Author's Chapter Notes:
These characters are not mine, all except the Grundy.
The Grundy has several advanced abilities which are beyond the scope of this publication. For further information, we suggest reading our companion book Harnessing the Amazing Abilities of Your Grundy as soon as possible.
-The Complete Manual of Domestic Demon Care
2001 Edition
Chapter 3- The Grundy

“Slayer, we’re here.” Spike killed the engine while Buffy leisurely stretched. The second portion of the drive back to Sunnydale had been a vast improvement, hovering at a solid 8 on the Buffy Meter of Comfort.

The Slayer had rubbed ice across her skin each time the temperature inside the Desoto became intolerable, and that coupled with chilled Pepsi and the gallon tub of frosty ice cream she and Spike had shared, kept her from being miserable. She’d even felt comfortable enough to joke around with Spike, who had also been in a much better mood.

The vampire hadn’t growled or gnashed his teeth even once; instead he’d eaten a huge amount of the ice cream and made the pronouncement that he’d never tasted any flavor as delicious as Mango Surprise. Every time he mentioned the ice cream’s name, he would grin. Buffy supposed it was a vamp thing, although his grin was infectious and she found herself grinning back. When they finally polished off all the ice cream, Spike turned the radio to a soft rock station and they’d spent the remainder of the drive in a companionable silence.

Even the Grundy seemed content. When she’d finished drinking all of her cold water, Buffy had taken to feeding her chunks of ice. She crunched them happily, while in between she lazily gnawed on her new bone.

Stepping out of the Desoto in a good mood, Buffy held the Grundy’s leash and walked toward the crypt while Spike carried some of their stuff. A few feet from the entrance, he spoke in a low tone. “Slayer, there are three heartbeats inside my crypt.”

“Human or demon?”

“Definitely human.”

Handing the leash to Spike, Buffy said, “I’m so over hiding from both the demons and these black beret guys.”

Striding into the crypt poised for a fight, Buffy’s mouth dropped in surprise. Xander, Willow and Anya were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall.

“What are you guys doing here?” She peered at Anya. “Did you walk through the sewer?”

Anya smiled wearily at the Slayer. “I don’t know how you do it all the time, it’s absolute murder on shoes. The Council should pay you a shoe allowance.”

“See, that’s exactly what I think, too.”

Buffy watched Spike walk in carrying Empress and threw him a questioning look. The vampire shrugged his shoulders and set the Grundy on her feet. “Knew it was the white hats, I heard their voices.”

Turning to the trio still sitting on the floor, he raised an eyebrow. “Funny, but I don’t remember requestin’ house sitters.”

Looking around the crypt, Xander smirked. “And I wouldn’t house sit here either, if there was any other choice, like maybe the Hellmouth itself.”

Willow and Anya both frowned at him. “Xander, this is so not the time.”

“Stop it right now Xander.” Buffy’s voice rang out, making all three of her friends cringe.

“But who cares- it’s only Captain Peroxide,” Xander replied, surprised at her response.

Willow watched Buffy and Xander’s exchange, before tilting her head to inspect the tense vampire leaning against the crypt, arms crossed defensively. Head lowered, Spike ignored Xander completely as he watched the Slayer through his lashes.

Buffy, hands on her hips, looked over at Xander staring at her with a confused expression. “I care. Spike’s part of the team now and we all need to work together. I don’t want any more name calling. Ever.Got it?”

Xander looked a little bewildered. “Yeah, sure, Buffy.”

It was obvious to Willow that the blond couple had finally managed to find some common ground in the past twenty-four hours and forge a friendship. Buffy had just stood up to Xander, something she rarely did, and never over Spike. Willow watched Spike relax, nodding his thanks. Buffy flashed him a quick smile.

This is really a good thing. Buffy needs all the support she can get out on patrol. Spike can help her in ways we just can’t, maybe even saving her life some day.

Once everyone took a couple breaths and the atmosphere became a bit more relaxed, Willow caught the vampire’s eye herself. “Spike, I’m sorry for breaking in like we did, but I didn’t know how else to catch you guys before you went to the Magic Box. We were honestly afraid to stand around outside too long, in case any more demons showed up.”

Spike gave her a light smile. “S’right, Red, but why did you need to catch us here first?”

“To tell you that Giles has visitors.”

Buffy sucked in a breath. “Who? Those guys in black?”

