Chapter Two
Moving In

“Hey watch it will you!” yelled a voice that didn’t belong in Buffy’s cloudy brain, she tried to ignore it reached for her blankets and pulled them over her head. It was too early in the morning and too cold, to have to even have think about what was going on around her.

“Where you want it mister?” another voice penetrated into Buffy’s head, grating over her already tired brain cells. She begrudgingly pulled the covers down and looked at her bedside clock.

7.43 AM

“Upstairs, the first room to the right,” the first voice that she had heard before sounded again.

“Why me? Why now? What have I done to deserve this?” Buffy grumbled to no one but herself, “It’s Saturday for goodness sake!”

She stumbled out of her bed over to her window, looking out she saw what had created the racket that had awoken her up. A large moving van was parked outside the front of Old Coopers’ place, two burly men in grey overalls moved furniture and boxes on the front lawn of next door. A mixture of old and modern furniture formed a menagerie on the front yard. It resembled more of a jumble sale than a 'moving in thingy', Buffy thought.

A car door slamming caught her attention, with the accompanying “Bugger” that went with it. The distant English accent was strong and piercing. The owner’s annoyance reverberated in the air as it was carried into Buffy’s ears. Snapping her head towards the owner of the voice she saw the back of the platinum head that could have only belonged to her mystery man from the other day. He was holding a cell phone to his ear, as he began to pace the lawn, his annoyance to whom ever he was talking too expressed in his gait and the irritation in his face that only hardened the chiselled look of his face.

What ever it was he was really pissed.

In that moment he turned and looked up into his neighbours house, up to the second story and saw the figure that stood at the window. Staring at the young girl, he plainly saw her amusement at his displeasure, only making him seethe more at the disaster that had been his day already, and he hadn’t even had a coffee or a smoke yet.

The day had been a total catastrophe, the movers had shown up two hours earlier than expected making him totally unprepared for the day, and interrupting his sleep. Not that he got much lately, and if anything it was so broken that he felt like a dropped drinking glass that had shattered into a thousand pieces. So much like his life in the last three months. So broken he thought sometimes that he may never be able to glue it back together again. But he had to get his life back on track, because he had more than himself to think about, something more important than his own life.

Reflecting on his thoughts, his hands went into his pockets looking for the smokes that he had hastily given up a few weeks ago. His mind raced to think whether he had an old packet in the car or anywhere within the packing boxes.

“Bugger, of all the bloody stupid times!” he swore to himself, turning around towards the house, the young girl in the window was the least of his concerns as he was drawn deep into other worries that whirled around in his mind. She was forgotten within the same instant that he noticed her.

“No Mum I wasn’t talking to you!” the accent becoming more broad and strained within the contexts of his conversation, “Please Mum don’t worry we will be alright!”

“Yes Mum I have your number in the phone don’t worry.”

“Yes Mum any sign of trouble I call you straight away.”

“Mum you know why I had to leave!” Buffy watched as his face turned pale, drained of all colour, his head bowed down to the ground, “I can’t stay there mum, please don’t ask again!”

With a flick of his wrist he turned the cell off and turned towards the car once again, he moved towards the front passenger door, looking in the glove compartment finding what he’d been looking for.

Sod it, he thought to himself as he light up a stale cigarette, the bitter sour taste filled his mouth and the smoke caused his head to spin. He let the repulsive stale smoke fill his lung and his senses, it was if it was the only sense feeling he had left in his being.

He felt numb from the inside out, and all he wanted to do was feel again, the emptiness was killing him…


Buffy watched as the peroxide blond moved in a hurried rush around his own lawn talking into his cell phone. She moved back quickly from the window as she saw the blonde’s face look into her window noticing her presence. Her presence was noticed, and one that she didn’t think that he seemed to like, with the hardened look of disapproval in his face. Even from the distance of her window, she could see the tension in his face causing the muscles on his cheekbones to strain. Buffy realised at that moment in time that this was one fellow that she wouldn’t like to irritate.

But as quickly as he glared at her, he turned and began roaming back towards his own house. Talking it would appear to his mom, and a very worried mom at that. It kinda reminded Buffy about how here own mom worried too much about her.

‘Like hello I am 18’, Buffy thought to herself.

She continued to watch as, he moved back towards his car, terminating his conversation on the cell, leaning in through the door, finding something, a cigarette, lighting it up, and inhaling deeply. Buffy could feel her own stomach turn at the thought of the second hand smoke. She looked deeper into the interior of the car, she observed what appeared to be a baby seat with the back seat of the car. Lying within it she could see a bright florescent green blanket, she couldn’t make out whether an infant lay within it, or it was just covered with a blanket.

