Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: Protect Me
Chapters: 32 Completed: Yes
Word count: 57439 Read: 68931
Published: 03/19/2009 Updated: 04/22/2010
1. Pure Morning by Rae [Reviews - 13] (3092 words)
First time I’ve ever posted a Buffy fanfic anywhere, I normally write Supernatural fanfic, so I’m nervous how this will turn out…Obviously its AU so things will be very different, but I’m going to try and set up the world in this first Chapter (which is why its long, or at least a little bit longer than my other Chapters will be), while at the same time keeping it interesting and hopefully I won't bog you down with un-entertaining background. So I’m going to jump straight in with that phone call I mentioned in the summary…
UPDATE 2012: I’ve reedited the first two chapters. I have always meant to do it and as you can see from the button I’ve got this story nominated for the Sunnyd Awards, so I couldn’t put it off any longer. It’s not a re-write by any means, just a clean up and rephrasing. There wasn’t much wrong with it it just made me cringe that it wasn’t a good enough opening to stand up to the rest of my writing or even the rest of the Chapters, and I’ve always wanted to reword a couple of passages, so here it is. I’m not going to touch the rest of it, because I don’t want to change the story, it’s literally just a polish for any new attention I hope it gets over the next few months. This story got great feedback originally so people probably won’t understand why I felt the need, but to me its made a lot of difference and I hope it gives a better impression of the story to any new readers.
2. Drag by Rae [Reviews - 9] (1639 words)
Can I just say WOW! Thankyou for the response, the comments were great and they really got me motivated! I would have posted sooner but I was away from home...Anyway here you go...
3. Come Home by Rae [Reviews - 9] (1422 words)
If you haven’t noticed a trend yet its Placebo…The title of the story is a placebo song, and each Chapter will be too. The song used for each Chapter will be quoted slightly probably just at the beginning or end, but in other parts if it feels right…It was never initially planned this way, after writing a few Chapters I was still looking for a good title for the story and ended up checking my music for ideas, and Protect Me From What I Want just summed up the story to me, it sounded perfect…then I was trying to decided on Chapter titles and came up with the continued theme…then it just flowed out of control from there and I actually stopped looking for songs to fit the Chapters and end up planning Chapters for some songs, they inspired a lot of the later Chapters and Spike and Buffy’s career moves in the second half of the storyline (coming up about Chapter 20 probably if I stick to my story plan)…
4. 36 Degrees by Rae [Reviews - 8] (1597 words)
Okay here's where things begin to heat up...hope you like and keep the comments coming! They're really useful in helping me to write and get to know my audience xXx
5. Ask For Answers by Rae [Reviews - 7] (1335 words)
I'm sorry its a short Chapter, but there will be more soon...and I sort of had to leave you hanging...coming up LOTS of confusion, LOTS of misunderstandings but LOTS of MUTUAL ATTRACTION :)
6. Post Blue by Rae [Reviews - 9] (1852 words)
SO sorry its been a long time without an update, I've thrown my back out and haven't been able to sit at the computer for long without it really hurting...hope you're still with me!
7. Peeping Tom by Rae [Reviews - 8] (1432 words)
Its been a few days, and its a short chapter...but I hope throwing in some SMUT will help you forgive me for not updating as frequently as I promised...
8. Hang On To Your IQ by Rae [Reviews - 10] (1701 words)
Theres mention here that Buffy works in a diner, later on we'll see her there briefly, in fact the latter part of the story will go to more locations and out of the apartment more, but the next handful of Chapters (minus Chapter 9) wont, because they're more thought focused and intense Spuffy, so I've kept them at home for the most part...Just letting you know some more of my plans :) Keep reading!
9. Special K by Rae [Reviews - 7] (2130 words)
Thought I would update again because I had some spare time to write today and I can't update over the weekend...This Chapter is a little longer than my previous ones, it just happened that way, next two Chapters are a bit longer than this, but hopefully worth it as they're really getting somewhere soon!...Hope you like...REAL spuffy very soon, (in fact in 2 Chapters!!!)
10. One Of A Kind by Rae [Reviews - 10] (2670 words)
WARNING I finish Uni next week, but that means I have exams and revision. I'm hoping I can still keep the updates coming, but if I don't post for a while please don't forget about the story because I'm too excited about it to leave it unfinished so don't think I have abandoned it...hopefully there will be no problem, because I write when I feel like it whether I have the time or not so exams shouldn't get in my way too much, just wanted to warn...hope you like this chapter...
11. Because I Want You by Rae [Reviews - 8] (2526 words)
Okay here it is!!! long awaited Spuffy in full!...and much more of it to come in the next few chapters =D Let me know what you think, important chapter and everything!!!
