[Reviews - 151] LikedPrinter
Summary: AU season 6, post "Flooded." After being ripped from Heaven, Buffy is unsure of herself and her duty as the Slayer, especially where a certain vampire is concerned. Try as hard as she might, Buffy is just not dealing well with life after death, the second time around. But someone is watching over her, leaving a clue that will lead to her acceptance of a happy life with the vampire that kept his promises.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes
Word count: 54987 Read: 29062
Published: 06/18/2008 Updated: 02/27/2009

1. Chapter 1 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 13] Liked (2970 words)
This was the first story that I had posted on Spuffy Realm. I took it down, reworked the HELL out of it, and now I am reposting it - hopefully much better than it was. If you've read this before, try it again - it's way different!

NO, this is NOT another WIP. It's already finished, just needs tweaking.

Thanks Dusty, you're the bomb!

2. Chapter 2 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 8] Liked (2832 words)
Many thanks to my Demon Butcher's of Spuffy Street, Dusty273 and Im_Bloody_English - I've never seen so much red in all my life! (the crowd was horrified!) LOL! No thanks very much ladies - this wouldn't have been possible without your help! *bows to your almighty-ness*

3. Chapter 3 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 10] Liked (3745 words)
Many Many thanks to Dusty273 and Im_Bloody_English for being the lovely butchers that they are - this story is now much better than it was and I couldn't have done it without you. You gals ROCK! *Dialogue from CRUSH BTVS season 5.*

I will be posting a GOD and Xander chapter next on HB before I update this anymore - cause God was kinda pissed that I hadn't mentioned him in a couple chapters.

There are two songs in this chapter:




**Tissue warning** For those who are so sweet at heart (you know who you are) there is a possibility you might become teary eyed. I'm a bad rude woman and I practically bawled as I wrote this - even the second time around. *sniff* Enjoy :D

4. Chapter 4 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 8] Liked (6201 words)
So many thanks go to my Demon Butchers of Spuffy Street - Im_Bloody_English and Dusty273 - who they themselves have awesome stories out there, read em folks!

Hugs for Sotia and Lauriel - you gals rock cause you're just too sweet for words!

For Zoe, who's been MIA and is feeling under the weather with a bad arm - get better girl, miss you!

**Dialogue from "After Life" included here. Also, a little quip from Farscape, which was too funny and it fit.**

Yeah, I know I said that I would post a God/Xander chapter on Hunter's Bane, but I swear my muse just wouldn't let me leave this alone (and God is punishing me for it - trust me). BUT, the chapter is half written as we speak, so it will be soon. Sorry for the delay. Reviews would help? (no shameless pandering here, nope... nada).

5. Chapter 5 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 12] Liked (1763 words)
As I promised, I upated Hunter's Bane (sorry, Andrew, I'll get to you soon!). This is a short chapter, just filler really, cause the next one will be pretty long, and I've taken to writing shorter chapters due to the real fear of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (it's painful, it hurts like hell, feels like Satan is stabbing me with knives in my wrists - hows that description for ya?) - cause I type A LOT for a living, everyday.

Yet the stories keep comin! It's like my muse is on triple shot esspresso and Jagershots with Red Bull - the little sucker won't let me sleep. Needless to say, I've got A LOT typed up, but it's quite formless at the moment.

Thanks as always to the women I affectionately call my Demon Butchers, Dusty273 and Im_Bloody_English - you know i love you and yes it's a compliment when I say you're bloodier than Jack the Ripper.

For Vara and Shadow - you gals are as strong as rocks, I admire ya! And Vara? No LSD for you! hehehehe

6. Chapter 6 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 9] Liked (4719 words)
MANY MANY Thanks go to Dusty273 and Im_Bloody_English for helping me suss out this fic so that it doesn't cause helpless readers to scream in agony. And best wishes to Tina on a speedy recovery - even though she laughed at my misfortune of editing the wrong chapter until it was too late....grrr!

For Sotia, who I keep missing - but one of these days, my little bow and arrow will find that little Greek butt of hers and pin it down for a conversation :P

It just occured to me to let you know that most everything is canon up to this point in the Buffyverse except for the fact that Giles didn't leave. He still has his old apartment and such. Also, there are lines from "The Gift" and "After Life" laced within this. I'm sure you'll figure out which ones. I trust you're smart like that ;)

As a side note. I love IHOP - they have great food! The dishes mentioned in this chapter are from the actual menu, as well as the type of syrup *Buttered Pecan* which is the BOMB DIGGITY! If anyone wants to send me a bottle (cause i have to drive 2 hours to the nearest IHOP) I will be your slave for life. Also, I make only assumptions ON MY PART that an IHOP manager would do what mine does. Thus I have hopefully cleared my name (and TSR) of any legal wrongdoing... phew...I'm tired now.... ENJOY!

