The party was raging hot. The heat was abundant around him, he could feel the heat coming from their flushed bodies. Drunk co-eds danced around him as he stalked his prey. The pulsing beat of the music matched his heart rate as he chose his next victim. No, not victim, his next lover. That sounded better. She would show him love tonight. Love until her last breath. It was just too bad she wouldn’t make it through the night. It made him almost wish he could keep one for longer, but they always betrayed him. No, he would be the last she would see. He could hear the heartbeats of the people around him pounding. Each one looking for love, at least for the night. They all wanted to be reaffirmed of their desirability, of their beauty.

A flash of blond hair caught his eye.

She wasn’t dressed like the others. Not in the business-like black pants and jacket. Her crisp white shirt unbuttoned to give just enough allure. Her pants hung low on her hips accenting the soft curve there. He longed to run his hands down those hips. As she started walking again, he followed her as she made her way around the party, asking questions to the random co-ed. He could see the outline of a gun at the small of her back and it only made him want her more. He quickly trained his eyes over her enticing little body, appraising what he found there. The long, lean legs giving way into slender hips and finally up to her perky little breasts, just barely accented under the jacket. She turned away from him and he let his gaze follow her firm ass as she sauntered away from. He decided in that moment…

She was his. He would make damned sure she belonged to him.

His eyes narrowed as she laughed and flirted with her bleach-blond counterpart. Her slim hand ran its way from his shoulder to the curve of his bicep and he saw red. He wanted pain, he wanted to cause pain. He wanted to teach her that he was the only man for her. To make her scream his name. Make her love him. He ripped his gaze away from his tiny blond, settling on another blond dancing wildly in the midst of drunk frat boys. She would have to take the place of his blond beauty. He could have fun with her until his goddess was ready.

He strode into the crowd, glaring at any man that dared question him. Wrapping his arms around her waist he began to gently sway behind her, letting his hands wander over her torso, imagining the smaller hips and waistline of his gorgeous goddess across the room. In vain, he tried to ignore her blatant advances on him. Her body pressing back against his. The tiny pink skirt riding up to show more leg. He closed his eyes to envision a more petite body, silkier hair. He could almost smell the power radiating off her across the room. Piercing green eyes had met his own brown ones for only a moment, but he’d felt the connection.

“Come with me” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. At her nod he took her hand and led her towards the door. Leading her outside he quickly slammed her against the side of the house, reveling in her fear as her eyes widened in terror. “Shouldn’t wander off with strangers sweetheart. Never know who you’re leaving with. We’re going to have fun .” He tightened his grip on her hand and pulled her across the parking lot to an abandoned alley. He pathetic cries for help unheard. Her whispers only fueled his desire to cause her pain. To hurt her as he’d been hurt before. He wanted his beauty from inside to find her, to see his work. His masterpiece.

Inside the party Buffy turned in a circle trying to spot anyone she hadn’t already talked to when she felt a hand on her wrist. Jumping she spun, reading to take down the offender.

“Whoa luv!” Spike held up his hands in the universal sign of peace “ ‘s just me.”

“Jesus Spike! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” She let her fists drop to her sides.

“’s no one here pet. Don’t think he’ll show again. Not so soon after the other one.”

“I think you’re right but he’ll be off schedule now. Judging by the profile, I don’t think he’ll miss his deadline. He’s got to be somewhere Spike and I’ll be damned if I let another girl die because I wasn’t there to stop him.” Buffy frowned as she quickly surveyed the party one last time before she headed towards the front door, Spike following.

Back in the alley…

With a twist he slammed the blond into the wall. Her head slammed into the concrete once before bouncing back towards him. She moaned in pain as he took hold of her shoulders and forced her back onto the wall. Cement grated into the back of her thighs and shoulders, scraping at the exposed skin. His left hand gripped at her throat, pressing lightly. He let out a groan of pleasure as she struggled to keep breathing with the pressure of his hand crushing her throat. His other hand reached down and groped hard at her exposed thigh. Roughly kneading any flesh he found enjoying the power he had over her.

Her eyes widened in horror as she realized he was not going to stop. She tried to struggle against his heavy form as he continued to add pressure to her throat, the air leaving her lungs as she gasped for breath.

He laughed. A deep roaring bellow from deep in his belly as he ripped her clothing away and unbuckled his own pants before forcing himself on her.

That evening Buffy settled down on the beige suede couch with a glass of wine in one hand while she flipped through the news channels with the other. One channel caught her attention as the crime scene was displayed across the screen. She turned up the volume and listened to the commentary…

“…victim of an attempted murder was found in the alley between Southside and Rampart…” The commentary continued but was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone.

She quickly answered the phone, set down the wine and headed to her bedroom to change clothes. Within minutes she was seated in the Durango and headed towards Sunnydale Memorial hospital.

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