“Buffy, wake up.”
“Wha..huh…” Buffy mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.
“Wake up, it’s Christmas.”
The slayer groaned and pulled the covers over her head.
“C’mon. I wanna see what Santa brought me,” Dawn said trying not to laugh. She shook her sister and received more groaning.
“Buffy,” she wined, “it’s already eight. Get uuuuup.”
“How old are you again?”
Dawn laughed.
“Young enough to appreciate presents.”
“We’re not even opening presents until tonight.”
“Yeah, but Willow and Anya were going to set them all out last night. Besides, we have to have Christmas breakfast. Now let’s go.”
Buffy sighed and rolled out of bed. Dawn grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. As they walked down the hall she knocked on Willow’s door and then her own door in an attempt to wake up Anya.
“Wakey wakey guys,” she called out.
“Dawn, is it completely necessary to wake everyone in the house?”
“Yes,” she said knocking again before dragging Buffy down the stairs.
“This is gonna be great. Now all we have to do is wake up…oh my God.”
Dawn had stopped walking causing her sister to bump into her back.
“What are you doing?”
Buffy looked over her sister’s shoulder in the living room. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the sight. Presents. Lots and lots of presents.
“I didn’t know you two bought so many presents.”
“We didn’t.”
“What do you mean you didn’t?”
“I mean, we didn’t buy all of this.”
“Then where did it come from?”
“Santa?” the young girl offered.
“Dawn, please. There is no such thing as…”
“Bloody hell.”
The two girls finished their descent into the living room and looked to see Spike sitting in the middle of the gifts.
“Whichever one of you bints thought this would be funny, was sadly mistaken,” he told them.
“It wasn’t us.”
He gave them a skeptical look.
“Then who was it?”
Dawn shrugged.
“We don’t know. We were kind of wondering the same thing.”
Moaning was heard from somewhere amongst the presents. Soon Xander sat up as well.
“Who crashed a sleigh in here?”
“Seems to be the question of the hour,” Spike replied.
Xander looked puzzled.
Dawn walked over and sat on the arm of the chair.
“We have no idea where all of these presents came from. We thought maybe you guys would, but guess not.”
“Maybe it was the G-man.”
Everyone looked at him.
“Or not.”
As if on cue, Giles made a noise and rolled over on the couch.
“Would you bloody children be quiet, some of us are trying to get proper sleep. Not that it’s easy with the snoring coming from those two,” he said pointedly at Spike and Xander.
“I do not snore,” Spike said.
“Well you were certainly making some sort of noise over there; kept me up all night.”
“Never had any complaints before,” Spike said casting a glance at Buffy.
She narrowed her eyes at him and he gave her a trademark smirk. About that time Anya and Willow came walking down the stairs.
“Whoah,” Willow said, “what’s with all the stuff?”
“Nobody seems to know,” Buffy told her.
“I’m telling you guys, I bet it was Santa. Who else would have brought us all of these presents? And how could they have gotten them all in here without waking up Xander, Spike, and Giles?”
“She has a point,” Spike said. “I think I would have heard if someone had come in here.”
“You’re not serious? You really think it was Santa?”
“Why not Buff?” Xander asked. “I mean how do we really know there’s no such thing as Santa? There are a lot evil things that shouldn’t exist, but do.” He looked at Spike, who glared at him. “So why can’t something good exist?”
“Because…it’s just…crazy.”
“Maybe it’s supposed to be,” Willow said.
“But Santa? I don’t know,” Buffy said, still not convinced.
“Oh there is a Santa,” Anya said. “He’s a demon who does nice things for people. He started a couple thousand years ago. Around this time of year, when people were sharing gifts and such, he started taking them to those who didn’t have anything. Of course he would usually steal them. He was kind of like the ancient day Robin Hood. I think the humans have corrupted the story over the years; you know the whole deal about the red suit and reindeer. Red is not a good color for a fat man. He really wears black, it’s more slimming.”
“Wait, Santa is a demon?” Dawn asked.
