Disclaimer, disclaimer... The phone call and the book stolen from the movie but twisted for all my needs.
If you're reading my others stories, hold on I'm not abandoning you, I promise.

Review please.

Chapter 3

“Are you sure I can’t write a note?” William looked ahead and stared at the pay phone from the safety of the parked car.

“A note would have to be mailed. We can’t sit here all day.”

“Oh, I’m sure we can.” He laughed, slightly embarrassed with himself. “I hate talking on the bloody phone. Just a normal phone call makes me skittish and now I have to demand a ransom…I wish I could have a drink.”

“I’d rather have you nervy than boozed up. How much are you asking for? If you ever get out of the car that is…”

“I don’t know.”

“How about two million? It’s not too much and it can be spilt easily.”

William looked in Buffy’s direction for the first time since he had parked the car in front of the abandoned building. “What would I do with a million dollars, pet?”

“Anything you want to do.”


“Don’t say a word until I tell you to.”

Buffy rolled her eyes at William’s unnecessary demand and leaned on the panel of the pay phone. She felt her heart speed up, knowing that William had their futures in his sweaty hands. Keeping her ear close, she listened carefully to the muffled sounds coming through the telephone and she grimaced as she eavesdropped on William’s pathetic attempt at extortion.

“Hi, Mr. Summers. It’s me. What? Look, I—yes, that’s right. Me. Kidnapper! Yes. What?! Well, no, it’s not like that! That’s bloody unfair! Now--.”

Buffy quickly took the phone from William and hung it up.

“What are you doing?! You cut me off! I was--.”

“What were you doing, William?” Buffy stood between William and the pay phone. “That was sad.”

“It was not! I was negotiating with your father but the bastard kept on interrupting!” He stomped his foot in frustration. “I couldn’t get a fucking work in! It wasn’t my fault--.”

“Good God William, is anything your fault?!”


“Someday, someday soon, I’m just going to kick you William, right in the shin and I hope it will leave a bruise.”


“Shut up. I need you… I need you to be a bad ass! I need you to scream and yell and…William, if we’re going to get any money my dad has to be afraid of you. You need to go in hard and fast.”

“Hard and fast?”

Buffy took the receiver into her hand. “I’m you, ok? Now imagine it’s ringing. You psyche yourself up. Grrr.”


“That’s right, but you sound like a kitty William.” She cleared her throat and with no warning, Buffy began screaming into the phone. “Now you fucking asshole, I’ve got your daughter here and I’m going to mail her back to you in pieces if I don’t get what I want, I’m going to cut her fingers off with a pair of pliers and fry them up for breakfast.” Buffy quickly reverted to her calm, normal voice. “Yada, yada, on and on like that for probably no longer than thirty seconds.”

“You’re insane.” William was starring, open-mouthed, torn between being impressed and horrified. “Where did you get all that from?”

“A movie.” Buffy couldn’t help but flash a proud grin. “Try, practice and then call him again.”

“Grrr, right? I did shot him, didn’t I? He should be a little spooked…right?”

“Sure you shot him but then you bawled like a baby.” Buffy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Maybe he needs a different approach…

“You’re the kidnapper, William. Kidnappers don’t negotiate; it’s a sign of weakness. Psyche yourself up and call him again. Remember, demand and yell. Remember, that you shot him and think of how you’ve been wronged by him. You can do this William. I…I believe in you.”

She needs me.

William blinked in shock and didn’t know how to react.

She believes in me.

“I need more quarters.”

“Are you sure you can do it now?”

“I—I think so.”


“Right! Right!”

“Do you need another example--?”

“No!” William avoided Buffy’s gaze and looked at the buttons of the phone as Buffy placed coins in his hand. “Didn’t you mention we could call the media? Um, do you have their number?”

“You don’t have to call anymore.” Buffy searched through her purse. “You’ve called everyone that I can think of, well except Hank.” She grinned at the fear that sparked in William’s eye. “But I think this will be ok…the TV people should be camping out at Summers Enterprises and at the mansion. You did well, but now we’re gonna have a lot people on our tail. Even if you wanted to call, we’re completely out of quarters.”

William followed Buffy to the car and opened the passenger door for her. “Um…thanks for all the motivational speaking back there; I couldn’t have done it without you…”

She frowned but got into the car. He’s not going to put on my seat belt now, is he? “You’re welcome. Let’s get out of here.”


“Sure, pet. Thank you.”

“Do you trust me yet?”

“Do you want me to trust you?”




“That’s not a real answer.”

“It’s what you’re going to get, William.”

“Well, then I might trust you.”

“I can live with that. Where are we heading?”

“East, I hope.”

“Are we going to stop soon?”

“I don’t know. Like you said, I’m sure everybody will be after us now. Stopping would be dangerous. We may be sleeping in the car tonight, pet.”

“Why do you call people ‘pet’?”

“Don’t know, it sounded right and it stuck. The girls always took a fancy to it too.”

“Oh.” Buffy looked out the window at the passing scenery and dismissed the tingles of jealously that disturbed her heart.

The girls…

“He’s calling all the major networks!” Hank threw a glass with his good arm and angrily kicked his desk. “Ow!” He hopped a little before collapsing in his leather chair. “Two million dollars! Two million dollars!” Hank dug through his desk drawer and frantically searched for his red stress ball.

“Mr. Summers, there is a Riley Finn to see you.” The secretary opened the door for the tall, sandy haired man and then the two men alone in Hank’s office.

“I came as soon as I heard.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Riley Finn--.”

“I know your name. Who are you?”

“I’m Buffy’s boyfriend and I want to help you get her back.”

