Chapter 3
Last time:
“Strip, both of you and get on your knees. Upper bodies on the cot. Faith you’re going to learn what it means to play the bottom to me, and Buffy?... I know you know better than to cum without permission. I also know you know just what you’re going to get for your disobedience. Get into position NOW!”
…… Now, both of you strip and assume the position!”
Buffy fulfilled Spike’s ‘naked’ order in record time. Spike having so kindly divested her of pants and panties and her being bra-less, all she had to do was whip off her top. Standing, unabashedly naked, progress indeed from the intense uncertainty she’d exhibited before his little ‘incentive’, Buffy licked her lips unconsciously as she watched Faith take off her clothes.
The dark haired slayer alternated her gaze between Buffy and Spike as she slowly peeled the clothes from the top half of her body. Immediately picking up the arousal in both of her partners she made the stripping of the lower half even slower. Sensuously she ran her hands down her legs in the wake of her pants. Smiling slightly she gave them a real show, turning her back to them, looking coyly over her shoulder at both as she slowly pulled her thong down and off.
Buffy could not deny that she was enjoying the show immensely. Faith oozed sex even when she wasn’t trying. Right now, Buffy was amazed her breathing wasn’t more laboured than the small pant that was starting up. One look at Spike shifted her thoughts entirely. He looked more angry than anything else, arousing confusion in Buffy at first. That said, angry and aroused were often one and the same with Spike, especially in this scenario, but there was definitely more anger there. Huh? Spike had never been averse to a strip show before!
Another glance at Faith though, cleared up the confusion. It was the look on her face that was doing it. She was now completely naked and was smiling at Spike without the slightest modicum of respect for him. Buffy was transfixed by the subtext between the two, to which Faith was oblivious. She obviously had no comprehension of how seriously Spike was taking this and was frankly treating it like a bit of a joke, an indulgence of his kinky foreplay before they got to the good stuff. She was grinning and teasing in the most impudent way. Unaccountably embarrassed by Faith’s lack of respect Buffy looked away.
Spike’s voice cut through the air like a knife “What are you staring at you disobedient little bitch?”
Buffy winced as a twinge of sympathy went through her; Faith was staring brazenly in Spike’s direction and if she kept this up she was going to get it but good! The very fact that she was focussing on Faith meant that she missed the grin and wink combo that the vampire threw at the dark slayer.
“Owwwwwww!” Taken completely by surprise Buffy jumped and shrieked as a hard hand cracked across her ass.
Faith grinned as she saw the truth of part of her earlier, whispered conversation with Spike. Buffy not only needed to be pushed into this with all the kinky play, but she responded to it in a way that Faith had never encountered. She’d never seen the blonde so obviously turned on. And Kudos to vamp boy for pulling it off so convincingly, she knew he wasn’t near as mad as he was making out but if not for that wink she’d have believed he was very angry indeed.
“I was talking to you Buffy!” She goggled at the vampire whose gaze was now burning her with its intensity. “You’ve already stripped and you’d better get your ass over that cot right the hell now!”
Another smack, hard on her ass sent Buffy scurrying, her mind temporarily incapable of processing the sheer injustice of her getting whacked while Faith continued to act (as Dawn would put it) like the ‘pushy queen of slut town.’
Faith barely stifled a giggle at the sheer outrage on Buffy’s face. Oh but it was going to be fun watching these two, and also, it was going to be so freakin hot! Hell, B couldn’t have looked more sexy if she tried as she obeyed Spike.
With a Herculean effort Buffy managed to refrain from shooting Spike daggers as she turned and knelt, draping her upper body over the cot; Spike’s voice followed her as she obeyed, intoning words of contempt.
“Dirty little slut!” He scoffed. “Such a whore you’re practically panting just watching another girl undress. I wonder Buffy, is there anything that doesn’t get you off?”
Now kneeling, bent over the cot, Buffy willed her body not to react to the scorn in his voice. Closing her eyes in shame when he spoke again, she realised it was too late. Spike had smelled an increase in her arousal as he always did.
“And lookey here! I’d forgotten how much you enjoyed being humiliated Buffy.” He chuckled. “Ok Faith, move it!”
As Faith slowly took her position her thoughts went to what Spike had told her, how he had to be careful when dealing with Buffy. She had to truly believe he was angry and in complete control, otherwise this little plan of theirs would not work. And now that Buffy was obediently draped over the cot awaiting punishment Faith felt a rush of lust at the sight and thought. Buffy may always have been the ‘good’ one but there was no question that she was tough and her Slayer side was strong, it would actually be amazing to see the blonde girl drop that persona and submit completely. Knowing how hard it would be for Buffy to go against the nature they both shared and follow a vamps orders was enough to have her creaming at just the thought of watching Spike dominate her.