“Well not a bad demon. Not all demons are bad you know. They just get a bad reputation because a few try to end the world. Truth is most demons would keep to themselves if people would let them.”
Buffy laughed. “Yeah right.”
“It’s true. Not that you would believe it. No demons can be good in your eyes unless they happen to be exceptionally good looking vampires with a thing for…” she broke off when she saw the looks on the faces of everyone in the room. “Anyway…all I’m saying is there is a possibility that it could be Santa.” She crossed her arms and looked away from the crowd.
“I can’t believe Santa is a demon,” Dawn said.
“Well I suppose it makes sense,” Willow said, “No human could get all the way around the world in one night.”
“He doesn’t actually go around the whole world in one night. Many have tried to follow in his footsteps. They dress like him and give gifts in their countries.”
“Well that’s a little disappointing.”
“Why do you care anyway, Red? Aren’t you supposed to be Jewish or something?” Spike asked.
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate Santa.”
Everyone let out a little laugh. Giles had finally sat up on the couch, but Xander and Spike were still sitting among the gifts.
“So what are we going to do with all the presents?” Dawn asked.
“I say we open them,” Willow said.
Everyone looked at her.
“What? Why not? Look we can open them, see what’s inside, and then if it’s appropriate we can wrap them all up again and take them down to the shelter.”
“What if they’re, like, bombs or something?”
“Don’t think so Nibblet. I would hear the ticking.”
She nodded. “Then I say we open them.”
They all agreed that seemed like a sensible plan. Buffy and Spike were sent to the kitchen to make breakfast, while everyone else opened the mysterious gifts.
“I can’t believe we got put on food duty…again.”
“At least it won’t take so much effort this time. We just have to make pancakes, and maybe some eggs and bacon. Nothing too hard,” Buffy said getting the milk and eggs out of the refrigerator.
“And let me guess, they expect us to do it again tonight.”
“Yep. But look at it this way Spike, we cook it, we don’t have to clean it up.”
He nodded in agreement. The slayer had a good point. He hated cleaning.
Once breakfast was finished and the gifts were opened they all sat down to eat. Apparently the boxes were full of clothes of all sizes, and some even had toys in them.
“Guess Santa didn’t get the memo that we were all grown up now,” Buffy said when her friends told her what had been in the boxes.
“I don’t know, Buffy. There was an IPOD in one of them. I think we should keep that one,” Dawn said.
“We can’t keep any of it. It wouldn’t be right. It is probably stolen.”
“So we’re gonna give it to homeless people? What does a homeless person need with an IPOD?”
“Maybe so he can listen to some Elton John.”
Everybody looked at Xander.
“What? It always makes me feel better.”
Everyone shared a laugh.
“Okay, fine. We’ll take all of the gifts to the shelter,” Dawn said, “But some of you better have gotten me an awesome present.”
The rest of the day passed rather quickly as the gang re-wrapped all of the presents and watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special on TV. Around five, Willow, Dawn, Xander, and Anya took the gifts down to the shelter while Buffy and Spike began dinner…again. Giles sat in the living room watching the telly and every once in a while would peep his head in on Buffy and Spike to make sure all they were doing was cooking. He would catch them laughing and occasionally throwing stuff at each other, but they would stop as soon as he came into the room. He knew that they were both fully aware of how he felt about their relationship, even if they were just friends for now.
When the rest of the gang had returned, dinner was served. They all enjoyed the food and then set off to the living room to open the presents they had gotten for each other. Everyone had made their lists and given their money to Dawn and Willow. Of course Willow had bought all of Dawn’s, and Dawn had bought all of Willow’s. The gifts were all relatively cheap, but from the heart.
“Ooh me first,” Dawn said grabbing up one of her presents. It was from Xander. She opened it to reveal a notebook.
“I know how much you used to love to write, so I thought maybe you would want to start again.”
“Thank you Xander. It’s great.” She smiled at him. “Now it’s your turn.”
Xander picked up the first box he found with his name on it. He opened it and laughed. It was a gift card to the Home Depot.
“Well I figured you have to fix this window so much you may could use it,” Buffy said.