“Ok so we have baby, where’s mom?” Buffy’s mind raced thinking where was the baby’s mother. Reflecting back to her first sighting of the mystery man, he was alone then, but he must be married or something...where was the child’s mother. She looked around the neighbour’s yard and saw no woman present. The baby must be with its mom she thought, but she heard the first howl of the infant that did indeed lie within the baby seat.

The new neighbour quickly extinguished the cigarette that lay between his lips, and removed the squalling infant from the baby seat. He quickly moved to pickup a baby bag that lay next to the baby seat and slammed the back door. Only making the little one cry even louder, and wriggle within his arms. He quickly made his way into the house and disappeared from view.


The smoke that had filled his lungs now made him feel like he wanted to be sick, but this didn’t stop him from inhaling more with his next breathe, making him feel like he was going to gag on his next inspiration on the oxygen and smoke filled gas.

Life and death in the same breathe.

What a contradiction he contemplated, as he heard the baby begin to cry, demanding attention. He extinguished the cigarette that had been creating such an overwhelming feeling of physical and emotional turmoil within him. He went to retrieve the baby from the car seat, the baby bag that lay beside it and quickly moved towards the house.

His mind began to wonder as the life he held in his arms became insistent and wanted to be feed. And probably a nappy change wouldn’t hurt, the smell coming from the nappy was just horrendous.

“What have we been feeding you Little Bit.”

Laying the baby on the counter in the kitchen that they know stood within, he went about changing the baby. His mind lost in deep thoughts of a woman happy and stunningly beautiful with pregnancy, thinking that she should be here, now, and in this moment. Sharing every moment with their child, every cry, smile, word, and even a dirty nappy or two.

But that dream had been shattered so quickly and agonizingly by one bleak moment in time. And one drunk driver, who never saw the BMW coming the other way, he was so drunk that he couldn’t keep his head up and didn’t see the headlights of the other car. Not even as he ploughed in the BMW, causing the owner and his wife to be thrown around like marbles, triggering one of them to splinter into a thousand pieces. Causing the untimely birth of their child and the haemorrhage that eventually seeped the life force out of her.

The baby oblivious to these poignant thoughts within her fathers head gurgled and began pulling at her feet. Seemingly happy to have a new nappy on and playfully went about further exploring her toes. A smile or something that resembled a smile adorned the little face, making the father lose his scowl, reminding him this is what was now the most important thing in his life.

His child…and no one or anything else mattered more than his child.


Buffy was not the only one to see the new arrivals, Joyce had noticed the young man struggle with his own thoughts and the baby. Her heart ached at the sight, and her maternal instincts cut in, driving her into the kitchen and the stove. She quickly prepared the milk and retrieved the thermos from its hiding place from the back of the pantry.

Making her way over to the Coopers’ place she knocked on the door, and waited for the shadows she saw move within come to the back door. With the swing of the door there within stood a very handsome man and a half naked baby about six months old in only a nappy.

“Hi, I’m your neighbour form next door, ummm Joyce,” Joyce moved closer to the two, “I thought you could use a hand, or something.”

She lifted the thermos in the air, placed the other hand on the screen door opening it and coming straight in. Causing the occupants to move back further into the house, and out of Joyce’s way as she barged in, moving straight into the kitchen, she surveyed her surroundings.

“What lady you don’t need an invitation or something?” the open hostility causing Joyce to cringe somewhat. Causing the baby to cry, and wriggle about in between the two arms that held her within them. The baby leaned with arms out stretched towards Joyce, crying harder and making her intentions even clearer. She wanted Joyce to take her from her fathers embrace, and give her a cuddle. Joyce’s motherly intuition made her move forward and take the baby from her father, and begin to soothe the child with a little jiggle of the baby and soft words uttered from her mouth.

“There’s some milk in the thermos for you, I thought that a nice hot drink was just what you needed,” Joyce indicated to the stainless steel container that still lay within her hand. She indicated to the new neighbour that he should take it. Opening it up he looked in at the contents, smelt the aroma that permeated from it and began to laugh at its contents.

“Hot bloody Chocolate!” the British accent softened and was almost unheard by those in the room, “Got any of those little marshmallows to go with that?”

Joyce indicated to the bag that was slung from her shoulder, he moved forward and removed her burden, only to find it full of goodies. Enough to have a sugar rush from for a very long time.

“I thought if you’re anything like my kids, you’d have a very sweet tooth and would like some junk food to tide you over until you can go to the market.”

“Thanks I appreciate the thought.”

“Your welcome.”

Joyce moved the baby over to her hip as she moved towards counter, and what appeared to be the baby bag. Opening it up she took out a baby bottle, and moved toward the microwave, she’d spotted earlier. Putting it inside and turning it on to heat the baby’s food.

“You’re very forth right in some one else house you don’t know!”

