[Reviews - 21] LikedPrinter
Summary: What if Angel had lost his soul during sex with Buffy and not after? What if, when Spike heard of Angelus' return, he played the white knight and rescued Buffy?
Challenge Response to: http://dark-solace.org/elysian/challenges.php?chalid=42
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General/Canon Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Rape, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 10065 Read: 5566
Published: 04/16/2009 Updated: 04/23/2009

1. Surprise! by Aureliana [Reviews - 7] Liked (1348 words)
This is my first attempt at anything longer than a one-shot, so construtive criticism is welcome =) and also my first attempt at writing Buffy/Angel which wasn't very enjoyable, but of course it will be Spuffy.

This is unbeta'd so all blame for bad writing goes to me lol

Quotes from the episode Surprise are used throughout this chapter.

2. What's a Little Torture Between Lovers? by Aureliana [Reviews - 2] Liked (4461 words)
Hope this next chapter isn't too disappointing, I tried my hardest to write some 'good' torture but it didn't quite come out the way I wanted so I deleted most of it. I will work on the parts I edited out, and maybe bring them in later as a flashback. But for now, here's chapter two =)

Quotes taken from Innocence

All italics surrounded by *stars* are thoughts

Italics surrounded by 'single quotation marks' are flashbacks.

Big thanks goes to shadowsbabe for correcting the many mistakes in this chapter after its first posting on EF. =)

3. A Helping Hand by Aureliana [Reviews - 12] Liked (4256 words)
All thoughts are surrounded by *stars*

I have had this chapter read through by a friend, but if she has missed anything please feel free to let me know =)

Thank you for your reviews last chapter, I hope you enjoy this update =)

Thank you to Vette for creating the banner for this fic =D