[Reviews - 8] LikedPrinter
Summary: Spike has desired his twin for a decade but runs away, normally to another country, every time he is confronted. And William follows. The last time he has run, Spike's found himself in London and arrived to hear the news of his father's death. Taking over the family business, looking after a heart broken William and meeting their blonde secretary Buffy has Spike finally find the place in life he's always longed for. This is a SPIKE/WILLIAM/BUFFY story. There is TWINCEST.
Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: Porn with Plot Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 3582 Read: 5835
Published: 09/06/2008 Updated: 09/06/2008

1. Thrashed by henrietta_holden [Reviews - 8] Liked (3582 words)
I wrote this in response to William being the mini nekid guest for September on the nekid_spike community on LJ but then Buffy decided to barge her shakeable ass into the story. I love Spillfy and would never have been able to write this without rereading dampersnspoons 's "The Spike Bot" and a few smutty chapters of xela_fic's Twinlets verse. And just cause I told you to, you should listen to this.
Big spank-you to Sotia for reading bits and pieces and trusting my adage: drama first, orgasms later. Not the other way around. It gets very cheesy and/or corny in parts. Like some funny metaphors that I was simultaneously *headdesk*ing and laughing while I wrote because they were so dodgy (see leaf litter and ravers).