Xander nodded. “The Johnny Cash wannabees and they brought their Hellmouth partners, too, a few really stupid, but incredibly strong demons. Anya heard them talking before she booked it down the smelly road.”

“Soldiers and demons both, huh?” Buffy glanced at Spike. “It’s probably those guys that you said would be with them.”

“Morty has never been one to give up easily when there’s dosh to be made.”

Listening to their conversation, Xander worked at wrapping his brain around Buffy and Spike working together now. He knew he’d have to learn to accept it, that much was obvious, or lose his friend. He’d just have to make more of an effort to not let the vampire get to him. Xander knew Buffy could use someone else in the field and wished it could be him, but there was only so much he could do, both in talent and time.

Sighing, he looked at the Grundy sitting next to Spike. “So that’s a Grundy. She’s actually pretty cute in a demon dog sort of way.”

Spike took the statement as the peace offering it was intended to be and replied casually. “Yeah, she’s fairly well behaved, too. We’ve been calling her Empress.”

Anya watched her boyfriend inspect the little demon curiously before reaching over and petting her on the top of the head before she turned to Buffy. “The demons and those soldiers are all looking at the Magic Box for the Talisman. Could I see it?”

“Sure.” The Slayer dug it out of the Grundy’s tote. “We think this is it.”

Anya squinted in the shadowed light. “It certainly looks like a Talisman and it is wearable.” She handed it back to Buffy. “So now what?”

Buffy wrapped the bracelet around her wrist and snapped the clasp. “Easy, peasy. We rescue Giles and then destroy the shiny.”

“I’m always up for a fight, Slayer, but what should we do with Empress?”

“I really like that name.” Willow had started petting the Grundy, too. “Bring her along. She’ll be a lot of help.”

“I hate to disagree, Red, but I’ve been around her now for awhile and the only thing she could do is run around and knock over stuff. Wait, she’s already done that bit at the shop.” Or we could just turn her into stone. He glanced over at Buffy and she met his eyes. Amused, his lips quirked when he saw the twinkle in her eyes. They’d both thought the same thing.

Spike pulled his eyes away from Buffy when Willow countered, “Oh no, she’s capable of far more than that and I’ve thought of a plan that involves her.”

“I’m open to suggestions.” Buffy replied. “What’s your plan?”

Ten minutes later when Willow finished outlining her fairly simple plan, Spike crossed his arms and said, “Well Red, you’re either brilliant or insane to try this, since we’ve seen no indication that she’s capable of doing it. But I’ll reserve judgment on which it will turn out to be. After all, it’s not like I haven’t hatched a few iffy plans back in the day. ”

The red haired witched grinned. “Just wait, you’ll see. It’s not iffy at all. She’s our secret weapon.”

Everyone watched Empress lift her head higher and Buffy thought her expression looked determined. Good, we need determined.


Giles was becoming more concerned. The Captain had been elaborating for fifteen minutes solid on how necessary it was to acquire the Talisman for his leader, growing more resolute with every sentence uttered. A true zealot, the Watcher realized the soldier would stop at nothing to fulfill his objective, even if it meant killing them all.

Meanwhile the demons he’d partnered with and his own contingent of soldiers continued to tear apart the Magic Box, looking for a Talisman they’d never find. Giles grimaced as another display case was deliberately knocked over, the splintered wood and shattered glass adding to the broken merchandise littered across the floor. Anya will have a heart attack when she sees all of this.

In between two particularly loud crashes, Giles heard slight noises emanating from the basement. It sounded as if the cavalry had finally arrived. Scanning the store he realized the demons and soldiers hadn’t yet noticed that a few of the sounds were actually being made from beneath their feet.

Quickly shifting back to the Captain, Giles knew immediately that Tarn had realized. Eyes intent on the basement door, he yelled a warning to his men as the door burst open. Buffy and Spike strode into the room brandishing their swords, quickly engaging the demons closest to the basement door.

At almost the same instant, the front door of the Magic Box flew open and Xander, Willow and Anya rushed in with the chained Grundy in front of them.

The Captain moved to the center of the room, shouting orders to stop the trio. His men rushed forward, pulling knives from belts on their black uniforms.

Giles used the confusion as cover to reach over and grab a hefty piece of wood from one of the broken display cases that had fallen next to the table. The Lieutenant, standing closer to the table than any of the other soldiers, noticed and pulled out a knife, moving forward to engage the Watcher.