Speaking of, if she intended to get her moneys worth here she’d better get to playing along. A second later Faith took up position to Buffy’s left. Her head tilted and she smirked at her and gave her a wink. The smirk grew even more smirky as they heard the unmistakeable sound of Spike removing his pants.
Buffy had to fight the urge not to turn round for an eyeful of that glorious prick of his, which she just knew would be standing proudly to attention.
She took her frustration out on the nearest thing to her.
“Why are you doing this Faith?” she hissed. “You said yourself you always have to be on top. I heard you! You wouldn’t be grinning like that if you were actually into this, so why are you bothering? Did you make a deal that I’m going to be punished for your behaviour? Is that it? Cos you don’t know what you’re getting into if you think that’ll save you. He’s going to actually kill you if you keep this up!”
“Relax B!” Faith said, rolling her shoulders and arching her back. “What me and Spike worked out is all for you. Just having a little fun! Long incarceration remember? Complete with not a single person I wanted to get down and dirty with. He wants to play like someones still scared of him? Like he’s still the big bad, why would I complain long as I get off too! And I know I’m gonna!”
Although the conversation took place very quickly and in hissed whispers Spike’s impeccable hearing obviously caught it all.
Lifting the belt high, he slashed it down HARD on Faith’s thoroughly unprepared, un-warmed-up bottom. The move and the pain took her so completely by surprise that she cried out as her upper body shot up off the cot.
“Get back down!” Spike thundered, flicking a small warning blow on Buffy’s ass as she snickered at Faith’s rookie mistake. Green eyes full of fire were briefly turned on Spike before Buffy came to her senses and lowered her head again.
“Little lesson Faith, unless I say I want to hear your pain you’ll bloody well take it like a good little slayer and keep your trap shut!” Although nothing as suicidal as a snicker left Buffy’s lips something in her body language obviously convinced Spike she was still amused at Faith getting into trouble for once. The smile dropped off when he continued speaking. “As for you Summers, you’d better control that urge to enjoy Faith’s mistakes. You were learning all of this once too you know and you were about the most disobedient little bitch of a slave I ever played with. But now, you know the rules and you have NO excuse for not following every single last one!”
The last of his speech was accompanied by him yanking her head back by the hair and hissing into her ear. Just as quickly as he’d grabbed her he let her go again turning his attention once more to the errant brunette in his power.
“Ok Faith, do you think you can take this? Because I bet by the time I’m done you’re crying like an ickle bitty baby-slayer, and you know that will just make me punish you more!” The glee in Spike’s voice was evident.
After a quick glance at Faith, Buffy had to bury her face in the covering of the cot to keep from laughing. Although she’d wisely kept her mouth shut outrage and anger vied for position on Faith’s face.
“I wonder,” mused Spike in the masterful tone of voice that meant any sub of his probably didn’t want to know what was going through his evil mind, “can you tell me what I might be about to say about your hands?”
“We’re not to reach back to fend off blows or to rub when it hurts.” Buffy chanted without a morsel of conscious thought.
“See how well trained she is?” Spike chuckled, his tone derisory his eyebrows raised in amusement as he grinned at Faith. They both knew that he was ultimately doing this for Buffy’s pleasure not to inflict punishment….well, not solely to inflict punishment; let’s face it who wouldn’t want to give these two asses a good smacking given the chance?
Buffy chanced a look at Faith and saw a mingled expression of amusement and disbelief on her face. A blush crept over her skin under the scrutiny of those dark brown eyes.
“In fact, she’s so well trained that I bet just saying that made her wet.” With no preamble he thrust his hand between her legs and rubbed vigorously at her clit. Buffy managed not to moan but had to physically fight herself not to buck back against his hand. God he just barely needed to touch her and she was ready to cum all over his hand.
“Just as I thought!” he sighed “Soaking wet! Didn’t I tell you Faith, that our Buffy had turned into quite the little whore?”
Buffy grit her teeth and tried to breathe steadily, to control the mounting arousal focussed around Spike’s fingers on her clit and heightened by his mocking words resounding in her head.
“However,” he continued, pulling his hand away and sniffing it audibly, “as you well know Buffy, I was talking to Faith just then.”
Buffy didn’t know whether to laugh or cry; he was not playing fair! Having Faith here seemed to be having a strange effect on her though, it was bringing out ‘masochist-Buffy’.
“How?” she whined. “How did I know that? You didn’t even say her name!”
She had the distinct impression that he was definitely twisting things so that she was always in the wrong. He seemed to be determined to use her as an example to Faith and it was bringing out the rebel in her (see above re masochism!) Spike, she was sure, would say I was bringing out the brat in her!