12. Lady Of The Flowers by Rae [Reviews - 10] (1280 words)
Sorry for the delay, its basically because I've been revsing at my parents house (its quieter there because here I live in the centre of town near all the bars and clubs, which is usually fun, but not when I have exams) and their internet isn't working at the moment so I haven't been able to upload anything or write much of anything...tbh I had trouble with this Chapter, so having a lack of time didn't help, I'm happy with it now its done but it wasn't easy for some reason...the next few Chapters should be fine because I have a lot of material written for them already (I tend to write out of order sometimes if I know where the story is going, not too far ahead but I write a specific scene when I'm in a specific mood to do so not necessarily when its the next thing happening, otherwise I find my writing sounds too forced)
13. Second Sight by Rae [Reviews - 8] (1617 words)
I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who reads this story and especially to those who comment! Please keep doing more of the same and so will I :)
14. Special Needs by Rae [Reviews - 7] (1424 words)
Okay folks, I said I might and I did managed to squeeze in one more Chapter...had the time to edit this today because I had it pretty much done, but this is definetly the last one for about a week...my last exam is next week then I'll have time to post another one...
15. Space Monkey by Rae [Reviews - 12] (1273 words)
Exams are over now so I can get some writing done, which is a relief because I've really wanted to do it but haven't had the time...Unfortunetly the angst slips in after this Chapter...
16. Broken Promise by Rae [Reviews - 8] (1671 words)
Here's my new update...argh I'm so busy (bad times), but wanted to get this Chapter up...I'm moving out of my flat over the next few days and in a few weeks moving into a house...so updates may be here and there from now on...good news is I have written the next 3 Chapters already they just need a good check through...bad news my access to the internet will be limited so finding the oppurtunity to upload them will be a bit more difficult...sorry, but bear with me!
17. Pierrot The Clown by Rae [Reviews - 6] (2041 words)
I feel like I'm in limbo at the moment...I'm at my parent's house, living out of boxes, waiting to move into my new house for this year...but they've got their internet back, so while I had some spare time I unpacked and hooked up my computer...which means new Chapter! So please read and review...and I'll keep writing :)
18. In The Cold Light Of Morning by Rae [Reviews - 10] (1402 words)
So sorry for the long delay, but I'm moved, completely settled and now have the internet at the new house, I also have a few Chapters to put up as soon as they're edited so I'm back on track...hope you're still with me :)
19. Without You I'm Nothing by Rae [Reviews - 14] (1697 words)
After one particular review I got I just wanted to address something, I know the last Chapter didn’t sit well with some people, (I got a few really nice reviews though and as always really appreciated them) but I hope those of you who are unsure of the story still stick with me…I’m promising Buffy and Spike will come to a place where they can be together again (whether they will decide its right or not I won’t say, but they’ll be in the place to decide), but I can say one thing, its not yet, nor is it that soon…they will be separated for a few Chapters…but its important to the kind of story I’m telling, I warned of this, and of angst…I can’t change the story, because it wouldn’t feel or be right…I’d rather risk losing a few people than write a nancy ending in which they got back together straight away and said everything they want to the other…when feelings are hurt sometimes people don’t want to talk about it (especially men in my experience, and especially when they’re partly to blame)…both of the characters need time to not only forgive, but to think what they want for themselves…I’m an avid believer in bad couples most of the time being caused by two individuals who are unhappy with themselves…you need to be content with yourself before you can open up to someone else, and neither the buffy or spike characters in my story can do that right now…I’m looking forward to exploring the characters as individuals, developing not only who they are now, but also taking them somewhere new, each onto a path that leads them to their goals and then they realise they’re in a place where they can sort things out and say things left unsaid…this is just a warning…I’m making this as realistic as possible for this kind of writing…so its not gonna be easy sailing…but it’ll be sailing none the less, so please just keep reading :)
20. Nancy Boy by Rae [Reviews - 6] (1441 words)
I'm posting this in a bit of a rush on my way out...I thought I was going to have all day to post this tomorrow but last minute plans popped up...and I'm off to London at the weekend til the start of next week...so not going to be home again until next Tuesday...and I couldn't make you wait that long! So here's the next Chapter...please review because these next few Chapters will have either Buffy or Spike missing, and I've got comfortable with their interactions to get the story along, so let me know what you think of their solo stories!
21. Blue American by Rae [Reviews - 6] (2010 words)
I'm going on holiday next Thursday for a week, and will be pretty busy until then so this might be the last update for a while, but hopefully I'll get another one up before I go, please forgive me if not and keep reading, they meet again soon, I promise!
22. Johnny & Mary by Rae [Reviews - 10] (1541 words)
So sorry for the long wait! First my holiday then starting Uni again (which is beyond stressful already), but I really wanted to get a few more Chapters up til I get to a better point, I didn't like where I left you all with the story...I didn't put a Buffy/Other warning up because they only talk in this Chapter, and I assure you in the future Buffy and Riley won't even kiss, and the next time he appears he's out!
