesky cattle.

As Spike was getting on his horse, his cell phone started ringing. He knew whoever it was must think it was an emergency, to call someone at this time of the night. Of Course his phone was ringing all day and he thought it was Higgins trying to distract him. So he just let it ring and ring. Spike picked up the phone and snapped, "What?" thinking it was just Higgins.

"Spike?" It was David and if David was calling then something was wrong.


"I have been trying to call you all day. Why didn't you answer?" David had an edge to his voice. One that said he had something very important to tell.

"Sorry man. I was fixing a fence and the cattle kept trying to escape." Spike was happy to hear from David. He had become somewhat of a friend before he left the Summers ranch. "So, what's the problem?"

"Buffy's pregnant!" The air in his lungs escaped him. He got dizzy and before he knew it, he fainted and fell off the horse.

David's voice could still be heard, "Spike? You ok?"


Buffy could still be heard crying in her room. Ever since the test came back positive, she hadn't stopped. Joyce knew she needed to find Spike and fast, He was probably the only one who could help Buffy accept her new fate. Joyce had tried all afternoon, but Buffy kept saying that she had been married when she came along. There was two of them to raise her. Of course that was before Hank went all abusive. The first five years of Buffy's life had been a fairytale.

Along side he bedside, the phone rang. 'Who could be calling at this time of the night?' Joyce picked up the phone, surprised and happy at who was on the other end.

"Hello Joyce."


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