Author's Chapter Notes:
I feel like I'm loosing readers again. Makes me kinda sad. To those of you still with me; thank you!
”Buffy…?! Oh, it’s you.” Immediately seeing the hurt look on Xander’s face, Willow felt bad and hurried to apologize. “I’m sorry, Xander, it’s not that I’m not happy to see you. I just thought it was Buffy.”

“Yeah, I got that.” Xander looked over her shoulder and into the room. “I take it she didn’t show up, then.”

“No, she did.” Willow took a step back and gestured for him to come in. “Xander, I’m really worried about her. I think she might be in trouble.”

“Speaking of trouble…” Xander walked over to the couch and sat down. “I ran into Spike.”

“Xander…” Willow gave him a look of disapproval. “Please don’t tell me you got into a fight with Spike. Buffy will never…”

“Hey!” Xander interrupted her, looking offended. “There was no fight. Were you here this morning, or was I just talking to myself? What did we agree on?”

Willow smiled a little. “The ‘Xander-is-a-poophead’ thing?”

“Your words, but yeah.” Xander nodded. “Anyway, I told you how I wanted to make things right with Buffy. You really think I’d jump to the first opportunity to get into a fight?” He paused, grimacing. “In which I’d most likely get my ass kicked, anyway?”

The red-head gave him a sympathetic look, nodding in agreement. “You’re right, you probably would.” Seeing the annoyed look on Xander’s face, she quickly pretended to zip her lips closed.

"Anyway..." Ignoring Willow’s input, Xander went on; “Turns out Buffy called in sick this morning. However, she told Spike she was going to work.”

“Oh.” Willow slumped down in the chair next to the computer. “Was he mad?”

“Not so much mad as worried.” Xander glanced at Willow. “You think Buffy’s cheating on him?”

“What? No!” Willow’s eyes widened. “Of course not. It’s nothing like that.”

“You sure?” She nodded. “Damn!” Xander looked disappointed for a moment, then frowned. “I mean, good. Okay, I guess it’s gonna take some time getting used to the idea of not hating his guts. So?”

Willow got an innocent look on her face. “What?”

“You obviously know what’s going on. So, spill!” Xander leaned back against the large, purple pillows on the couch, looking at her expectantly.

“I can’t.” Willow suddenly looked miserable. “I promised Buffy I wouldn’t tell anyone.” Xander just kept looking at her. “All right, fine! But I’m only telling you ‘cause I’m really worried and don’t know what else to do.” He nodded in understanding. “Okay, Buffy called me last night, saying she needed me to do her a favor. She wanted me to find this guy, you know, find out where he was staying.” Xander opened his mouth, but Willow beat him to it; “And no, she’s not having an affair with him. His name’s Ethan. Ethan Rayne.”

“Rayne? Sounds familiar.” Xander seemed to be searching his mind for a moment, then shrugged. “Never mind. Go on.”

“Then she said she wanted to borrow my tape recorder, the one I used in class.” Willow paused. “She went on about evidence and confessions, but refused to give me any details. But I got the feeling Spike knew this guy. She just didn’t want him to find out she was going to see him for some reason.”

Xander looked confused. “If she’s not having an affair with him, who is he?”

Willow let out a sigh. “I googled him. Didn’t find out much. Just an address, in London. And a link to a short article from the local newspaper.”

“Isn’t Spike from London?” Xander frowned. “What did the article say?”

“Nothing, really, just some stuff about the guy’s wife.” Willow shrugged. “Looks like she passed away recently. ’Late wife’, blah, blah, blah, ’Drusilla’, blah, blah, ’unable to be reached for a comment…’ She shrugged again. ”Kinda weird.”

“Drusilla Rayne?” Xander snapped his fingers. “That’s why the name sounded so familiar. It was on the news last week. Apparently she killed herself.”

“Really?” Willow was quiet for a moment. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Xander. I think this guy’s bad news. What if he hurts her? And what kind of evidence could Buffy possibly be trying to find? The whole thing just seems… dangerous. I never should’ve let her go.”

“Sounds to me like Buffy wouldn’t have taken no for an answer.” Xander got a thoughtful look on his face. “You know, Will? It’s too bad you can’t hack into the police records. Maybe this guy’s listed. Then we’d know what we’re dealing with here.” Willow mumbled something, causing him to frown. “What was that?”