For her part, Faith was enjoying the dynamic playing out in front of her immensely.
“Quiet bitch.” He bellowed slashing her reddened ass with his belt.
“Buffy, do you really want to argue with me?”
“Ask me when you haven’t just felt me up and made me want to cum!”
It was barely even a whisper.
“Right! That’s it! Y’know Buff you’ve a whole list of things already that you need to be punished for, you ought to shut your mouth RIGHT NOW!” He smiled grimly as Buffy’s head dropped a little.
“As for little Faithy, well, I was just going to give you a little spanking to show you who was boss and exactly how we play. But Buffy pissed me off. You’re going to get the same as her now. And you better believe it’s going to be good and hard girls!”
“Way to go B!” Faith groused.
“Faith!” There was no mistaking the grave warning in his tone.
“Geez, sorry!” she muttered earning her a blow on the ass from Spike’s belt. Again, it was a blow she totally wasn’t expecting.
With a supreme effort she quelled the urge to yell ‘mother-fucker!’ at the top of her lungs but was unable to help the yelp and instinctive rubbing at the band of fire flaming across her ass.
“What did we just discuss about hands Faith?” he sighed in exasperation, not even giving her time to answer before speaking again. “Buffy kneel up and hold out your hands.”
She shot up and looked at him in disbelief as he barked his next order at Faith.
“Faith, other side of the cot, opposite Buffy. And you can kneel up and watch this, after all the demonstration is for your benefit. This is what happens to naughty little slayers who can’t keep their hands out of the way.”
He turned his hard and cold gaze on Buffy who was still staring like he’d just said that he loved Angel or something.
“Buffy, I am losing patience. I’ll give you three damn seconds to obey me!”
Just like that, Faith’s presence notwithstanding Buffy was in the slightly removed and surreal state that Spike had taught her was called sub-space.
“Yes Sir. I apologise,” she said holding her hands out in front of her as Faith’s jaw hit the floor. Spike acknowledged the change in her demeanour with a curt nod before bringing his strap down hard and fast to crack across both of Buffy’s upturned palms.
Faith watched in continued amazement as the only response Buffy made to the blow, which must have hurt like hell, was to bow her head and suck in a breath, biting her bottom lip.
Faith’s wonder and arousal grew in direct proportion to one another as Buffy suffered silently through three more ferocious blows. Yeah she and Buffy had that whole ‘wanting to kill each other’ in their past but she’d never have thought she’d get so damn HOT watching the golden girl suffer as someone else’s hands. The fact that Buffy was suffering because of her dawned on her and she felt an immediate twinge in her pussy.
“Over the cot Buffy.” Spike it seemed was done with her hands for now. “Faith stay where you are and watch. I think it’ll do wonders to improve your attitude to see exactly what you have coming!”
For an insane second Faith wanted to tell him to stop. Somehow she’d sensed the mood change between the blonde pair and all of a sudden in seemed very real. Real and, even amidst her fear for Buffy…………well, hot!
As the belt came whistling towards Buffy’s ass Faith winced in sympathy and was proud to note that Buffy didn’t make a sound. She didn’t even flinch, although as before, the stroke must have been agony. And why all of a sudden that should make her proud she didn’t have a clue, but it did.
Another five blows and Faith realised she was beginning to pant. Her pussy was producing copious juices and, strangest of all, her ass was tingling as she watched Buffy get hers well and truly striped.
She glanced at Spike and almost came on the spot just from the extreme concentration mingled with the stern look on his face. Knowing that his supposed ‘anger’ was really only to get Buffy nice and compliant didn’t diminish the sheer sex that the man exuded when acting so stern and forbidding. There was no doubt he truly meant business. Obviously when he did this thing, he did it properly!
Taking Buffy by surprise he landed a stroke where her thighs and ass joined. Against all sense of self-preservation a yelp was yanked from her as she was driven forward by the force, her hips banging against the cot.
Licking her lips, Faith was barely even conscious of her own hand sliding between her legs as she watched.
“What the hell was that Summers?”
Buffy could feel his eyes boring into her.
“I…..I’m sorry Sir,” she babbled. “I-it was just a new place and it took me by surprise. It won’t happen again.”
“Faith bit back a moan at the pleading in Buffy’s voice.” Images of Buffy pleading with her like that mingled with images of roles reversed where she was the one pleading with Buffy. Her hand began to move double time on her clit as Spike stared hard at Buffy.
“Two on the upper thighs should remind you to keep your mouth shut I should think.” Spike said threateningly.
Buffy burrowed her face into the mattress, steeling herself to take the penalties in such a tender place.