“Yes my girls say I’m like a bull in a china shop, it doesn’t matter where I am if I can help I do, it’s in my nature,” Joyce watched as the digital timer counted down on the microwave.

“Yes Buffy thinks-“ Joyce began to stammer.

“Buffy... did you say Buffy?” he couldn’t contain his amusement at the name.

“Yes and what’s wrong with that name, it’s the name I gave her!”

“Um, ewh, um, well nothing I suppose.”

“And just what would your name be young man?” Joyce demanded from this strange man before her.

“Um William, William Benson.”

“William, hmmm, I would have thought of something else. Something more liking with your ummmmm,” lost for words Joyce couldn’t think of what to say.

“More like Spike?” Spike chuckled at the woman before him, “Spike to my friends.”

Joyce laughed at the mans’ nickname, yes it seemed to fit him perfectly. The timer went of on the microwave, she took out the bottle, tested it for temperature, and deciding it was just right, she proceed to feed the baby.

“And this little ones name?”


“Imogen, what a gorgeous name. Who is she named after?”

“My mother said she was the spitting image of me when she was born, I couldn’t think of a name so Imogen stuck.”

“She didn’t look like your wife?” Joyce looked around for a while, “She didn’t come with you today?”

“No,” his scowl returned to his face. Joyce thought better than tempting fate, to find out the truth to the where about of his wife.

“Oh, well in that case, umm why don’t I be neighbourly and invite you over for breakfast, seeing that is one has already had hers, and I’m sure you’re hungry.”

“Um, I don’t know the movers still have to move the stuff in.”

“Let them move your stuff in, the girls and I volunteer to help you get your stuff in the way you like later. Come on, come and have some real food,” nudging the bag full of snacks and junk food. “Real home cooking, I promise you that.”

“Um, I don’t know?”

“Please come, you can meet my girls, I’m sure that they’d like to meet you and the baby!” Joyce put the bottle down on the bench as the baby was finished, and began to rub the baby’s back, until she let out a large ‘burp’.

“And I haven’t finished holding this gorgeous one yet!” Joyce cuddled the baby.

“Okay, Okay,” Spike gave into the wants of his new neighbour. Looks like he’d found himself a new babysitter, he wondered if her girls where old enough to baby-sit as well.

Maybe breakfast wasn’t such a bad idea after all.


“Mom, Mom,” Buffy yelled not finding her mother in her bed. Surely the same noise that had awoken her had gotten her mother up. Bounding down the stair case in her pyjamas and fluffy bunny slippers, she grabbed the mantle and swung herself around. She came hurtling around the staircase to find herself standing in front of her mother and her new neighbour. She found herself gob smacked and unable to find any words at being confronted by both of them only in her pyjamas, and kiddie slippers.

She was absolutely horrified.

She felt the scrutiny of the man in front of her as she stood before him, his quick appraisal of what she wore, and the smirk that had fallen upon his face. She quickly looked down at what she wore, promptly went a bright red and turned and ran back up the stairs.

“At least you could have told us we were having company,” Buffy said as she scrambled her way back to her bedroom.

Spike looked at Joyce bemused at the play that had unfolded before him, between the two women, and the girl and himself. He couldn’t believe someone could be so shy, or embarrassed so easily. She was dressed, but by the way she had run off you think that she had been naked.

“You must forgive her, she’s not the best thing in the morning,” Joyce began making excuses for her daughter.

“Its okay, more of a night man myself. Well since Imogen anyway,” Spike replied trying to relieve some of Joyce’s clear embarrassment.

“Let me guess, Buffy?” Spike spoke again, lifting his eyebrow towards the roof, indicating towards the staircase, with tilt of his neck.

“Umm yes, Buffy my eldest.”

“More children Joyce, boy or girl?,” Spike looking upstairs waiting to see if anymore came bounding down the staircase like their sister, hoping that they would be a little more hospitable than the last.

“Just Dawn, my youngest,” Joyce took two steps up the staircase, “Dawn come down and meet the neighbour, and Buffy get dressed and get yourself down her young lady!!”

Joyce indicated that Spike move into the kitchen, and to take a seat by the counter, she still held the baby within her arms, who was now sleeping, she handed Imogen back to her father after he sat down. Spike took Imogen back into his arms, rocking her slowly hoping to keep the infant sleeping as long as he could.

“Hey mom, did you say the new neighbour was here?” Dawn sprouted as she can into the kitchen, her attention drawn straight to the sleeping infant, “Awh aint she cute, can I hold her?”

“Dawn the baby’s asleep, better not to wake her,” Joyce said, attempting to stop the girl from plying the baby out of her father’s arms.

