“For the last time, ‘If you can’t find ‘em, grind ‘em is NOT something they teach in Driver’s Ed!” Faith yelled at Anya who was struggling with the manual transmission on the car they had procured heading away from the gypsy hideout.

“I never took Driver’s Ed!” Anya yelled back, red faced in frustration as the horrible grinding sounds continued as she struggled with the stick.

“I did. Can I drive?” Dawn asked.

“NO!” Faith and Anya both yelled at her. Dawn stuck her chin out.

“Look, I have more experience driving than An-”

“Look out!” Angel yelled. They turned just in time to see a large black car plow into them head on at full speed.

They had time to scream once before the world turned black.

“So what’s this plan?” Buffy asked. Xander jerked a thumb back to Alec.

“He gave me the idea.”

Alec frowned at Xander, “What idea?”

“A bigger building!” Xander replied triumphantly then turned to observe nothing but confusion on the faces behind them, “Just trust me,” he insisted.

“Fair enough,” Alec agreed.

“Umm…hey guys?” Willow put forth.

“Yeah, how far behind us is Stoneface?” Xander asked hurriedly.

“That’s…the thing,” she put forth hesitantly. Xander frowned and started to look at his side view mirror then caught himself in exasperation when he saw and remembered that it was no longer there. He turned.

The golem was gone.

“Uh…where did it go?” Buffy asked.

“That’s just it. It was chasing us, then it stopped and looked like it was listening to something, then it took off another direction,” Willow told them.

“Which direction?” Alec asked.

An explosion in the distance echoed down the street, black smoke curled lazily up against the night sky.

“I’d say that direction,” Buffy replied.

Giles’s phone rang; he picked it up on the second ring.

“Yes?” he asked.

“It’s Anya; I found what you need to lure the beast,”

Giles nodded, “All right, I’m listening,”

“According to this, all you need to do is read certain passages of the Torah pertaining to the ‘enemies of Israel’,” Anya told them. Giles frowned and turned to Spike.

“Spike, would you mind opening the glove compartment and handing me the book inside?” Giles asked. Spike frowned.

“Yeah, sure no problem mate,” he opened the glove compartment and reached in. And then promptly screamed as something in there seared his skin.

“What the hell?!” he roared. Giles leaned over and removed a now-smoking copy of the Torah from the glove compartment as Spike cradled his injured hand and glared daggers at the other man.

“You have to appreciate ethnic neighborhoods,” Giles quipped.

“Piss off, all right?” Spike snarled. Giles brought his ear back to the phone.

“We have it,” Giles spoke into the mouth piece. There was a long silence.

“Hello?” Giles said frowning.

“Sorry, I’m here,” Anya replied. Her voice sounded very strange,

“Are you all right?” Giles asked.

“I’m fine,” Anya said, strained, “Where is everyone meeting you?” There was a small beep over the line indicating an incoming call.

“Hold on Anya, I may have the answer for that right now,” Giles told her, pushing a button, “Yes?”

“G-Man, the big pile of rocks took off up towards Sixth Ave and West 20th, go get it and have it follow you to this address, we’ll meet you there with a big surprise,” Xander recited an address, Giles nodded.

“Understood, but Xander what’s-”

The line went dead. Giles sighed and switched back over to Anya.

“Hello Anya?”

“Yes?!” Anya fairly screamed. Giles frowned, she didn’t seem all right but perhaps that was simply stress. Waving away his concerns, “The golem is heading up Sixth Avenue on West 20th. Xander wants us to meet up at this address,” Giles gave her the address, “Please get there as soon as possible.”

“Okay,” Anya replied and hung up.

Anya put down the phone and regarded the knife to her throat.

“Well?” DeGanon casually asked her, twisting the knife gently under her skin, making sure the other gypsies had crossbows leveled against Angel, Faith and Dawn. It wasn’t difficult to ambush them, especially after hitting them head on with a car.

“They said that the golem is going to Sixth Avenue and West 20th street,” she told them.

“That’s the club!” One of the gypsies called out.

“Imagine that,” Angel commented darkly.

“Silence!” DeGanon commanded. Angel regarded the gypsy.

