Chapter 18

Los Angelus- The Hyperion Hotel

“I’ve missed this,” Cordelia declared. She sat in a chair across from Angel in the kitchen. A mug of steaming coffee was in her hand. The vampire had an identical mug, but his was full of microwaved blood.

“Of course, I didn’t know I missed it before. Me being memory swiped and all,” she went on.

Ange’s eyes traveled over to fix on her. “What is it you miss exactly?”

She laughed. “You, duh.”

He couldn’t help but smile. He set his breakfast down. For years now all he had felt was the consuming agony of loneliness and regret. He had forgotten what it was like to care about someone and have that tenderness returned. The compulsion to touch her every second was overwhelming.

Suddenly Cordelia gasped. She was about ready to fall off the chair, but Angel rushed over in time. On the way he knocked over his mug. Red liquid splattered on the tabletop.

His hands steadied her. “Cord, what is it?” Fear gripped him. What if he lost her again? He had just gotten her back. He wouldn’t be able to handle her absence another time. Not even for a day.

He could sense her increased heart rate and breathing. “Cordy!?” She didn’t seem to hear him. Desperate, he gently shook her.

Cordy’s eyes focused. Her arms encircled around his neck. “I saw Gunn and Fred. They were at the mall.”

(AN- Remember, Fred was on the last part of season 2.)

Relieved, Angel asked, “You had a vision?”
She nodded. “Yeah, forgot what they were like.” She clutched her head. “Got any aspirin?”

He got up to fetch her two tablets and a glass of water. “You saw Gunn and Fred?”

“Uh huh,” she replied, sipping the water.

“What is going on here?” Angel muttered, puzzled.

“I dunno.” She grinned. “But Fred got a perm. Look’s good on her.”

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Buffy insisted on buying the vacant Magic Box. Dawn thought it was a very cool idea. She pointed out that when the gang was together again they would need a hang out. Spike agreed, knowing his girls’ hearts were set on it. He couldn’t deny them anything. Over the years, working for the council, he had accumulated quite a load of money. He had plenty to spare on the place.

The three of them ordered merchandize, and later started to place them on shelves. Buffy tried to make it look as much like it had 75 years ago. She was even considering furnishing the back as her training room once more.

Opening day was coming fast. They were checking everything to make sure it was ready.

“So, do we wait around for the gang to show up or are we supposed to go look for them?” Buffy questioned. She was messing around with the cash register. It felt wrong for her to stand behind the counter. This was Anya’s domain, and somehow it was as if she was trespassing. Even if the demon girl had gotten on her nerves, she missed her a great deal.

Buffy sighed. She just wanted things to return to the way they had been. Could they ever be that way again?

Dawn positioned the meditation candles. She glanced up from her work to look at her sister. “If I understand correctly, they’re supposed to come here. The Powers are going to draw them to this spot.”
“Will I know them?” This was another lifetime. What if everyone was completely altered? What if they hated her this go-around?

“They’ll look the same if that is what you mean.”

That didn’t help. “I’m scared. What if they have totally different personalities. Xander could be a millionaire and won’t like hanging around a commoner like me.”

Spike snorted as he came in carrying a heavy box. “The whelp with money? Bollocks. Never happen.” He smirked. “Where ya want the dream catchers, luv?”

She took a minute to ponder. “Uh, I think there is room by the incense.”

“Since we own a magic shop and all, does that mean you approve of spells now?” Dawn asked. She had a pleading look on her face.

“No! Don’t get any ideas. Magic is a dangerous thing to deal with. You’re not going to touch anything besides paperweights and crystals.”

Dawn pouted. “You’re no fun.”

“Your sis is right, bit. Magic always has consequences,” Spike voiced.

Buffy glanced around the store. It was almost a replica of Giles and Anya’s store. The only differences were that she had eliminated the icky stuff, like mummy hands and snake eyes, and Gile‘s books had been replaced with Fredrick‘s dusty tomes.

Buffy went over to the table and slumped in a chair. She yawned.

“Tired, pet?” Spike came over and began to massage her shoulders and neck.

She moaned in pleasure. “Mmmm hmmm.”

He leaned toward her ear. “How about we go home? We’ve done more than enough for today. I’ll put you to bed,” he whispered.

A smile formed on her lips at the naughty thought. “That sounds great.”

Just then there was a tapping at the door startling them. “Who could that be? We aren‘t open yet.” Buffy asked in curiosity.

The slayer got up and went to the door. She opened it up. “We aren’t . . .”

There were two strangers standing outside. They held hands. Then she got a glimpse of two others behind them. Her hand came over her mouth. “Angel!? . . .Wesley!?”

Angel took a step toward her. “Hello, Buffy.”

She was aware of Spike coming up beside her. “Guess we won’t be going to bed as soon as we hoped then?”


I know, another short chapter. I just don’t have as much time now that school has started. Sorry.



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