They were circling each other warily when the soldier was suddenly struck on the arm by a fist sized fireball that had dropped from above him. His sleeve was quickly enveloped in flames. The lieutenant abandoned the fight, dropping his knife to pat frantically at the burning material with his free hand. The Watcher took the opportunity presented and struck him hard on the side of the head. The soldier’s eyes rolled up and he dropped heavily to the floor. Giles quickly smothered the flames.

After putting out the fire, he surveyed the room, looking for the source of the fireballs. Willow stood atop a fallen book case, partially protected by another, with the Grundy beside her.

Giles watched as Willow said something in the Grundy’s ear and pointed toward a soldier trying to slice Anya with his knife. Anya tripped over some debris trying to get away while the Grundy- the Grundy?- puffed up, eyes intent upon her target.

She snorted and a small fireball flew from her nose, landing directly in front of the target soldier’s feet, impeding his forward momentum and affording Anya the chance to get to her own feet and run the other way. Another fireball landed on a boot. He dove behind the counter with Xander in pursuit.

Another fireball flew toward a third soldier, hitting him in the shoulder. He quickly put out the flames, but not fast enough to keep Giles from knocking him out, too. He joined the other unconscious soldier sprawled on the floor.

Buffy moved closer to a really ugly demon in a shiny suit and thrust her sword toward him. “How did you get in here anyway? Someone make a mistake and leave your cage open?”

“I don’t want any trouble.” Morty quickly backed up. Everything had gone to hell. Looking around, he saw one of his men cut down with a broad sword wielded by Spike. I should have got rid of that damn vampire while I had the chance. He frantically searched for an escape from the Slayer while trying to stay out of the path of the crazy fire shooting demon.

The Slayer continued to advance until she stood right in front of him. “It’s too late, trouble wants you.” She cocked her head. “You know, that’s got to be the most hideous suit I’ve ever seen. I believe you definitely need to rethink your tailor. That color hasn’t been in style since, well, never.”

Aiming for the demon’s leg, Buffy swung her sword, but it bounced off the suit. The demon growled, grabbing the sword in an attempt to pull it away.

“Sorry, you need to buy your own. This one’s mine.” The Slayer wrenched the sword from Morty’s grasp and swung in a wide arc, forcing the sword through the material. Morty gasped loudly as thick green blood drenched the floor.

Buffy narrowed her eyes.“That stupid green blood better be easy to clean or Anya will be really upset and I’m so not taking the blame for this.”

The demon collapsed to his knees in agony and the Slayer aimed the sword toward the middle of his chest. It glanced off the suit coat. Exasperated, Buffy put all her Slayer strength into another thrust, breaking through the suit coat and driving the sword deep into the demon’s chest. Eyes glassy, he fell to the floor.

Disgusted, Buffy watched the green blood dribble from the demon’s mouth, joining the pool forming beneath his body. Walking away, she muttered, “So not taking the blame for this.”

She looked around for another demon, but Spike had already dispatched the rest of Morty’s men. Amused, he was lounging next to the last upright glass case, out of the line of literal fire, watching the Grundy.

Spike caught Buffy’s look and smirked, holding up three fingers.

The Slayer feigned indifference, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder.

He grinned.

Willow, using the Grundy, had forced the last three soldiers still conscious into a tight circle. Xander confiscated their weapons while Anya and Giles tied up the sullen men.

Buffy gave Willow and Empress a smile as Spike called over to the witch climbing down from the bookcase. “Turns out it was on the brilliant side, Red.” Looking at the furry demon, he added, “Bloody great job, Empress.” The Grundy enthusiastically wagged her tail and Spike thought he saw a smile.

Giles faced the Captain, still standing apart from his men. “Drop your weapon, Captain Tarn. It’s too late, you can’t win now.”

Wearily, the soldier nodded and dropped his knife. Raising both hands in surrender, he walked over and stood with his men.

Striding over to the group of confined soldiers, the Slayer issued orders. “Everyone needs to sit down until I can figure out what to do with you.” She waited while they complied. Once they were all sitting down, she held up her wrist and the onyx bracelet sparkled.

“Just so you know, we’ll be destroying this Talisman, so no one else can steal it.”

The Captain frowned at the young woman with her wrist in the air. “That’s not the Talisman.”

“What? Sure it is.” Confused, Buffy lowered her wrist. “It came with the Grundy and everything.”

Tarn laughed mirthlessly. “If you believe that to be the Talisman, then you are very much mistaken. The old woman must have done something else with it after all. We have followed the wrong path; you were nothing but a ruse. However the time is up and our cause has truly been lost.”

