Author's Chapter Notes:
i own nothing except my truck and just enjoy taking the chacters out for a ride.
Ok, so let me set the scene, so you understand my frustration at this one two-toned ex-vampire that I know.

I get sired as a vampire. I wreak alittle havoc, do a little evil, drive a clairvoyant maiden insane. Every thing's good. 'Till one day my mad seer comes home with this little English báltaí *. And man did I hate him. He gets in to fights with humans and demons, draws attention to us, and in general annoys me. So then, I eat the wrong man's daughter, and boom, I spend the next hundred years feeling guilty for my sins and sorry for myself. All the while, that little fucker is off living it up. Time flies when you’re brooding, and I meet a man that introduces me to a girl, cause there’s always a girl, and I start to try to redeem myself. I fall for this girl, hard, but I have enough since to know, that we can never be together forever. I mean hello, gonna be here forever (me)…not gonna be here forever (her). So, I do the responsible thing, the hard thing, and I walk away. Not before that guy comes and mucks up the works a few times. Not even after I’m off doing my own good thing, can he leave me alone. But wait, it gets better. I’m working hard to redeem my long damned soul when he decides that he’s gonna take a go at my girl, too. Which wouldn’t have been so bad, if she wouldn’t have die and then decided that he was the best thing since sliced bread. Following in MY footsteps, he goes and steals my soul glory by going through trials for his. Psht, I bet they weren’t even hard. Still doing my hero thing, I find out my girl needs a champion, so I go to her with a nice little champion trinket and offer up my services. Only to be turned down in favor of… guess who, that’s right, the bane of my existence. Still, that wasn’t enough. He had to DIE…saving the world. Cause I haven’t ever saved the world, he’s got to go down in a blaze of glory…literally. And what do I get? An evil law firm. All that, and the little shit still bothers me. Comes back from the grave, albeit, incorporeal, but still to haunt and drive me insane. Stealing all my friends and my motto. I’m s'pose to help the helpless. Not him, his soul didn’t even change him. What was up with that? Nonetheless, I power through, I’ve got a mission and evil to fight. I come up with a great scheme using my losses to my advantage and not dwelling on the things I can’t change about my world. The fight comes, and many good people fall. We all fall in some way or another. Everyone, except him. The rain falls and he gets everything I ever wanted. And he doesn’t even want it. Never did. That being the case he tries his damndest to rid himself of my prize.

All that culminates to this moment. I’ve just spent the better part of a half an hour sloshing through some of L.A.’s worse swears, which I’m fairly certain he chose on purpose; just because he didn’t have a sensitive nose anymore didn’t mean he had to be an ass. Well…besides the whole running off business in the first place…anyways. I’m running down the road when I hear the sounds of a fight, thirty maybe forty yards up there’s an alley entrance. I’m closing in on the alley when I see him, flying out of the alley, across the street, and into the wall of the building on the other side of the road missing a telephone poll by inches. He hits the wall back first, sliding down it like one of those Wily Coyote cartoons. Even as a vampire that would have hurt, as a man, I was sure Spike was dead. My suspicions were damn near made certainties when I saw what had thrown him emerge from the alley.

I radioed to the team.

“Team one, this is Alpha.”

I had stopped when I saw Spike’s bird impersonation, and was now advancing slowly, very slowly.

“Go ahead, sir.”

“You guys are gonna need some bigger guns, and bring me a sword or an ax or something.”


I didn’t know what that thing was. It was about 7 foot tall, maybe 250, 300 pounds of what looked like all muscle, a ring of short horns around its head and a huge sword. It was clothed in a black leather vest that revealed pale green arms of some nice definition and a full-length skirt, that didn’t seem to slow it down one bit.

“Just hurry.”

Spike hadn’t picked a fight with anything this big since I had become his protector. Or anything with a weapon as big as this guy’s sword. It had to be at least five foot long. Maybe he was compensating.

“Hey,” maybe if I got his attention off Spike, if he was still conscious, or alive, he could crawl away, “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”

It lowered it sword just enough to seem less threatening and turned slightly in my direction. We made a triangle in the street, it on the far side of the road, Spike lying against the other side of the street, and me in between, about 10 feet out.

“Is this human yours?”

His voice was deep and low, barely above a growl. I wondered if that was out of anger at Spike, or just the way he talked.

“I wouldn’t say that, but I have sworn to protect him, yes.”

I would never claim Spike as my anything.

“His tongue is explicit and should be removed.”

The demon didn’t seem to be moving forward any more, and I could hear my team moving around us. Hopefully he couldn’t, and if he could, that he didn’t feel threatened.

“I’ll have to agree with you on that one. However, as much as I do love to see Spike in pain, I can’t let you kill him.”

I shrugged my shoulders at him, hoping he would understand my interference was out of obligation above anything else.

The demon titled his head to the left side, opposite of his sword, “But he wishes it.”


“Excuse me? I know he hasn’t been too happy the last couple of months, but I don’t think he’s really suicidal.”

From behind me, I heard a cough, the wind bringing me a fresh whiff of Spike’s fallen blood on it.

“W w …we’re not done…yet.” He finished, spitting up blood.

