[Reviews - 151] LikedPrinter
Summary: Photobucket SpuffyAwards1 RoguePoets Fang Fetish 2 During the fight over the Gem of Amara, Buffy and Spike get pulled into another dimension. Winner of Best Saga at the Spuffy Awards, Best Buffy Characterization at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards, and Judges' Choice Winner at the Rogue Poet Awards! Mod's Choice Winner and Runner up for Best Long/Saga and Best Alternate Reality at the Fang Fetish Awards! Thank you all the mods and everyone who voted for me!
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes
Word count: 57912 Read: 64427
Published: 08/12/2008 Updated: 08/21/2008

1. Chapter 1 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 14] Liked (5722 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

2. Chapter 2 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 10] Liked (6076 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

3. Chapter 3 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 11] Liked (5363 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

4. Chapter 4 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 9] Liked (4475 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

5. Chapter 5 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 7] Liked (3226 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

6. Chapter 6 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 12] Liked (3926 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

7. Chapter 7 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 13] Liked (5611 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

8. Chapter 8 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 14] Liked (4890 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

9. Chapter 9 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 11] Liked (4381 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

10. Chapter 10 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 13] Liked (4472 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.

11. Chapter 11 by dreamweaver [Reviews - 37] Liked (9770 words)
The fabulous banner is by the awesomely talented Ben Rostock.