Giles stared at him in amazement. “We had no description, yet we were certain this had to be it. Will you describe the real Talisman?”

“Why not? It doesn’t matter any longer. It is a small golden pendant, hollow on the inside, with a prayer inscribed on the front.”

“I’ve never seen anything like that. We really don’t have it.”

Looking around at the surprised faces of the Scoobies, Spike stifled a chuckle. Trust the Watchers to bollocks up even this.


Three hours later, sitting around the table amid the ruins of the Magic Box, Buffy slumped in her seat. “I still can’t believe it.” She looked down at the delicate bracelet still hooked around her wrist. “It was a decoy all along.”

Giles hung up the phone. “That was Quentin. Several Watchers arrived by private jet an hour ago. Worried about the spy and the safety of the Talisman, he secretly sent them here much sooner then he’d originally planned. He wouldn’t speak with me because he knew I’d attempt to discuss the Grundy and he’d already discovered the phones were being tapped.

The Watchers bailed the soldiers out of jail, and they’ll take them back to England where they’ll be dealt with by the Council.”

Joining the others seated at the table, he looked over at Spike. “That was a brilliant idea to lock them up in the Sunnydale Jail for safekeeping. Breaking and entering and destruction of property was an easy sell.”

Xander chuckled. “Gotta love Sunnydale. The cops were thrilled it was only breaking and entering. Of course they get that all the time, but it’s usually served with a side of chomped citizens.”

Surveying the wreckage, Giles mused, “It’s so odd though, even with everything torn apart, my car keys never showed up.”

Anya stared at her partner sitting there looking glum over a set of lost car keys. “I can’t believe you’re worried about keys with all of this mess to deal with now. I just know the Council won’t pay for all of this, even if it is their fault.”

He shrugged. “It’s the little things that can be most worrisome.”

Spike lit a cigarette with the matches he’d picked up the previous night. “I know what you mean about the little things. I lost a lighter yesterday that I’ve had since 1954.”

Willow shifted to look at both men. “You’ve noticed some important things missing recently, huh?” When they both nodded, she smiled and turned to the Grundy lying next to Spike. Patting her head, she caught the Grundy’s eye. “Even though you’re so young, you’ve still been trying to do your job, haven’t you? Okay Empress, your work is over. Reveal.”

Everyone watched the Grundy hop to her feet. Slowly she unhinged her jaw, making her mouth twice as large.

Xander made a face. “That’s just wrong in so many ways.”

Wagging her tail, Empress lowered her head. Suddenly Giles’ keys hit the floor, followed by Spike’s lighter, the television remote from the Gran Torino, a pillar candle, two wooden Goddesses and Buffy’s missing knife. The last thing to hit the floor was a small golden pendant.

Slowly the Grundy rehinged her jaw. Looking up, she wagged her tail again; unaware of the sensation she’d created. Or maybe she did know. Anya swore later she caught a happy smile cross Empress’ face.

“Bloody hell!”

“Oh my Goodness.” Giles stared at the things on the floor.

Buffy looked from the floor to the young demon. “I don’t get it. That’s the little knife I lost in Spike’s crypt. It was inside the Grundy? All this time? Along with all that other stuff?”

Willow grinned at the surprised expressions. “That’s the main thing rich demons use these guys for. They’re portable bank vaults. You see, besides the unhinging jaw, a Grundy has two stomachs. The small one is for normal eating type stuff and the second, stretchy one is lined with some sort of hardened material, sort of like concrete. It’s impervious to any damage from items placed within it.”

Spike glanced at the Slayer and she shook her head imperceptivity. Shrugging he went back to listening to Red’s explanation.

“I didn’t have time to read the entire second book recommended on the website, so I don’t know exactly how it works, but besides being sweet, adorable and scary smart, a Grundy is fiercely protective of its family and by extension, their possessions.

They have the ability to shoot those little fireballs along with wicked teeth and nails. Factor in the enhanced hearing and night vision and you’ve got an incredible guard dog. They’ll store your valuables and guard them all at the same time. Personally I think that’s awesome.”

“Sometimes someone can have way too much money,” Buffy muttered, watching the Grundy trot happily back to Spike. She’s so pleased with herself. The Slayer suddenly found herself giggling. Only on the Hellmouth.

Anya pondered the implications. “No wonder all those rich demons carry them around, they’re like a wallet with snapping teeth. No one in their right mind would try a purse snatching either. You know that just makes them even more marketable.”