Well, at least now I knew he wasn’t dead. The demon nodded his head at Spike with an accepting look on his face and began to stride forward. I turned around to see Spike nearly crawling up the wall to stand. Did he seriously want to continue to fight this behemoth?

I moved to intercept the demon, as he passed me I reached out a hand to his arm. His gaze slowly moved to my hand and then back to my face, a look of disapproval at being touched clear in his eyes.

Removing my hand, I …well pleaded would have to be the word, with him.

“You can’t seriously think this is a fair fight. You’ll kill him.”

The demon returned his gaze to Spike for a moment before he responded with a shrug.

“He has asked for it, I have agreed. I shall not go back on my word now.”

“Spike’s mouth is always asking to get punched, but he doesn’t mean the things he said. He’s just a troublemaker. You shouldn’t let him rile you up like that.”

I really didn’t want to fight this guy, he was huge. Talking him out of killing Spike seemed the best way to get him out of this one.

The demon surprised me by chuckling, “While I know of how you speak of this one, I do not mean his explicit tongue has warranted his death this night. He and I,” he gestured to Spike who was taking slow steps in our direction, “we go back far into history. He has literally asked for me to take his life, a death in a battle, the way he was meant to go down. The death of a warrior. I’m sure one such as yourself understands.”

With that, he moved away, raising his sword directing his attention at Spike.

“You stand, still, William,” he called out from the middle of the street to Spike who was leaning on the light pole that he had missed by inches in his flight across the road. The demon snorted a bark of laughter, “So to speak.”

I was dumbfounded. I had thought Spikes idle suicidal remarks were…just that; idle. His whole life, unlife, he had always joked about death. Spike had always been the one most full of live. I couldn’t believe that he would actually want to die. Be that as it may, the conversation between the demon and Spike sure did lead one to believe that’s what he was going for.

“Not fer much longer *spit out blood* I can’t let ya take me out tha’ easily.”

Pushing off the pole he put on his best swagger, well, the best he could pull off with what I assumed were various injuries. There was a small pool of blood everywhere Spike had stopped for more than a second, and the smell of it filled the air. Any vampire in a mile radius would be able to smell it.

“Your vampire seems to believe that you should live.”

The demon nodded his head back in my direction.

Spike shook his head,”‘S cause I got ‘is grand prize an’ don’t wan’ it. But I got ya this time, Peaches,” the raise in his voice caused him to stop and double over with a cough, spitting out a few more ounces of blood.

“I picked a goo’ne wit this guy,” he continued when he was upright again, “I’d like ta see ya try an’ take this guy on, ‘im wit da sword you wit what...?”

He looked me over.

He was right I didn’t have a weapon, that he could see, but his senses had been dulled in his new form; the W&H guys had us surrounded and were just waiting for my signal to take out the muscled demon.

“You don’t have to do this Spike, we can find somewhere better for you to be. Something for you to do. It’s stupid to waste this gift that has been bestowed upon you.”

Spike snorted, blood, and shook his head, “Ya’d never un’erstan’.” Then nodded at the demon.

It was too bad he didn’t understand that I did know what he was going through, that I cursed myself everyday for having given it up after having had it. Choosing to be a vampire over humanity haunted my every nightmare. That all I had to do was nod my head and eight different kinds of bullets from eight different directions would fly into his waiting death. Which I did when I saw Spike launch at the demon.

The size of this horned demon belied his speed, should have seen that coming, his sword met Spike half way even as the bullets ripped through his torso. Spike screamed, in pain or anger at the sight of his (friend) death-in-leather’s torso ripping to shreds. The demon grunted, falling to his knees, causing the sword to slice down through Spikes gut.

The rest of the team moved in, loading the demon’s body with a few more rounds, to make sure he was dead, closing in a circle around it. I stood there and stared at Spike, the blade’s hilt had fallen to the ground without the demon’s hands to hold it perpendicular into Spike. He looked like a cocktail weenie on one of those little plastic swords you get at parties.

I didn’t know what to do. The demon had moved much faster than I thought he would have, but I should have known that. They always move faster than you think they’re going to. I spent nearly two minutes in shock staring at Spike staring at the sword in his belly. He stayed on his feet the whole time. The special ops team was moving franticly around us dispatching the demon, which wasn’t killed with just a few bullets, a few even freaking out about the exchange between Spike and I.

“Spike,” I all but whispered.

It was slowly dawning on me that Spike was about to fall into the category of another innocent that I didn’t save. Another member of my team that uselessly lost his life in my battle. The last person I had in this Hell called Los Angeles.

He swallowed, probably blood, it was everywhere, and slowly turned his head to look at me. There was a look of relief in his eyes, as well as fear, but mostly relief.

“I jus’ couldn’t take it,” he replied just before sinking to his knees.

I used all my vampire speed to be there to catch him before he hit the ground. Ripping the sword from his chest, I slammed my left hand over the hole holding him up with my other arm wrapped around his shoulders.

“A vehicle, we need to get him to a hospital, NOW!”

I don’t know what it was, I was not about to let him die on me. We’d spent too much time together to be separated now from a thing as silly as a hole in the stomach.

Plus, I just wasn’t ready to let him go.

* Báltaí - Gaelic for pussy

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