“Don’t we all?” Hank grumbled and rolled his eyes. “I didn’t know Buffy had a steady boyfriend.”

“Well, she always stressed making our relationship private…”

“Is that right? So Riley, where does your father work?”

“Goodie, now we’re gonna have some fun.” Faith turned up the television and petted Willow’s hair.

“Maybe that guy isn’t so dumb after all.” Willow shrugged and watched the news with her head resting in Faith’s lap. “Are we going to start tailing them now? We need to get them before the police do.”

“I guess we have to. We can’t let Hankie down.”

“Hankie.” Willow giggled and stroked Faith’s bare knee. “I can’t wait ‘til we get all that money. One hundred thousand dollars…”

“It could be more if we play our cards right. Won’t it just be peachy if we got our paychecks and a bit of that ransom money?”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful.”

“Are you enjoying the book?”

Buffy wrinkled her nose but didn’t look up from the page she was reading. “It’s a romance, there’s a guy and girl and they fall in love.”

“Well that makes sense; it is called the ‘Games of Love,’ right? A romantic storyline should be a given…”

“It’s crap.”

“How many pages have you read?”

“Two hundred, all crap.”

“You really read that much of a story you hate?”

“Fine, I’ll admit it, I’m skimming through most of it and just reading the sex scenes, happy now?”

//“I’ll be the judge of that,” he said firmly, closing his shiny leather briefcase and snapping the gold lock into place. “I’ve got a flight to catch.”

For a moment fury burned in her eyes and her cheeks flushed with anger, but all was extinguished by a single flash of his incandescent smile. She almost hated him for the power he so effortlessly exerted over her emotions, but the truth was that she loved him too much.

She traced a finger around the waist of his Italian designer suit, sensing his firm abdominal muscles through the crisp cotton of his tailored English linen shirt. Avoiding his cold, gloating gaze, she let her hand drift down toward the swelling of his passion below. She heard his breathing become shallow and a flicker of a smile played upon her lips as she meditated on the power she now held.

“Are you sure you want to catch that flight?//

Buffy tapped on the partially rolled down window, making William squeal and drop the book that he had been reading. “You scared me. Um, I was just…you’re bookmark fell out and I wanted to put it back in the right place and…”

Buffy pushed two greasy bags of food in William’s face and walked around the car with their drinks in her hands. “No barometer is more sensitive to the needs and desires of men and women than a novel with a gold embossed title, huh?” Buffy got into the car and put the Styrofoam cups into the cup holders.


“You’re still in an embarrassed daze I see. Reading is nothing to be ashamed of, even if it’s bullshit.” Buffy picked up the book off the floor and looked at the binding, finding where William had made a crease. “Would you like it if I read it to you as you drove? Just seeing your blushy face would be more entertaining than reading it myself.”

William looked at Buffy in horror, not knowing how he would react to Buffy reading him a seedy romance novel.

I’ll run off the road and kill us. Quick, think of an excuse. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I can wait. I’ll read until it’s dark.”

“This was the moment for which she had waited so long. She gasped in delight as she sensed the firm exploratory pressure of his flesh.” Buffy cleared her throat and turned the last page. “Her mind filled with a thousand crazy images while the frisson of delight erupted between her thighs. In the hidden recesses of her pelvis, their bodies fused into one writhing mass of torrid sexual imperative. She pulled him closer, deeper, unable to stop. This indeed was perfect love: inexplicable, unpredictable, and absolutely beyond control.”

Buffy closed the book and turned off the tiny flashlight that she had used as a night-light and left her and William in darkness except for the green glow of the dash as they sped down the highway.

Bloody hell.

William gritted his teeth and attempted to nonchalantly adjust his pants.

Damn that book, damn her voice. Was she trying to kill us or just me? What was she up to?

William glanced at Buffy and swallowed, feeling his already-excited lower regions twitch at the sight of the moon beaming on her face, making Buffy’s skin look pearly and soft to the touch.

“This can’t be good.” William murmured under his breath and changing the radio station to an oldies radio station.

“Shit.” William heard a few words of the song that was playing before he quickly started pushing buttons, desperate to change the station, but he was too late, the words had already done their damage.

Falling? Yes I am falling.


“Hey, hey Buffy.” William gently shook her shoulder. “Wake up, love.”


“I hate to wake you but we’re stopping here for the night and I thought you’d like to sleep in the back so you don’t get any aches and pains from sleeping leaning against the window.”

“Oh.” Buffy rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and brushed her hands on her jacket, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles. “Where’re you going to sleep?”

“Up here, now in the back with you.”

“But I don’t wanna put my boots on.” Buffy whined and looked out the window. “I don’t wanna walk barefoot out there, we’re parked in a field.”

“You don’t think you can hop over the seat?”

“I could, but I’m not exactly dressed for hopage.” She pointed at her pleaded mini-skirt.

“I’ll close my eyes.”


“Really. See? I can’t see a bloody thing.” William closed his eyes and looked forward.

“Um…” Buffy struggled over the seat and landed with a plop. “Done. Thanks, again.”

“You’re welcome.” William stretched his legs along the bench seat and rested the side of his head against the back of the seat. “Goodnight.”


This is just a common reaction to not being treated like shit, that’s it, nothing more and nothing less. I like William, sure I do, and he’s a nice guy for an unstable kidnapper and guy who shot my father in the arm. But that’s it…nothing more.

Buffy rolled over again and struggled to get comfortable.

This, this strangle tinglely feeling is just the beginnings of a new friendship. Maybe he’ll visit years from now when I’m living in my beach house…I don’t have any other feelings for the guy.

Even if he is kinda hot and that accent can seem really sexy over long periods of time…but it doesn’t mean anything else.

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