“Thanks, Buff.”
Dawn made a coughing sound.
“And, Dawn.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “Now Buffy.”
The slayer picked a gift and everyone else followed, until all of the presents were opened. In the end everyone had something they really liked, but probably would never use. Everyone had exchanged gifts; everyone except Spike and Buffy. Dawn and Willow had been the only ones to buy Spike anything, and the only thing he had bought had been for Dawn. Spike didn’t care about gifts anyway. He left the group to their presents and went outside to get some air, even if he didn’t actually need any. Buffy assumed he just needed a break from the Christmasyness and all of her friends.
After Buffy finished with her gifts she went to the kitchen to get something to drink. When she came back she stood in the doorway watching as her friends messed with their new stuff. They were all smiling and laughing. She smiled at the scene, happy they all had this chance to be normal people for once. She felt a presence beside her and looked to see Spike.
“Shouldn’t you be in there?”
“I already opened all of my gifts.”
He gave her a look that told her what he was thinking.
“Don’t worry. I’m not being anti-social; I just went to get a drink of water.”
“I didn’t say you were being anti-social.”
“You were thinking it.”
He smiled. “So what if I was?”
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not avoiding spending time with my friends. I just like to watch them be happy. It makes me feel good.”
“I’m glad. I wanted this to be special for you.”
“It is.”
They smiled at each other.
“Good. Cause I could have wished to just be free you know. Or I could have wished for Xander to turn into a crab.”
Buffy let out a little laugh.
“Well I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Me too.”
She looked back at him. She couldn’t believe how much he had changed in a short period of time. Not three years ago, the only thing he had wanted to do was kill her, and now he was giving her the best gift anyone could ever get. She was pulled out of her thoughts by a voice.
“Uhh guys,” Dawn said as she approached them. The pair looked at her.
She pointed above them and they looked up to see mistletoe. Their eyes then drifted to each other and then back at Dawn.
“I don’t think…” Buffy started.
“Don’t even think about trying to get out of it. It’s a tradition.”
Buffy looked to Spike for help.
“Wouldn’t want to go against tradition now would you, luv?” he said and she bit her lip nervously.
“Come on, Buffy.”
The slayer rolled her eyes.
“Fine.” She turned to face Spike who had a smile on his face.
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”
“A little bit.”
“Okay.” She took a breath and looked in his eyes. She saw a loving and caring look in them.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
She was quiet a moment before responding.
“Well, we wouldn’t wanna go against tradition.”
He smiled slightly. Buffy leaned up slowly and pressed her lips to his. It was a brief kiss and lasted only a few seconds, but it did not go unnoticed by the people in the room, who had all chosen that moment to look in their direction. Giles made a face at the display of affection. He still didn’t know how Buffy could have feelings for a vampire. He would never fully understand his slayer.
Xander looked away, still not really comfortable with the couple either. He knew Buffy had feelings for Spike, but seeing that affection displayed was something he would have to get used to.
Willow and Dawn were both smiling, and Anya simply nodded, showing she had expected it to happen eventually.
Buffy and Spike looked at each other a moment longer before turning their gazes to their apparent audience, who quickly looked away having been caught staring. They shared one final look before returning to the living room and sitting on the couch.
After presents had been opened, it was decided that it was now movie time. Everyone went to their respective rooms and put on their PJs.
Dawn sang Christmas carols to herself as she got dressed. Buffy smiled, glad that her sister was having such a good time. She knew this holiday meant as much to Dawn as it did to her.
“Hurry up, Buffy,” her sister told her as she started to leave the room. “I want to get started so we can watch all of my favorite Christmas movies.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Dawn rolled her eyes and closed the door.
“Where the hell is my shoe?” Buffy complained bending down to look under her bed. Her second slipper was nowhere to be found. For ten minutes she had been looking everywhere for the damn thing. She spotted it under the bed and vocalized an ‘aha’ as she pulled it out. She stood up and sat on the bed. While she was putting the shoe on, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.”
The door opened and Spike walked in.
