[Reviews - 38] LikedPrinter
Summary: The story is set in the mid 1300's, but this isn't a gallant knight story: Sir William d'Aurelius is a berserker, a feared warrior who fights in an uncontrollable trance of fury. Though human, he is cursed with a supernatural blood lust. The origins of this curse are mysterious and will affect the life of Lady Elizabeth of Harris, a young woman who offers to marry him after he saves her from rape. But she also has her own secrets, the least of them being her mission to bring down his King.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations, Rape
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 7631 Read: 2671
Published: 04/27/2008 Updated: 05/11/2008

1. We Few, We Happy Few by Nox Noctua [Reviews - 23] Liked (4028 words)
I own nothing, nothing at all and Joss is God. The backdrop to this story is a very bastardized re-imagining of Bernard Cornwell 's genre, perhaps combined with a good ol' trashy romance novel. It is meant to be an action/adventure/romance/horror type thing, but it might just end up being a mess of bad writing! The chapters' titles are quotes from Henry V and oh, I am taking ARTISTIC LICENSE with historical details.

2. Greyhounds in the Slips by Nox Noctua [Reviews - 15] Liked (3603 words)
I called this chapter "Greyhounds in the Slips" because it's like my "1,2, 3, GO" chapter (dogs before a race, right?). I'm setting the story up and after that, it will go pretty much all Spuffy. I tend to be a stickler for plot and a slow writer (plus I'm really busy), so this is what happens LOL> But I will probably post the 3rd chapter this week.