Chapter 15

Drusilla’s wrinkly face inched toward Buffy’s white neck. Then she felt the teeth. She hissed from the sting of it.

This was her fourth bite; after The Master, Angel, and Dracula. Her third death would follow. She didn’t want to die again. Of course, she didn’t want to live forever either. Why couldn’t she exist for a normal length of time? It always had to be, ‘Buffy, you’re going to go young’, or ‘ Buffy, you’re going to exist till the end of the world’.

At first, Buffy had tried to struggle against Dru’s fangs. It only made it hurt more. Now, she relaxed and let it happen. She could feel the blood leave her, and with it the last of her strength. She knew that when the slit wrist of the vampiress was offered, she would suck it willingly.

And then she heard it. That voice that changed everything.

“Dru, let ‘my’ girl go!”

Drusilla retracted her fangs from the slayer’s vain. She turned to Spike, red liquid trickling down her chin. “My Spike has come for the party.”

The teeth were replaced in Buffy’s skin. No, her mind screamed. Spike was there. He needed her. She couldn’t leave him all alone.

It was hard to explain what occurred next. Buffy knew she had to stop what was going on. Something rose up inside her depths, spreading throughout her system. It flowed, making her warm, filling her with energy. And then it must have exploded.

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Spike was rushing to get Drusilla away from Buffy when the light hit him. It burst out of the slayer, traveling through the whole room. He shut his eyes from the intensity of it. He hadn’t seen anything so bright before, not even when he was a little boy and took a peek directly at the sun.
When it was over, Spike opened his eyes to face the darkness. He looked around, only to see the slumped figure of Buffy, and Dawn beside him. Drusilla had vanished.

He went to Buffy and untied her wrists. Her unconscious body fell against him. He knelt, cradling her to his chest. Gently, he shook her. “Buffy?”

The entire time, Dawn stood watching with interest. She didn’t seem at all fazed at what had happened a moment ago.

A moan came from Buffy. Her eyes fluttered, and then met Spike’s. He smiled down at her. “Welcome back, luv.”

She flung her arms around him, silent tears coming down her face. “It’s okay, luv, everything’s okay,” Spike murmured.

“She was going to turn me, Spike. And then stake me, sending me to hell. I guess there’s a loop hole to this whole immortal Buffy thing afterall. I should have never went off alone. I’m sorry. You were right.”

He stroked her hair. “Shhh, just relax.”

She did as he told her, but then abruptly jolted. “What happened to Drusilla?”

Spike sighed deeply. He shook his head. “I dunno, pet. She’s . . . gone.”

“I did it, didn’t I?” Buffy whispered.

“Yes.” The answer didn’t come from Spike, but to the side.

Buffy’s gaze shot toward the voice. She instantly sat up. “Dawnie!?”

The teen smiled, stepping closer. “Hey, Buffy.”

Buffy placed a hand over her mouth. “Oh my God.” She had missed her sister so much. Possibly the most of any of the scoobies.

Dawn gave Buffy a hug. After a few seconds, Spike joined them, wrapping his arms around both of them. His Summers girls. His family.
Finally they detached. All three of them had giant grins on their faces.

“How-how are you here?” Buffy got out.

Dawn giggled. “I’ll explain everything when we get back to the apartment.”

Spike was about ready to pick Buffy up, but she swatted him away. Instead, she got to her feet herself with no trouble.

“Slayer, are you sure you feel up ta walkin?” the vamp asked, concerned.

Buffy did a few stretched, loosening her muscles. “Oh, yeah. I’m great. I haven’t felt this good since . . . um after I drowned by the master and got revived.” She shrugged. “Well, I’ve got my slayer abilities back.”

“Are you sure?”

A mischievous look went over Buffy. She took her hand and punched him in the nose. He let out an ‘ooof’.

“Hey!” exclaimed Spike. He sent her a glare.

Buffy examined her fingers. “Oh, yeah, definite slayer strength. I didn’t even break a nail.”

Laughter erupted from Dawn. She felt so much at home, seeing the two people she cared about the most together.

Spike smirked at Buffy. He pointed a finger at her. “You bloody bint are going to pay!”

“Have to catch me first!” Buffy turned and started to run.

Spike’s finger went to point at Dawn. “And you, missy, you’re goin to pay too. Laughin at the big bad. Big mistake.”

Dawn squealed, racing away like her sister.

Spike took off after them.
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They made it to the apartment, each one exhilarated. They crashed onto the couch, laughing together. Not a single one of them had been that happy in a very, very long time.

Buffy hugged Dawn. “I missed you so much.”

“Oh, Buffy, I missed you too,” the key answered.

“This is a bloody miracle. I can’t believe I have both my girls back,” Spike told them.

They shifted on the sofa, settling with Dawn in-between Spike and Buffy.

Dawn took a deep breath. “The powers that be sent me here. I’m supposed to be your guide, Buffy.”

“Guide? Am I going somewhere?”

“Geez, you dope, no you aren’t going somewhere. I’m to guide you on your slayer mission. There are specific things you have to do. And that prophecy doesn’t seem to be telling you anything.”

“You know about the prophecy, bit?” Spike questioned.

“Yep. ’ One with no beginning and no end. She who is who she was, and was not who she is. Making up what has never been’. That part is about Buffy coming back to life. She has no beginning and no end, being forever.”

“You have it memorized?” Spike asked, astonished. This was the girl who couldn’t recall her math formulas for tests.

Dawn giggled. “I’m the key, Spike. I’m eons old. I caught a bit of knowledge here and there.”

“Wait, wait. So, you like know all this key stuff now?” Buffy inquired.

“Yeah. Cool, huh?”
Buffy frowned. “Great, my baby sister is smarter than me.”

Dawn patted her arm. “Gonna have to learn to live with it.”

“Anyway, back to the prophecy,” Dawn continued. “ ‘Blood of yesterday pumps renewal for today. Trickles until gone, and fills up again’. Buffy, you are the ultimate slayer. The only one that will ever be from now on. If you are hurt, your blood will regenerate yourself.”

“What about when I almost bled to death?” Buffy wanted to know.

“Oh. That took longer for you to be cured, because the blood that drained had to be replaced.”

Buffy crossed her arms. “Swell. So I had to be a sift until I got new blood to patch up the holes.”

Spike grabbed Buffy’s hand. He squeezed it. “We won’t let that happen again. I promise you this.”

Her heart swelled. When Spike makes a promise, he means it. She could feel his love flow into her with reassurance.

“Buffy when that light came out of you, it awakened something that has laid dormant within you. ‘Light Bearer for the Dark Keeper. Hand in hand’. Buffy, you are the Light Bearer,” Dawn informed.

A groan escaped Buffy. Her head went back against the couch. “I don’t need another duty. Being the slayer is enough.”

“I’m sorry, but you are the only one strong enough to hold such a position. As for the Dark Keeper . . .”

Spike interrupted her speech. “That’s me, right?”

“Yeah,” Dawn confirmed.

“So, what does this Dark Keep and Light Bearer do exactly?”

Dawn squirmed. “You both are the leaders for the final battle.’ Set the clock of time back. Rise from the dark. Breath from the light. Army of stars to brighten the blanket of night‘. ”

Spike snorted. “Army? Right, me and Buffy are an army.”

“Uh, no. Only part of it: the leaders of it.”

“This sounds like fun,” Buffy commented, sarcastically.

“So who are these soldiers of ours?” Spike asked.

Dawn looked at Spike and then Buffy. “Willow, Xander, Tara, Giles. Even Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn. They’re all coming back. They’re your army.”


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