Chapter Six

"Spike, Is that you?"

"Sure is luv. You scared me for a moment." Spike's face lit into a blinding smile, but Buffy wasn't even looking at him. Her face was still in the same position it had always been. Spike's smile diminished. "What's the matter, Buffy?"

"Spike, I can't see anything." Buffy started sobbing.

"Nurse!" Spike roared.

Joyce, Angus, and Regina both ran into the room in a frenzy, white as ghosts after hearing the yelling from outside the room door. "What is wrong, boy?" Angus yelled. "This is a hospital meaning no yelling."

"Angus dear, practice what you preach."

While Angus and Regina were going at it, Joyce had walked over to her daughter and saw her crying. "Buffy?"

"Mommy?" Joyce wrapped up her daughter in the biggest hug of her life. "You're ok?! oh thank god." Joyce was rocking her daughter back and forth in a comforting way.

"Buffy's awake. Well why didn't you say so boy?" Angus tried his hardest to whisper at that remark, but his overpowering voice won out which earned him a smack from Regina.

"Grandpa? Grandma?" Buffy was surprised that Angus had left his ranch and let Spike near her. 'Hopefully this will change him for the better.' Buffy thought. Buffy wiped her tears away from her face and was concentrating really hard to get her eyes to work, but nothing. She couldn't tell where they were. Buffy started sobbing again.

"Buffy dear, what is wrong?" That was definitely her grandma's voice and touch on the hand.

"I can't see anything!" Buffy sobbed outloud, cuddling into her mother once more.

"Nurse!" Angus yelled just like Spike.


"After tests upon tests to see all the damage Buffy sustained during the fall, all it looked like was her eyesight was damaged. It was yet to be determined when and if her eyesight would come back. And if it did come back, would she need glasses to see?" Dr. Ramon told the family in the family waiting room. Dr. Ramon was of Spanish decent. Six feet of muscled spanish decent. He had a handlebar mustache and a light beard growing in. He must be in his forties. Joyce thought.

"So what you are saying is that my granddaughter may be blind for life." Angus was not a very emotional man, but when something bothered him, the emotions got the best of him. Angus tried wiping away the tears that fell down his cheek, but there was no stopping them, They kept on falling. "This is all my fault. If I wasn't so hard on her then she never would have been on that horse and fell off." Regina walked over to her husband and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at her.

Joyce made sure to call Hank right away and let him know of the new circumstances, but he still didn't want to fly out and miss his case. "Damn, man!" Joyce slammed down the phone in the waiting room. "He still won't come out, will he?" Angus asked.

"Nope. He thinks everything is fine and I am exaggerating on her condition. How can I exaggerate on blind."

"I am sorry Joyce, He is only the product of me." Angus tried to smile lightly at Joyce. "At least you are here with her and concerned." Regina said as she patted his shoulder.

Angus stood up and started walking to the door. "Where are you going dear? Don't you want to hear more from Doctor Ramon?" Regina asked.

"I am going to relieve Spike from Buffy watch."


Spike and Buffy had been sitting in silence for a good fifteen minutes already. Both uncomfortable with the other after what had happened.

"I don't need a babysitter Spike. Go back to your girlfriend." Buffy whispered into the air.

"I told your family I would watch you and I keep my promises." Spike gritted through his teeth.

"I don't need a damn sitter. Leave me alone." Buffy said right back.

"Get off your high horse and let me help. It is because of me that you are here anyway." after moments of silence Buffy could swear she had heard "please" come from him.

"Fine. You can sit there and watch me. Not like I have to see you watch me anyway. With me being blind and all."

"Don't joke about this Buffy. I thought I had lost you. And I need to tell you this before anyone comes in and I lose my nerve." Spike sighed before continuing, "You are something special. I haven't even felt like this with Cecily. I would like to see what we can become."

"Like hell you will!" Angus roared coming fully into the room. Apparently he had been listening. "Get away from her!"

"Grandpa! please." Buffy tried to yell over her grandpa's voice which was kind of hard since she was still weak. After hearing Buffy's voice, Angus stopped yelling and walked over to her. "He isn't hurting you is he?" Angus gave Spike the 'I'm going to kill you look if you harm one hair on her body' look.

"Of couse not. He was just feeling guilty about me falling off the horse is all. You know how emotions get the best of you in danger." Buffy new there was more tension in the room since Angus had walked in and she wanted to defuse it before the rest of the family came in.

:If you say so, baby girl." He bent down and kissed his granddaughter on the forehead, something he hadn't done since Buffy was five. " And you" he said pointing to Spike, "Harm a hair on her head and see how mean I can get." Buffy tried to laugh at her grandpa at what he was saying, but was scared for Spike on the inside,

"So Spike. Friends right?" Buffy put her hand out and hoped Spike would play along and defuse this with Angus. "Of Course luv. Friends." He shook her hand and gently put it back to her side.

"More like it boy. Go ahead and take a break. I am here now." Spike just nodded and walked out. "You get some rest now. I am going to make a phone call while you sleep. Buffy shook her head ok and tried to drift off, but not before hearing the call

"Dammit Hank, Get you ass out here or I will disinherit you. Do you hear me?"

"Fine. I will be on the next plane out. " Hank said snidely before hanging up.

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