“Hey,” she said when she saw it was him. She was trying to be nonchalant even though the kiss they had shared earlier still had her a little on edge.
“What’s up?”
He came to set beside her on the bed. “I uhh, I have something for you. I was gonna give it to you downstairs, but I thought it would be better if I did it in private. So…here.” He handed her the small box in his hand.
“What’s this?”
“A gift.”
“Just open it.”
Buffy opened the box and pulled out the locket inside of it.
“It’s beautiful. It looks old.”
“It was my mum’s. She gave it to me; told me to give it the woman I…loved.” He hadn’t been sure whether he really wanted to say that last part or not, but he’d figured what the hell.
Buffy bit her lip.
“Traditionally, one gives something like this to whomever they marry, and you are the only person I’ve ever been engaged to so…”
She smiled.
“How come you never gave it to Drusilla?”
“I don’t know. I guess it just didn’t feel right.”
Buffy nodded.
“If you don’t want it, I understand…”
“No. I love it. Thank you.”
He breathed an unnecessary sigh of relief. He had been afraid that she wouldn’t accept it. After all, things between them had been a little weird as of late.
“Would you mind?” she asked, unfastening the clasp and putting it around her neck.
He nodded and she turned around holding the pieces out to him. He took the ends from her and hooked them together. Once he had it fastened she pulled her hair out from under the chain and straightened it. Spike was flattered that she’d decided to put it on. He hoped that she really did like it and wasn’t just doing it to humor him. She turned back around and gave him a small smile.
“Here. I got you something too.” She got up off the bed and went to her dresser. She opened the top drawer and pulled out a small box. “It’s not wrapped or anything.” She sat back down beside him. Her reasons for waiting to give him his present were similar to his. She had wanted it to be private. Not to mention, she didn’t think everyone else would understand. Even though the gang seemed to trust Spike a little more these days, they still weren’t too keen on the two of them sharing affection of any kind.
“You didn’t have to...”
“I know. I wanted to.”
Spike took the small box from the slayer’s hands and opened it. Inside was a shiny silver watch.
“I know that you are always wearing silver rings and I’ve never seen you wear one so I thought you might like it.”
He pulled it out and held it in his hand. It was a nice watch.
“I know you probably don’t need one to know what time it is, but I just thought…”
“I love it, Slayer.”
She smiled slightly.
He laid it over his wrist.
“Would you mind?” he asked, and she nodded, reaching out to clasp the watch for him.
“Thank you,” he said when she was done.
“You’re welcome.”
They sat there looking at each other a moment before a voice from downstairs pulled them out of whatever trance they seemed to be in.
“Buffy, Spike, get your asses down here. It’s time to watch The Santa Clause.”
Buffy rolled her eyes and got up off of the bed.
“I guess it’s time to succumb to the Christmas movies.”
“Joy,” Spike said following her out of the room and down the stairs.
They walked over and sat on the couch beside Anya. Xander was seated on the floor in front of her, and Dawn was beside him. Willow had taken her place in the chair. The only person missing was Giles. He surprised everyone when he came in. Willow gave up her chair and sat on the other side of Dawn.
“Everybody ready?” Dawn asked before hitting play on the remote.
For the next hour and a half the gang laughed as they watched the movie. Dawn then replaced it with I’ll Be Home for Christmas. She smiled when Jonathon Taylor Thomas appeared on the screen. About half-way through the movie, however, most of the Scoobies were asleep. Willow and Dawn were laid out on the floor and Giles was leaning back in the chair. Buffy had let her head fall to rest on Spike’s shoulder. Anya was absently playing with Xander’s hair, while he seemed to be intently watching the movie.
Spike looked down at the sleeping slayer and smiled to himself. He was so glad that he had been able to give her this holiday. She really deserved to be happy, even if it was just for a little while. At first, he hadn’t been so sure about his wish. Now, however, he was certain that it was the right thing to do.
Buffy moved slightly and snuggled more into his shoulder causing his smile to widen. He loved this woman, and no matter how strange it may seem to some, he always would.

Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks for the reviews. As always, they are much appreciated...