Spike dropped his lighter in the duster’s front pocket and looked down at the Grundy lying back across his feet again. “So you were savin’ things for us that we considered important.”

I’m not daft. There really was a remote. Suddenly feeling extremely relieved, he cheerfully scratched the Grundy’s ears. “What a good girl.”

The Watcher reached for his keys. “Extraordinary. The breeder knew about the demon’s ability, so she gave the Talisman to the Grundy and had her protect it while using the bracelet to throw everyone off the track.”

Willow nodded in agreement. “But it triggered her desire to protect valuables. She hasn’t been trained completely, so Empress starting choosing for herself what stuff needed to be protected by watching you guys. The things you valued, she tried to take care of for you.”

Giles smiled at the little demon. Turning back to the Scoobies, he harked back to the earlier conversation. “Quentin mentioned on the phone that they now know who was spying on the Council. Tarn told them in exchange for a lighter sentence for his men. It turned out to be the ambassador; he’d secretly aligned himself with their faction. The Talisman was needed for Tarn’s side to use during the succession. Their leader required it as divine proof he should hold both thrones. The succession was completed several hours ago, so the Talisman is no longer of value. We don’t need to destroy it any longer.”

“So what should I do with the bracelet?”

“Buffy, I have no earthly idea. The Council has no interest in it, having had no contact with the breeder. I would suggest you keep it, otherwise donate it to charity.”

“I’ll keep it for now, until I decide.”

“This entire situation has brought up another interesting problem. Obviously the Council can’t give the ambassador the Grundy and the men sent to take her to England have already left with the soldiers. The Council has requested that we continue to keep her for a bit longer.”

Giles watched the Grundy stare adoringly into Spike’s face while he gently scratched her ears. “Spike, Buffy mentioned that you’ve agreed to go out on patrol with her.”

Spike stiffened. “The Slayer asked me and I agreed, is that a problem?”

“No, not at all. I know you’ve been going out already on your own occasionally. In fact, I’m very happy that she’ll finally have some stronger backup. We all try, but lately Buffy’s been doing it alone far too much to make me comfortable, especially with so many new demons moving to the Hellmouth. I believe you’ll be an enormous help and I’d like to thank you for taking on the task.”

He watched as the vampire relaxed, slumping down in the chair again. “Actually, I was wondering if you’d consider something else that would help us out. Would you be interested in taking care of the Grundy for awhile longer? The Council will pay her expenses and a bit to you as her caretaker.”

Spike’s eyes lit up even though he tried to appear nonchalant. “I guess I could keep her. We’re used to each other now.” Spike lifted the young demon’s head and stared into her eyes, murmuring, “I’ll do it as long as she doesn’t nick anythin’ else from my crypt without permission.”

The Grundy looked at him and crooned. Everyone saw her wink.

“Good. I’m happy to have that settled.”

Willow was excited. “Oh, I could pick up that other book and finish her training. It really should be completed within the next couple of weeks.”

“That’s probably a good idea. I doubt they would choose to remove her that quickly.”

Buffy watched the vampire smile lovingly at the small demon and inspiration struck. She turned to her Watcher. “Giles, why can’t we keep the Grundy permanently? You saw what an asset she was during the fight. Spike could keep her; she really behaves well for him.”

“I don’t know Buffy. If she were to stay here the Council would not provide any more funds for her upkeep. It would fall to us.”

Anya looked up sharply. Men. “Giles, you do realize that this is the only living female Grundy left in Sunnydale. She’s worth a small fortune. Why, when she’s older, the breeding fees alone will take care of her upkeep.”

The Watcher knew he faced a united front and besides, they had fairly valid points. “Actually, this might be the answer to a dilemma. Personally, I believe the Council is embarrassed at this point; they have no earthly idea what to do with the Grundy. I’m sure they’d jump at the chance to be rid of it permanently.”

Buffy pointed at the phone. “Then it’s settled. Call Travers back and tell them that we’re keeping Empress.” She smiled down at the little demon who had been listening avidly, her eyes bouncing from one person to another, tail wagging furiously. She obviously wanted to stay.

The Slayer picked up her sword. “I’m getting out of here before you break out the brooms and dust pans. It’s getting late and I need to patrol.”

“You mean it’s time for us to patrol, don’t you Slayer?”

She smiled at the blond vamp rising to his feet. “Yeah, I do. We’ll drop Empress off and then head out.”

