Two things before you read:

1- I’m rather embarrassed to say that I made another mistake in the last chapter. Katie called Buffy her great-grandma, when it should be great-aunt. Seriously, I don’t know what I was thinking. I have a brain it’s just sometimes it doesn’t work properly. *L* Anyways, I did catch my mistake and corrected it.

2- Want to know what Angela looks like? I made a comparison logo of Buffy/Angela. Go here: to see it.

Chapter 11

Spike knew something was wrong. Buffy hardly said anything to him since coming downstairs in her new attire. They left Rebecca’s house, and were walking down the street. The slayer was in the lead, striding in a quick pace.

“Luv, slow down. Are we going to the watcher’s?” he inquired.

She didn’t reduce speed, or look over. “No. I’m going home.”

He came up along her side. He stuffed his hands in his duster. “I thought you wanted to see him. Get this straightened out.”

“I just want to go to sleep,” she told him.

Grabbing her arm, he swung her to face him. Her eyes were red and wet. His hand came up to wipe them dry.

“What’s wrong, Angel?” he whispered.

She sniffled. “They’re all gone. Everybody. All I’ve got is you.” She fell into his embrace, crying uncontrollably.

He held her to him, marveling in the fact that she was there. She may be in a different body, but she smelled the same to his wonderment. If he forgot sight, he could perceive her. His Buffy, his Angel. It was foolish of him to doubt her presence before. If only he had used his intuition, he would have not thought otherwise.

“Yes, you’ve got me. And I’ve got you, and I’m never gonna let you go,” he promised. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead.

They made it to the apartment. Spike helped her into bed, tucking the covers around her. Their eyes met for a long while.

“Goodnight, my angel Buffy,” Spike murmured. He started to leave.

Buffy snatched his hand. “Where are you going?”

“The couch, luv.”

Shaking her head, she said, “Oh no you don’t. You’re staying here. With me.” She scooted over, dragging him onto the bed beside her. When he was fully on the mattress, she snuggled up as close as possible. Her arm snaked around his middle, and she gave a sigh of contentment. “This is where you belong.”

Never had he felt so warm. Not even when he was human. The love for her burned inside his chest, and he could have sworn he would burst into flames at that very second. It was too much. His Buffy was there with him, and she returned his love. Maybe she hadn’t said it directly, but he knew.

“Tell me about the others,” she pleaded.

He rolled over. “What do you want to know?”

“How were they? Were they happy? What became of them?” Her eyes searched his.

He stroked her arm. “The Nibblet met this bloke when she was nineteen. His name was Brad. Nice, I guess. Well, she got it in her mind to marry him. I saw how much he made her happy, so I gave ‘er my blessing. Got to give her away even.”

Surprise formed on Buffy’s expression. “You gave her away?”

“Yeh, I did. Your father was long gone without a trace.” He took a deep breath. “Cor, she was beautiful. Had an inner glow.”

“I wish I could have been there,” Buffy whispered.

“So did she. Said so to me. She thought it wasn’t fair that you never had a chance to be as happy as she did. She even cried . . . which made me cry. I hated it, made me be a poof in front of the nibblet. But, she did get married, to a good bloke, mind you. And they had a child. Rebecca. She was a sweet tot. She loved to go outdoors and play. Picked flowers and brought them inside to put in cups of water.” He smiled at the memory.

“I’m glad Dawn was happy.”

“She was. Don’t you ever doubt it. Even when she . . . “ He broke off.

Buffy ran her fingers through his hair. “You don’t have to talk about it.”

He swallowed, bringing himself to continue. “Even when she had cancer she didn’t stop being happy. And when any of us were sad, she’d try and get us to be happy too. She didn’t want to spend any of her life being sad or depressed after that day with Glory.”

“I said something up there on that tower. Wonder if it had anything to do with it. Basically, I told her that life was hard and to hold onto each other. I told her to live, for me.”

“She lived, pet. She lived.”

A few tears slid down Buffy’s cheeks. “Did the others?”

“Giles moved back to England. He hooked back up with that chit Olivia. Died in a car accident when he was pretty old. I think he had a good life, Buffy.”