“I said; who says I can’t?” Willow suddenly seemed embarrassed. “I just happened to stumble onto them when I accidentally decrypted the city council's security system.” Seeing the bewildered look on Xander’s face, she added, a defensive note in her voice; “It was a complete accident and I didn’t even look! Much.”

“Right.” Xander shook his head, as if to clear it. “Let’s take a look, then.”

Willow hesitated. “Just for the record; it was not my idea and I was totally against it.” She started typing.

Xander jumped up from the couch and went to stand behind her, eagerly looking over her shoulder. “Wow, Willow, you’re actually getting into the police records! This is so cool!” Then he cleared his throat, correcting himself; “In a very bad, and totally wrong kinda way.” He got a hopeful look on his face. “Find anything yet?”

“No. Looks like he’s clean.” Willow sighed, both disappointed and relieved. Then her eyes narrowed. “Wait. Here’s something. Oh my God.”

“What?!” Xander was practically jumping up and down.


“Well?” Ethan leaned back in the chair, an expectant look on his face. “Enlighten me. Why are you here?”

Buffy was starting to feel really uncomfortable by the way he kept staring at her, but was determined not to look away, refusing to show any sign of fear. And there’s nothing to be afraid of, she told herself, firmly. First of all; it’s the middle of the day. And we’re in a motel, for God’s sake! There has to be hundreds of people staying here. All I have to do is scream, and someone should barge in to see what’s going on.

Although, a part of her wasn’t totally convinced. Not that she had given it much thought at the time, but hadn’t the parking lot outside been almost empty? And since the Inn was located by the highway, the chances of someone just passing by outside weren’t that big. Still, she had no doubts she could pull the whole thing off. After all, it wasn’t like she was in any immediate danger.

Now she glared at the man in front of her. “Why do you think I’m here? I know what you’re up to, and it’s not gonna work.”

“Is that right?” Ethan’s face was a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “And just what exactly are you hoping to achieve by showing up here?”

“You shouldn’t have come here.” Buffy crossed her arms over her chest. “Stay away from Spike, or I’ll go to the police. I mean it.”

“Really?” Ethan looked more interested than afraid, much to Buffy’s irritation. “And tell them what, exactly?”

“Just drop the act, will you?” Buffy rolled her eyes. “I know everything.”

“I see.” Ethan nodded, slowly. ”You’re a brave girl, Buffy, yet very stupid.” He paused. “In fact, you remind me of someone.”

She raised a brow. “Really? Please, enlighten me!”

Ethan chuckled. “Very well. Her name was Laura. A remarkable woman, with an even more remarkable daughter. Little Emily. The girl was absolutely lovely. And more importantly; she was obedient. Barely eight years old, and never once spilling our little secrets to a single soul.”

Swallowing, Buffy waited for him to go on. She didn’t dare open her mouth to say anything, afraid she would throw up. This conversation was taking a direction she never in her wildest dreams would have imagined.

“I never threatened her,” Ethan went on. “You see, Buffy, the mind of a child is truly amazing. You just have to know which buttons to push. As far as Emily was concerned, we never did anything wrong. Unfortunately…” He paused, sighing. “…her mother wasn’t as easily convinced. She started asking all these questions.”

Buffy stared at him. She supposed she shouldn’t be surprised by this revelation, but she couldn’t help herself. The man spoke so calmly, he might as well had been talking about the weather. Suddenly, she just wanted to cry. So, Spike wasn’t the only one. God knew how many innocent children this monster had destroyed over the years.

Ethan’s smile faltered, and he sounded almost sad as he went on; “Such a horrible accident. May the poor woman rest in peace.”

Now she couldn’t help but gasp, slowly taking a step back. “What did you do?” For the first time, Buffy was afraid. She had thought this man was simply evil, but now she was starting to fear that he was actually insane. “Did you kill her?”

His eyes narrowed. “I assure you, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Then he got up from the chair, picking up the now almost empty bottle. “Are you sure I can’t interest you in a drink. I have more.” She just kept staring at him, and he shrugged. “More for me, then. Excuse me for a moment.” He walked past Buffy, then stopped, just behind her. “You know, I’m surprised William allowed you to come here. I got the impression he was quite protective of you. Well, I suppose I was wrong.”

She glared at him, and the words were out of her mouth before she got the chance to think. “He doesn’t even know I’m here!”

“Oh, really?” Ethan sounded pleased. “Then I guess he won’t come here looking for you. Which means I have plenty of time to pay him a visit.” Before Buffy’s mind had registered the meaning of the words, Ethan raised the hand holding the bottle, and everything went dark.


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