The first blow caused her head to shoot up and her eyes locked with Faith’s as her face slowly turned bright red with the effort of not squealing. It was always so much harder to keep quiet when it was the thighs! The next one made her bite her lip until it bled.
“And finally, one for coming when you weren’t supposed to. You know what to do.”
Buffy scowled at Faith and arched her back, spreading her legs. When Spike changed the angle of the belt Faith realised what was about to happen and crammed two fingers inside herself to try to quell the throbbing that was mounting inside her.
Eyes wide in disbelief Faith came silently but trembling as she watched Spike whip Buffy’s pussy. She tried to ride out the last waves as quietly and still as possible not wanting to turn Spike’s attention on her.
“Oh, and I do believe Faith just had the audacity to cum as well!” Spike announced, filling the brunette with a fear she was unaccustomed to. “Poor Buff! Now you have to demonstrate again what happens when you do that!”
Buffy only just managed to bite back her protest but she couldn’t help turning pleading eyes on him over her shoulder.
“Don’t you dare look at me without my telling you to,” yanking her head back by the hair and hissing into her ear.
“You could melt many a heart with that look I’m sure,” he released her hair, pushing her head back down roughly “but not mine!”
“No!” Faith yipped as Spike pulled back the belt, preparing to strike Buffy’s most sensitive area again. “It’s not fair, beat me, it’s not her fault!” She was fairly certain she could take the beatings that Spike seemed to dole out, hell she’d taken worse from her own mother, but she was discovering she was decidedly squeamish (now her lust had been quenched) about seeing it done to someone else.
Spike grinned.
The belt hit Buffy’s pussy with a resounding thwack and she buried her head once more. Only this time she was fighting not to cum.
“But she likes it Faith!” Spike said, showing her the evidence of Buffy’s arousal on his belt.
Pulling the blondes head back again he brought the belt to her mouth.
“And now, she’s going to clean off her muck like a good little bitch. Because you see Faith, she likes being made to do that too!”
Buffy didn’t hesitate for even one second and Faith’s pussy twitched anew at the sight of Buffy’s tongue practically worshipping the leather.
Abruptly he pulled it away.
“Upper body on the cot Faith, it’s your turn. Buffy, we can’t have you idle now can we? I know what you can do! Lick her hands clean, she’s as much of a whore as you are Buffy tell me if she tastes as good.”
Faith goggled at Buffy’s continued blind obedience as the blonde grabbed her hand and brought it brought it to her mouth. The action bent the dark slayer over the bed and saved her a penalty stroke for not obeying fast enough.
As Buffy started to slowly and sensuously lick and suck Faith’s juices off her hands the younger girl thought she might cum again just from that and nothing more. She knew she was a goner when they Buffy smiled around her fingers before running her tongue slowly down to tickle at the skin between her index and middle fingers. She was assured that Buffy entirely grasped the significance of the gesture when the blonde waggled her eyebrows and moved her tongue quicker, Faith wasn’t sure what would kill her faster, shock or arousal!
“Get ready Faith.” Spike snapped her out of her contemplation. “I’ve this feeling you think you are tougher than our obedient little Buffy here. You’re about to find out just how wrong you are!

Author's Chapter Notes:
Hides head in shame – I know! I know! I promised to get this out way quicker than last time and it actually took even longer!!. I’m sorry!!! R/L just seems to love biting me in the ass and making me so much busier than I am expecting. Also, I got hit by the worst block I ever had in that this chap was already written but I wasn't happy with it and no matter what I did it just didn't work for me. I'm still not happy with it to be honest so I hope it isn't a disappointment to everyone I just lost all confidence and focus. Since I never know if that could happen again - no more promises, other than ‘I will try my best to get future chapters of ANYTHING I write out as quickly as I can’ – vague enough for ya? Anyway, lets tune back into Spike and Buffy and Faith, cos they are MUCH more interesting than this!
FINALLY, thank you sooooooo much to the lovely Jill, who helped so much with this chapter it's not even funny, apart from the spelling and stuff she totally kicked my muse up the ass and provided ideas and suggestions that got me at least happy enough to post this - and great advice too!! Thank you darlin i luvs ya to bits!
FINALLY, thank you sooooooo much to the lovely Jill, who helped so much with this chapter it's not even funny, apart from the spelling and stuff she totally kicked my muse up the ass and provided ideas and suggestions that got me at least happy enough to post this - and great advice too!! Thank you darlin i luvs ya to bits!
Chapter End Notes:
So my issue with this chapter was too much BDSM not enough smut - I just don't know *hides behind her crisis of confidence* - Let's all just hope I don't start hating this fic as much as I hated this chapter!