“I’m glad he and Olivia got back together.”

“Me too, pet. Me too.”


“Anya and he got married. They took care of the shop together.”

“What happened to them?”

This was the part he didn’t want to tell.

“Xander was attacked by a demon,” he said, sadly. Even if he never got along with the bricklayer, he never wanted him to die. He did have some redeeming qualities. Like uh . . . Like uh . . . Playing pool! Yeah, and uh . . . And uh . . . Well, anyways. . . “After that, Anya fell into a deep depression. She didn’t seem to care about anything, not even money. When Giles died, she closed up shop, and became a vengeance demon again. Guess she figured that human life was too painful. Don‘t know where she is now.”

There was a long silence. Spike knew all this talk of death was having a big impact on Buffy. Everyone she loved was gone. He wished there was something he could do to change it, but there wasn’t.

“You never mentioned Willow,” Buffy acknowledged.

He smiled. “She’s alive, Buffy.”

She sat bolt upright. “She’s alive!?” Her eyes were wide in astonishment. Then they began to water. “She’s alive.”

Spike nodded. He was glad that there was something good he could tell her. “Yeh, she’s my seventy-six year-old lady friend I told you about. The one who eats my chocolate covered cherries.”

Buffy caught his arm. “I have to see her!” she exclaimed.

“You will. But not tonight. It’s far too late to be waking up grannies.” He smirked at her.

Buffy rested her head against his chest. She laughed. “I guess so.”

|} - - -> <- - - {|

In the morning, after a long slumber next to Spike, Buffy followed his directions to Willow’s. It wasn’t hard to find. She found herself standing in front of a little blue house. There were flowers in the yard and a porch swing. The place gave off an atmosphere of friendliness.

As she stepped up to the door, nervousness came over her. What was she going to say? There was no way she could go ’Hey, Will, this is Buffy. Yeah, I died, but I’m back.’ Best to let Willow figure it out on her own somehow.

With a shaky hand, Buffy knocked. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

A woman came to the door. She had gray hair and a wrinkled face, but if Buffy looked closely enough she could make out that it was clearly her best friend. The woman smiled. “Hello?”

Buffy smiled back. “Hello, I’m a friend of Spike’s.” She revealed a box of candy in her clutch. “He wanted me to give you these.”

Willow took the chocolate covered cherries. She shook her head. “I think he wants to fatten me up with all these sugary goodies.” She looked up, studying Buffy. “Do I know you?”

“I’m the slayer,” Buffy told her. There, that was telling her who she was without making her faint or anything.

Willow’s eyes brightened. “Angela?”

“Um . . . yeah.”

“Come on in.” Willow widened the door to let Buffy in.

Buffy entered. She glanced around. In the living room there were candles in various places. On the coffee table sat an Apple labtop. Same old Will, wiccan and computer nerd.

They settled down on the couch. Buffy gestured to the computer. “So, what you been up to on there?”

“Just surfing mostly. Oh, and checking to see if I have any new mail from my online wiccan group.” Willow put the labtop on her lap.

“Neat. So, you into spells and stuff?” Buffy asked, casually.

“Not really. I used to be. Sometimes I’ll do a little healing spell here and there, but nothing major. What I mostly do is meditation and herbs.”

Buffy nodded. “So, wiccans, they believe in reincarnation, right?”

“It depends. Every witch has their own set of beliefs. Why? Are you interested in becoming one?”

“Oh, no, no. I was only wondering.” Buffy shifted to face Willow. “So, do you believe in reincarnation?”

Willow shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“So, it is possible that someone you used to know could come back in another body?”

The witch closed her labtop and placed it back on the coffee table. “The things I’ve seen in my life, I’m open to about anything.”

“Good, cuz acting like I didn’t know you was giving me the wiggins,” Buffy confessed.

Shock filled Willow’s expression. “Buffy!?”

“Yeah, Will, it’s me.”

There was a shriek, and then Willow had her arms around her. Buffy reciprocated the hug. Both had tears sting their eyes.


More is on it’s way.




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