“You know DeGanon, I told my friends once that since we had been accepted by the tribe, your people would never betray us. I hate looking like a jackass,” Angel growled. One of the gypsies raised the crossbow a little higher towards the vampire.

“What I do now I do in service of my lord and for the good of my tribe, sacrifices must be made,” DeGanon replied curtly.

“Catch up on your history, DeGanon, doing screwed up things just gets things more screwed up,” Faith spit out.

“Be still! When your hands are clean of blood, murderer, then we may discuss morality, until then…” DeGanon turned and dug the knife tip a little deeper in Anya’s throat.

“We have a date to keep,” he leaned in, practically eye to eye with the young girl.

“Where are they going?”

“This is your big plan?” Buffy asked askance.

“It’s a great plan, so long as Anya and crew show up with the bag of goodies, we’ll be in the clear,”

“Okay, the suspense is killing me. What’s in that black bag?” Alec asked.

Xander told them.

“Wow,” Alec muttered.

“I second your ‘wow’ and add a ‘yikes!’” Buffy added.

“Are we going to go to jail for this?”

“Probably. I hear the government frowns on this kind of stuff,” Xander replied.

“I’ll be sure to ask Riley in my next e-mail,” Buffy replied.

“Did I mention ‘wow’?” Alec repeated.

They were parked in front of where Xander wanted to golem to be lead to.

A huge, seven-story, parking garage.

“Good God,” Giles breathed when he reached the golems destination.

“Bloody hell,” Spike breathed in agreement.

The golem had found the club, Nocturnal Sacrament and had proceeded to dismantle the place, collapsing the pseudo-cathedral and was currently hammering away at the ground, pounding cement into dust and clawing at the dry soil beneath.

“What’s he going to do, bury a school bus?” Spike asked. Giles shook his head,

“He is under someone’s control. Clearly he has been commanded to do this by whatever force is directing his actions,” the older man explained.

Spike nodded, “So what’s the plan?” Giles opened the book and frowned.

“Well, first we need something faster than this car as transportation. Once the incantation is read, the golem will pursue the reader with the intent of destroying him.”

“Sounds like fun,” Spike replied. Opening the car door, he headed out into the rubble, completely ignored by the golem who was single-mindedly clawing and digging at the earth. Spike snorted.

“Like a bloody hound it is,” he scoffed then found what he was looking for: what was left of a motorcycle from what was left of the parking lot of the club. He hauled it up with a grunt and inspected it. The mirrors were toast and the seat cushion was torn to hell, but other than that it looked serviceable. He mounted the bike and kick-started it. It coughed a few times, then revved to life.

“Yeah baby!” Spike growled grinning. He checked to see if the golem had noticed the noise but, of course, it was still ignoring him. He wheeled it over to the car where Giles waited.

“Question: what are the odds of survival being bait?” Spike asked. Giles shook his head.

“It’s terribly risky but it must be done.”

“And it’ll, what? Follow whoever says the words?”

Giles shook his head, “Uh, no actually it will follow whoever possesses the book which the words are read from,” Spike nodded as Giles began to read the selected passage.

“ ‘Ata Bra Golem Devuk Hakhomer Ve Tigzar Zedim Chevel Torfe Yisroel’!” Giles called out.

For a moment there was nothing, then the book began to glow blue, matched by a glowing light emanating from the golem’s forehead. It turned slowly, almost against its will to face them.

“Yes, well I believe that’s got it. Spike we need to get-” Giles never saw the blow coming as Spike knocked him senseless.

“Sorry mate, but if I let something happen to you, Buffy and Alec would never forgive me,” Spike reached down and snatched up the glowing blue book, grimacing in pain as the holy item seared his flesh. The golem began advancing, first slowly but then gaining enormous momentum.

“All right you beauty! Have a go if you think you’re hard enough!” Spike called out then turned around and, revving the bike so hard it sprang up on one wheel, sped away, the golem hot on his heels as it casually knocked aside Giles’s car, sending it spinning. The impact jarred the man from unconsciousness, he looked around and comprehension arrived quickly.

“Spike, you fool!” Giles cursed before dialing the phone, “Xander, it’s me.”

“We’re on our way.”

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