23. Taste In Men by Rae [Reviews - 11] (1775 words)
Hope you like, although the event in this Chapter itself is entirely fictional, it’s inspired by how I felt after my break up with what I thought at the time was my first love...more specifically one of my friends who constantly tried to push me into moving on before I was ready, she didn’t understand I just needed time to be miserable and get used to being without him, I needed time to be on my own so I could start liking myself again before I was ready to like someone else, and it annoyed the hell out of me that no matter how many times I’d explained that to her she’d still get annoyed I wasn’t ready…(but he was an even bigger asshole than Spike, so unlike Buffy I was well rid)…I think my friends problem was similar to what Riley says in this Chapter that she had never had strong feelings for anyone so didn’t understand my reluctance to move on…sadly she doesn’t believe in love, so we disagree on matters of the heart ‘til this day!...Suppose even now I get frustrated thinking about how she didn’t listen to what I really needed, so it was nice to vent that frustration towards Faith in this Chapter…given that personal background please be nice lol (only kidding as usual positive and negative reviews help me write better stories, just in different ways!)
24. I Know by Rae [Reviews - 9] (1760 words)
Someone said they couldn’t wait to see Buffy and Spike together again, even if they were arguing, they must have read my mind…
25. Song To Say Goodbye by Rae [Reviews - 14] (1654 words)
Just if any of you are interested in the songs I’m using, again they’re all placebo ones, in this Chapter there’s two, the title song, and a song which is actually played by Spike…its meant to be an acoustic version of Teenage Angst, and if you like placebo and haven’t heard it, its beautiful, I love the original just as much, but this is so nice slowed down the words become more meaningful in my opinion…thought I would mention because the real song is VERY different and wouldn’t fit the mood I’m trying to set, so if you know the original (so hence will be thinking of that wrongly while reading the Chapter) or are just curious to what the song sounds like here’s a link for the acoustic version I’m talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWrXUv3bJrw…Beware EXTREMELY angsty Chapter!
26. Slave To The Wage by Rae [Reviews - 5] (1486 words)
I can't apologise enough for the delay, but I REALLY needed a holiday break, all my friends and my boyfriend were coming home from Uni and I really needed to let my hair down...and I've also been revising...which brings me onto future updates, I won't be taking another break, but I have exams over the next few weeks so I still won't be uploading as much as before xmas...its annoying, because I'm really wanting to write at the moment, but I know I shouldn't...
27. English Summer Rain by Rae [Reviews - 8] (1280 words)
I can't apologise enough for how long I've neglected this story...but I've finally handed in my dissertation at Uni which was the reason I wasn't updating, so I now have the time to write again and am relaxed enough to write...and now I have no work left until my final exams in May...I hope that I can finish this story before they happen, but at the same time I don't want to rush anything, I want to finish the story, but to the best of my ability, so that I'm completely happy with it...either way this story is coming to a close, but theres 4 or 5 Chapters left before that happens!!!
28. Summer's Gone by Rae [Reviews - 9] (1969 words)
Hi all! As promised I'm not being as slow with updates now the Uni works cooled off temporarily...and I have some good news...I've totally been at one with the muse these past few days, I've been mad busy with seeing my friends now they're all back from Uni for easter break, but I found myself with some free time yesterday and was up all night writing, and some of this morning...so I've got big chunks of the next 3 Chapters wirtten! I'm so releaved, because not only are they partially done, which means I can carry on updating even when I have to start spending most of my time revising coz they should be already in the bag, but I was in such an inspired mood that everything came really easily and naturally...so hopefully this story (probably 5 Chapters left) will be finished soon! I have mixed feelings about that tho lol, I don't want it to end!
29. The Crawl by Rae [Reviews - 10] (1833 words)
Just to let you know I'm currently planning/writing Chapter 32 (the last Chapter) and editing the few Chapters before...when posting this on another site I got interest in including Buffy's family to the story...thats not going to happen in a real way within this story, however if I decided to do a follow up, which I am thinking about as I'm very attached to this story and am sad that its coming to an end...I would have to include them (you'll see why when I finish the last Chapter) would people be interested? (given that it was necessary, I'd never force a sequel out unless I felt there was more to say, because I have already planned another different fanfic to write after this one, its just something that has come to mind recently and that I'm actually quite excited about, so let me know)...
30. I Do by Rae [Reviews - 9] (2151 words)
So here's the next Chapter...I have no more worries about exams getting in the way, because for some reason I've been writing like mad the last week, I've absolutely loved doing it, its been really relaxing, and it means this is almost in the bag so I haven't got much more to do on it, so when I get a few spare hours here and there it'll be enough to ensure this gets finished in the next week or 2 at most, and I've got the sequel all planned out already :)
31. Running Up That Hill by Rae [Reviews - 2] (2532 words)
Sorry its been longer than I said (not too long though)…I was being cruel, basically wanted to post the last 2 Chapters together so I had to wait ‘til I written Chapter 32 before I posted this one…I’ll post the next (and last) Chapter later tonight, not much waiting and then the whole story is done! I’m so sad!
32. Every You Every Me by Rae [Reviews - 15] (2206 words)
Here it is, the last update! Warning there be sexual situations ahead lol! The last part of the Chapter I suppose is a little round up or epilogue, but I’ve kept the end open for a sequel, and now I guess you’ll see why I said if I decided to do a sequel it would have to involve their family, but I’m totally decided on doing it now…Of course if you don’t plan to read the sequel I hope you can still enjoy this story on its own…I’ve really appreciated everyone on the SpuffyRealm and can’t thank everyone enough…its been great to post here!