Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for the reviews.
“Buffy,” Dawn called from the living room. “C’mon. We’re gonna light the tree.”

Buffy made a sound that resembled one of a small child as she headed for the living room.

‘Women,’ Spike thought as he followed her, ‘never grow up.’

When the pair entered the living room Dawn commenced to make a speech.

“Mom used to do this but…and we didn’t really do Christmas last year…so I…”

“Get on with it pet,” Spike said with a slight smile.

She smiled and continued.

“So anyways…” She cleared her throat. “Xander light the tree.”

He nodded and plugged in the cord. The tree lit up before their eyes and everyone in the room smiled.

Dawn began to sing.

“Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way…”

Spike stared at the group in amazement as one by one they began singing. All except Giles of course. They really were a spirited bunch weren’t they? He shook his head and leaned against the door frame. Half way through the song Buffy turned around and smiled at him. It made him feel good to see her smile like that. He rarely ever got to. After their caroling subsided, about 7 songs later, they proceeded to the dining room.

“Wow. It looks amazing in here.”

The room was decorated in reds and greens. The table was set with fancy dishes and delicious looking food.

“You guys did all this?” Dawn asked in amazement.

“Yep,” Spike said, “me and the slayer make quite the little chefs.”

Buffy smiled and Giles made a face at his words.

“Well let’s eat,” Xander said rubbing his hands together.

“Oh my goddess, I don’t think I’ve eaten that much in my entire life,” Willow said as she leaned back in her chair, patting her stomach.

“I concur,” Xander said doing the same.

“It was very good Buffy,” Anya offered.

Spike cleared his throat.

“And Spike,” she added.

He nodded his thanks.

“Yeah, I don’t think Buffy has ever cooked anything edible, much less fantastic.”

“Thanks Dawn,” Buffy told her sister.

“Welcome,” she said with a smile.

“I must agree Buffy, it was quite good.”

She smiled at Giles. She knew that he was still having doubts about the whole thing, but at least he was able to enjoy his meal.

Everyone was quite for a moment.

“So do we get to open our inexpensive but thoughtful gifts now?” Anya asked.

“No honey. We’re not doing that until tomorrow night,” Xander told her, regretting calling her that. He was relieved when no one seemed to notice.

“Well that’s ridiculous. We should at least be able to open them in the morning.”

“That’s what I said.”

Buffy sent a look at Spike who simply smiled back at her like he had no idea what the look was for.

“Well it’s our tradition around here, and you two will just have to deal with it,” Buffy said while getting up and heading to the kitchen with her plate. “Oh and guys, someone’s gotta do dishes.”

Everyone at the table shared a look of terror.

“Not it,” Dawn called.

“Not it,” Willow said soon thereafter.

“Well don’t look at me,” Spike said, “I did the cooking.”

Xander and Anya shared a look of defeat as they got up and headed towards the kitchen.

“I can’t believe we got stuck with the dishes. And look at this mess,” Anya complained.

She was up to her elbows in soapy water, and Xander couldn’t help but smile at her. She had pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail and now had soap on her forehead from where she had used her arm to wipe it.


She stopped what she was doing and looked at him quizzically.

“The dishes?”

Xander snapped out of his daze looking slightly embarrassed that he had said that out loud.

“Yeah, I think they’re real china,” he lamely covered.

“I suppose. They do have a certain appeal, although I prefer the paper dishes. They are much easier to dispose of,” Anya said still not comprehending what he was trying to say.

He picked up the dish she had just placed in the drain and began to dry it off. Then it occurred to him. This was a chance that they may never have again. There were no demons, no First, no nothing. Just a normal Christmas. Even though they weren’t together anymore, he still loved this woman and he was pretty sure that no matter what she said, she still loved him too.

“You know what?” he said putting the dish and cloth down, “I didn’t mean the china. I meant you.”

She looked at him surprised by his words.

“You’re beautiful,” he continued.

She looked down at herself and then back at him with question in her eyes. “Even like this?”

“You could be covered in red clay and bird feathers and you would still be beautiful.”

She looked flattered by his statement.

Not knowing what else to say Xander went back to drying the dishes. Anya went back to work as well, smiling to herself.

“Bloody hell. Why don’t they just get the bloody kid a gun?”

“Because then there wouldn’t be a movie,” Dawn told him.

Spike made a face. “I’ve been in the states for almost five years straight and I have yet to figure out the mystery that is American movies.”

“You mean that they have a plot?”

Buffy laughed at Dawns words.

“Plot? What kind of plot is this? The kid wants a gun and insists on telling everyone. What’s the point?”

“It’s A Christmas Story; it doesn’t have to have a point.”

“Are you two quite finished? I’m trying to watch the movie” Buffy said. She was sitting between the two of them on the couch.

Both gave the slayer a look.

“Willow will back me up won’t you, Willow?” Buffy looked over at her friend who seemed to be asleep in the chair. “Or not.”

“I’m with Red there. Quite knackered myself.”

“Yeah, it has been a long day,” Buffy agreed thinking back on the long afternoon spent shopping and cooking.

“Besides, if we don’t go to bed then Santa won’t come,” Dawn said which earned her a look from the slayer and vampire beside her. “What? He won’t.” She got up and headed towards the stairs.

“So where is everyone sleeping tonight?”

“Well I was thinking that you and I could stay in my room and let Anya have yours,” Buffy replied.

Though the teenager didn’t seem too happy to be giving her room up she agreed.

“What about me?” Spike asked.

Several thoughts entered her mind but she quickly dismissed them.

“I guess you and Xander could share the couch.”

She laughed at the expression on his face.

“Or we could make a pallet on the floor.”

“Thanks ever so.”

“I guess Giles will take the couch.”

“Wait. You’re putting me and Giles in the same room? Are you sure he won’t try to kill me?”

“Yes. I’m sure.”

“Okay, but if you wake up in the morning and I’m not here and Giles tries to tell you that Santa brought you a big pile of dust for Christmas, don’t believe him.”

She laughed lightly and stood up. He did the same. She turned around not realizing that he was standing so close to her and found herself inches from his chest.

“Oh.” She quickly backed up. “Uhh…so…I guess we should go to bed now.” She realized how that may have sounded and quickly rectified her words. “I mean…not we together…in the same bed…but…umm….you know…”

“Right.” He found her nervousness rather amusing. “Well goodnight slayer,” he said when she didn’t say anything else.

“Goodnight.” Buffy turned away from him and let out a breath. Why was it so hard to talk to him all of the sudden?

Spike shook his head and smiled as he watched her walk away.

From outside the window a figure watched them. They were all going to bed. It wouldn’t be long now.

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