”Spike, could I walk Empress back to your crypt? I’d really like the chance to spend some time with her. I could watch her until you guys return.”

“S’alright with me, Red, it’s still early enough to be safe, especially with her beside you.
You can let me know when you want to start the trainin’.”

The red haired witch brightened. “I’ll pick up the book tomorrow and start looking it over. I can let you know after that.” She started for the door with the Grundy in tow. “We’ll see you guys later tonight.”

Spike picked up his own sword and turned to the blonde. “Slayer, why don’t we start our patrol with the closed junkyard by the auto parts store? I heard through the grapevine that there’s a demon clan that just blew into town setting up shop in there.”

“That’s a good idea. I haven’t had time to patrol over that way in at least a couple weeks.” Buffy examined her small knife critically. “You know, I really should have been more curious about where this went.”

“We had to leave quickly and you knew it was in the crypt somewhere.” Spike smirked at the blonde. “Besides, Slayer, too much curiosity isn’t always a good thing. It did in the bloody cat, you know.”

“Nah, you’re wrong there, Spike. Everyone knows curiosity was framed,” Buffy quipped, her eyes twinkling at the vamp. “Stupidity killed the cat. Probably a plan gone wrong and that’s something I bet you understand completely.”

Chuckling, he countered, “Maybe so, although now that I think about it, if you’d had your knife, you might’ve killed more than just the one demon and not had to leave all three of the others for me.”

He grinned at the Slayer mock brandishing the knife toward him. “The count’s three to one.”

“Now wait just a minute there, bucko, I had to actually saw through that ugly suit and even with a sword, that takes time.” Buffy put her hands on her hips while trying to stifle a matching grin.

Bucko?” Spike raised an eyebrow at the laughing blonde. “I dunno about that Slayer. Vinny was wearin’ a right ugly jacket and I cut through that, along with Vinny, like I was cuttin’ through butter and I still had enough time to finish off the other two.”

He waved three fingers in the air and intoned, “And the count shall be three.”

Buffy ignored both the waving fingers and the Monty Python quote. “Huh. Your sword couldn’t have made a dent in that suit any faster; the shiny part was some sort of cheap Kevlar. Besides, the jacket wasn’t nearly as ugly as the suit, except for that whole elbow patches thing. Why would a demon wear a corduroy jacket with leather elbow patches anyway?”

“Vinny was an idiot. Maybe he thought the elbow patches made him look smarter, like some poncy literature professor.” Spike waited at the door for her. “The sequel to last night’s movie is on late tonight. Would you like to come over after patrol and watch it?”

“That sounds like fun. You know, I bet Willow would like that one, too. We can ask her when we get back to your crypt. But we’ll need more snacks. I ate all the Cheetos last night.”

The Slayer walked over to stand beside Spike at the door. “I think there should be a special rule for armor.”

“You polished off all the peanuts, too.” Spike held the door for her. “I’ll concede a half point for the armor.”

“The peanuts were stale and I want a whole point.”

Still arguing good naturedly, they let the door close with a bang.

Xander stared after the blonde couple until the door closed completely. Running a hand through his hair he turned to see his girlfriend smiling after them. “Okay, let’s just summarize what’s been happening this weekend because I’m confused and having a seriously hard time understanding all this. It looks to me like Spike picked up a job working side by side with Buffy, who by the way, he is getting along with really well. He was given a genuinely awesome pet and now even has a real social life.”

Anya nodded. “That about sums it up, although you forgot to mention that Buffy acquired a very ugly tote and an expensive antique bracelet, both for free.”

She shrugged delicately at her boyfriend. “You know, it’s not like we didn’t all see their partnership coming. I mean, it was bound to happen once they spent some time alone, they are very compatible. I’m sure they’ll be spending lots of time together from now on and we all know where that will lead. I give it a month before they’re a real couple.”

Ignoring the faint ‘dear lord’ that floated from somewhere behind her left ear, Anya chuckled. She knew if she turned around, Giles would have a dazed expression on his face while polishing his glasses.

Men. They just don’t see anything until it smacks them broadside across the head. Women are so much more perceptive about things.

Shaking her head at her boyfriend’s similarly dazed expression, she took him by the arm and tugged gently, leading him toward the door. “Come on Xander, let’s go home. Hopefully you haven’t lost your own job, although I think you’ve definitely lost your friends to Spike and his adorable Grundy.”

The End

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