7. Chapter 7 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 12] Liked (5923 words)
Many, MANY thanks to Dusty273 and Im_Bloody_English for fixing this up for me and reassuring me I was on track. A special THANKS to Im_Bloody_English for taking the time out of her rollercoaster of a life to create her magic, love you hun!

On that subject, IBE is dealing with some heavy stuff and will return when possible - be it tomorrow or next week, or maybe even next month - it's up to her really. And while we all love her, her well-being should be utmost at the forefront. Stay strong lady, and PinHead will have a *gloriously dark time* later on ;)

Thanks also to Sotia for being the wonderful person that she is - you bring laughter everyday - and YAY! I got the recipe!

For Blackoberst who has an awesome mind and beautifully haunting poetry - you rock dude!

A line of dialouge was taken from "Lies My Parents Told Me." I thought it fit here, I'm sure you'll figure out which one it is.

8. Chapter 8 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 12] Liked (5164 words)
Many thanks to Dusty273 (Mari) and Im_Bloody_English (Tina) for making this look presentable - like a prom date!

YAY! I'm back from a much needed vacation - where again, some really weird shit happened (see the story Two Roads Diverged in a Wood for previous camp hijinks). I swear my family must be cursed to have vacations from Hell - Is our last name Griswald? Good news is, I didn't get dumped in the lake and I wasn't eaten by mating raccoons. Thank God for small miracles! It also allowed me to write more than usual and I should have another chapter of Hunter's Bane up soon!

As a personal side note, voting for the Cradle of Humanity awards has started - vote for your favorites today! *this message paid for by the committee to elect Frankenfurter as World Fashion Designer.*

And if any of you read Damper's rant on LJ about bad fics, I apologize in advance for the "Good God" or "Good Lord" Giles will use in this chapter. Everything else is staying put.

9. Chapter 9 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 14] Liked (5100 words)
Many thanks to Dusty273 and Im_Bloody_English, two wonderful ladies who give me their time and attention (I love you for it) and give me ideas to make my stories better! Thank you so much!

Sorry I took so long to update, a tree had fallen on my house during Hurricane Ike – and at least no power for a week. After that, it was just cleaning up the mess. sigh

Dialogue taken from BTVS the movie and BTVS season 7, episode ‘Touched’

10. Chapter 10 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 15] Liked (3664 words)
Profound thanks to Mari and Tina, my bitchin' babes of beta! hehehhe - Mari, I hope your carino gets better, I know she's under the weather and it's no fun.

So here is the smut Tina wanted so badly! Spuffy Loving ahead!

I won't be updating for at least two weeks from now, sorry, but work is gonna kill me this week and then IBE is here and hey - it's party time! YAY!

11. Chapter 11 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 12] Liked (6880 words)
Many thanks to my busy beta (Tina) and my under the weather beta (Mari). Thanks gals, you are lifesavers.

Sorry it has taken a bit to update this, but I’ve been writing like mad on lots of things. My next chapter for Hunter’s Bane is more than halfway done, so look for that soon, as well!

Only one more chapter left on this, YAY! And then I’ll be done on this one! *wipes forehead*

Thank you for all your reviews, I truly appreciate them!

Some dialogue taken from the episode "Grave."

12. Chapter 12 by Darkrivertempest [Reviews - 26] Liked (6026 words)
And YAY! Another one finished! ‘wipes forehead and sighs’

I want to thank all those that suffered through the original – you guys deserve medals. Thanks also go to the wonderful readers who left reviews – it means more than you can know!

I want to personally thank Cordykitten – besides being the best cheerleader in the fandom (do you know how MANY reviews she left for authors? It’s staggering!) she also helped with translating a particular phrase within this chapter. You’ll know it when you see it. Plus, she helped me name the Gentlemen in Omniscient (all of them had German names) so again, I thank you hun – you’re the best! :X

Mari and Tina… what would I do without either of you? Like I said in Omniscient, I’ve grown so much under your gentle, but firm and unbiased, ways of editing. No person is as lucky as me for having known you two, my bitchin’ babes of beta! You both deserve Oscars! (But sadly, they were given to Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz – the hussies.)