Author's Chapter Notes:
x3tinkerbell07 beated this chapter. Yay

Chapter 29: The Rescue

"Intellect takes us along in the battle of life to a certain limit, but at the crucial moment it fails us. Faith transcends reason. It is when the horizon is the darkest and human reason is beaten down to the ground that faith shines brightest and comes to our rescue."
~ Mohandas Gandhi

Buffy slammed the door open in front of her only to be greeted by a room full of vampires. Buffy quipped happily, “I guess that’s why my vampire senses were going crazy.” Then she said a bit too happily. “You’re having a party and you didn’t invite Spike, William the Bloody a master vampire or me the Slayer? I’m insulted!”

The vampires started at her blankly before stating, “Spike?”

Spike grinned, “Hey mates, today is your lucky day. Meet my fiancée the slayer. She will be your executioner today. Happy trails!”

Buffy laughed and flew into action. Oz used his sword to slash the vampires nearest him. Giles and Xander fell back flinging wooden arrows into the vampires the best they could from far away. Anya mostly stood next to Xander and Giles keeping the vampires off them but other than that, not really offering anything to the grand scheme of things.

Buffy and Spike were heavily involved in slashing despite Willow’s earlier request of Buffy staying out of the fight and were chopping up the vampires near them. They moved in perfect motion together with barely getting a scratch on them. Buffy ducked as a vampire threw a punch at her and she threw one back only hitting the vampire square in the face. Buffy and Spike both had wooden stakes hidden on their body in case and Buffy preferred the stakes even if it meant getting up close and personal with the enemy. Spike kicked one of his towards hers knocking them both back to back. Then both swung into action dusting them leaving a huge pile of dust only to turn around and start the battle again.

Buffy moved with such grace that even the vampires had to be impressed. She swung her leg out to knock the vampire to the ground and then jumped over his leg that had swung out hoping to drop her to the knees. She landed with both feet keeping her steady as she punched the vampire again and again in the face and as he finally stumbled backwards, she jumped on him slicing off his head, ending his life in a pile of dust.

Spike was doing some heavy dusting of his own. He had three vampires on him though so he was punching one while grabbing the second to throw into the third. He spun around to kick the first to the ground only to put his foot onto his neck punching the second. The third wanted in on the action so Spike grabbed his neck as he lunged towards him twisting it clean off his head waving his arm through the dust that was blocking his vision. The second vampire lunged towards Spike only to find himself impaled on Spike’s stake. Spike chuckled as he used his axe on the last vampire on the ground only to turn around to face more. They seemed to be coming out of the woodwork as he dusted again and again.

Sometimes Buffy would kick a vampire towards Spike where he would dust them or he would do the same for her. They worked together making their dust piles larger than anyone else. Spike kicked a vampire hard towards Buffy knowing it would land on her stake even though her back was towards him. She turned around shouting, “Hey!” as her vampire lunged but she kicked him again only to bump into Spike who hoisted her into the air and up and over the vampire to land behind him dusting him easily leaving her to face a whole new set of vampires. Buffy lifted her axe slicing off the vampire’s head closest to her coughing in the dust as she swung her axe towards another only to nick his shoulder only.

Spike had been hacking his way towards the door where the vampires were appearing. Spike wondered how all these vampires were created to protect two non-vampire people. They must have hired some serious vampires to do all this. He didn’t have time to think as he continued to chop off various vampire’s heads and body parts to get to the side room.

Far across the room, Willow watched Spike and Buffy with a smile as she chanted and burned the vampires with firepower thankful that she no longer had to worry about one accidentally hitting Spike and ending his un-life.

Willow’s dust piles weren’t as plentiful yet but they were adding up. She could stand across the room ending the lives of vampires who were trying to harm the others. She was acting as more of a backup than an actual defense but it was working out well. She waved her hand in the hand whispering a Latin spell grinning as the power flow through her hands to dust the vampire who had been hacking at Anya with her own sword. Anya picked up her sword and waved towards Willow a thank you. Turning back to the ones on Buffy, she chanted another spell to have a giant fireball appear above Buffy taking out two of the four vampires on Buffy.

Oz was busy across the room using his strength and speed to dust vampires. He had stolen a sword from one of the guard vampires and was using it to hack away at the vampires. He enjoyed the rush and had slipped the amulet over his head knowing the scent of blood and fighting had sometimes turned him into a werewolf unintentionally. He hoped the amulet even though it was not a full moon, would be enough. He felt his blood pressure rise but ignored it hacking away at the vampires who were quickly coming from a side room. He glanced quickly towards Spike who was heading towards the other side room. He growled feeling a bit of wolf enter him as he hacked towards the room determined to find out where these vampires were coming from.

Anya was feeling brave as she protected Giles and Xander. They had managed to clear out the back of the room nicely and were slowly heading towards the center. The vampires were entering from the two sides and Xander and Giles between their crossbows and the weird shaped dagger stolen from one of the vampires and the sword, they were doing a fine job in lowering their numbers. Anya coughed as dust covered her, which didn’t make her happy. Her outfit had been chosen to look nice not to be ruined but she continued to work hard. This was important and it would bring Buffy’s baby back. All she kept reminding herself was that Buffy deserves a baby just like she does.

Giles was busy making plans in his head while stabbing vampires with the back of the dagger, which happened to have a wooden handle. He wanted to take the dagger home to study it but figured it was just from an ancient local tribe, which the vampire had probably belonged to before being turned. He was trying to figure out what he would do once he saw Ethan. Willow had been right when she had said no normal place would hold Ethan. The old Council had held traps that would have held him but that wasn’t an option anymore since when he had built the building, he had made it as a training area not a powerhouse. His mind continued to spin as he kicked a vampire back away from him before plunging it in the heart with an arrow.

The action was intense but the Scoobies were winning. The ground was covered in dust and the air was full of it. Willow had to keep providing a gust of fresh air to blow the dust away from their eyes so they can see. Spike finally managed to enter the side room only to find a surprise. In the center of the room was Drusilla with a ton of vampires around her. Spike frowned as he stated in a calm voice, “Dru…” Drusilla held up her hand and the doors shut around her and Spike watched as the vampires headed in her direction and he just stood there in shock.

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