Dawn moved around next to the man in the kitchen, and slowly began to touch the baby, careful not to wake her. Just looking at the small hands and feet, brushing back the tuff of hair that lay on the babies head, it was a thick dark brown, curly and so soft. She had a strong resemblance to the man in front of her, it was clear that he was her father, no question about it.

“What’s her name, how old is she, where did you move from, where?” Dawn began the volley of questions towards the stranger in her kitchen like typical Dawn, ‘I wanna know everything’ style.

“Dawn not so many questions. The poor man just moved here, let him be,” Joyce’s annoyance was evident towards her daughter.

At that moment in time Buffy decided to make an appearance to the entrance of the kitchen. This time dressed in jeans and a black coloured jumper, her honey coloured hair severely pulled back into a pony tail. Hands in pockets and with decidedly defensive body language she moved into the kitchen beside her mother.

“Spike these are my daughter’s Buffy and Dawn,” Joyce indicated towards her daughter’s.

“Hello, nice to meet you,” Spike looked at each of the girls, instantly liking the younger and not sure of what to make of the elder.

“Hey Spike welcome to Sunnydale, the hellmouth of the west,” Dawn greeted the new neighbour.


“Dawn!” Joyce chided her child.

“But mom, it is!”

“Dawn, go down to the basement, I think that your baby bouncers still down there somewhere. Go get it and bring it back of stairs for Imogen,” Joyce requested of her daughter.

“Imogen??,” Dawn questioned her mother.

“Hello Dawn, the baby, you know, the little human being in the room,” Buffy pointed towards the sleeping infant.

“Oh, okay, be back soon,” Dawn made her way to the door leading to the basement, and disappeared behind the door.

“If you’ll excuse me, I think that I maybe able to find a blanket for the baby while she’s asleep in the baby bouncer,” Joyce stood up and moved disappearing into the hall way, leaving Buffy and Spike alone.

They just stared at each other, not knowing what to say to each other, summing each other up like opponents in bout, about to come out of their corners, ready to fight. Buffy stood still and moving her weight from one foot to another, just continuing to stare at Spike. Spike just sat there and looked at her with a look of discontent on his face, like he didn’t want to be there, in the kitchen with her.

“So what’s your story?” Buffy spoke first at last.

“My story?” Spike looked quizzically at her with a tilt of his head.

“Yeah your get up”

“My get up?”

“Well hello, the clothes, the hair, the leather jacket, I mean it is so 80’s,” a smirked appeared on her face, like she’d won the first round in the duel going on between them. But a smirk appeared on her opponent, and evil grin enveloped his face as he replied, to her little outburst.

“It makes me feel more manly,” Spike ran a hand down his arm of the jacket, that held the baby within, “What you have a problem with the coat?”

“What did Billy Idol have a closet sale or something?” with that Buffy, moved towards the counter and leaned over touched the baby’s head stoking her hair, and playing with her little hands.

“What jealous love?” Spike replied tartly, “Did the Bag lady do your shopping for you?”

He couldn’t help volley her insult back, but he detected the humour in amongst whatever was making her grumpy. Spike sensed a spitfire in there somewhere, she just had to grow up some more, well maybe just a little bit. Buffy stormed out of the kitchen, her foot steps making loud ‘clomps’ as she moved down the hall, and walked out of the house. The slam of the door, causing the walls to vibrate and Imogen to wake up startled and begin to howl the house down.

She had no idea where she was going, as she walked down the footpath of her street, she felt that maybe she’d been a little bit to harsh on her new neighbour. Maybe she should go back and apologise for being rude. But then again he was just as rude, maybe she shouldn’t apologise, maybe he should first. She was quiet confused about what to do, but realised that living next door to him and his family maybe interesting indeed. But at least he wasn’t as weird as Old Man Cooper had been, but Buffy wondered where his wife was, and she hadn’t seemed to be around, nor had she seen anything to resemble any woman’s things amongst the menagerie on the front lawn.

Another thought that had entered her mind she absolutely couldn’t stop thinking how gorgeous he was close up, no wonder she reacted the way she did. She’d done it to get away from him and the emotional response that he was beginning to have on her. She couldn’t help but be honest with herself, she was beginning to get a crush, ‘but they where only for girls Dawn’s age’, Buffy thought to herself.

But the truth has a habit of coming out, she was getting a crush, and she didn’t know what to do about it. Crushes lead to thoughts and feelings that she’d rather not experience, to her a loss of all the self control that she had gained since the incident with Riley. ‘Or was this only lust’, Buffy considered, he was old enough to be at least 25-27 and way out her league, who would be interested in a college girl her age.

Maybe there was no wife, maybe he was divorced, living next to Spike and co was going to be very interesting indeed, as a glimmer of hope and feelings long denied stirred in Buffy. Maybe there was hope after all.

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