WON at the Sunnydale Memorial Rewards for Best Plot and Best Pairing (Conventional)! I was also Runner Up for Best Author!
Nominated at the Running With Scissors Awards for The Cookie Dough Award (Best WIP)
Nominated in Round 2 of the C2C Buffy Awards for: Best Romance, Best Original Plot, and Best Sex!
Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: Porn with Plot Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Freaky/Kinky, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes
Word count: 147144 Read: 47186
Published: 09/08/2009 Updated: 06/12/2010
1. Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time... by PaganBaby [Reviews - 31] (5624 words)
RATED NC-17!!! Read the following warnings! Please do not read if you are underage. Warnings for: Explicit sex, adult content and language, character deaths, spoilers for seasons 6 and 7, angst, abuse. BEWARE: Some smut in later installments may contain sex with half-human/half-animal fairy tale characters! So if that squicks you in the least, do yourself a favor and don't read any further. Thank you :)
{A/N: Takes place during season 5 of BtVS after the episode 'Listening To Fear'. This story has a mix of silly and serious. Some things will make you giggle (I hope!) and others will make you cringe. Most of us have read the old fairy tales, and know how dark they could be.
This is an old-new story. I wrote some of it about 5 years ago, but left it unfinished because I wasn't sure if it was too different (and in parts, too kinky!). But, at CallMeKitten's urging, I took up the story again. I'm putting out the first part to see if ya'll are interested, so let me know if you want me to continue. I write at a snail's pace, so updates won't be speedy, but I intend on seeing this through 'til the end :) }
* Thanks to the lovely and talented DFL for beta'ing!
** Endless thanks and love to my homegirl CallMeKitten for her help, suggestions, and encouragement. I would not have even gone back to this old story idea if it weren't for her. Thank you, Kitten! *smoochies and lurve* I'd also like to thank Brett, Chantelly, and DFL for their support *more smoochies*
*** Thanks to Chantelly and Edgehead for the lovely banners!
Joss and ME own all.
2. Part 1, Chapter 2: Into the Woods by PaganBaby [Reviews - 21] (5213 words)
3. Part 1, Chapter 3: Out of the Frying Pan... by PaganBaby [Reviews - 14] (6337 words)
4. Part 1, Chapter 4: Crime and Punishment by PaganBaby [Reviews - 12] (8891 words)
5. Part 1, Chapter 5: Toil & Trouble by PaganBaby [Reviews - 10] (8827 words)
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead :D
6. Part 1, Chapter 6: Rub-A-Dub-Dub by PaganBaby [Reviews - 11] (7486 words)
Buffy and Spike will be prisoners of the witch until chapter 10. What happens between now and then is all about their personal relationship and how it's changing. I hope y'all enjoy the ride :)
Kewl banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead
7. Part 1, Chapter 7: Never Leave Me by PaganBaby [Reviews - 10] (5247 words)
Happy Halloween! =D
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead
8. Part 1, Chapter 8: Sex and Candy by PaganBaby [Reviews - 13] (9158 words)
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead, respectively :)
9. Part 1, Chapter 9: Pangs by PaganBaby [Reviews - 9] (10526 words)
Only one more angsty chapter to go before it comes to a head. Thank you for sticking with me, gentle readers! =) *hugs*
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead :)
10. Part 1, Chapter 10: Desperate Measures by PaganBaby [Reviews - 5] (6098 words)
I went beyond the limit for chapter length *sigh* So I split chapter 10 into two parts. Enjoy!
Many thanks to my awesome beta, Dragonfly Lady :)
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead
11. Part 1, Chapter 10: Desperate Measures (continued) by PaganBaby [Reviews - 11] (5120 words)
It's a pain in the butt to split the chapter in two lol
12. Part 1, Chapter 11: The Shape of Things to Come by PaganBaby [Reviews - 8] (4708 words)
{A/N: I had to split this chapter into 2 separate ones again. I can be too verbose lol It will probably take me a bit longer between updates for the final few chapters. The holidays are a real bitca.
Mucho thanks to all of you who have been so awesome with the review giving :D Leaving a few nice words can really make a big difference! *smoochies to all*
Thanks again to DFL for being such a wonderful beta, and Chantelly and Edgehead for the fabooo banners! *hugggles*}
13. Part 1, Chapter 11: The Shape of Things to Come (continued) by PaganBaby [Reviews - 13] (6424 words)
Enjoy the second half of chapter 11! =D
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead
14. Part 1, Chapter 12: Stormy Weather by PaganBaby [Reviews - 9] (9160 words)
Sorry it's taken me so very long to update. I got a terrible case of ye olde writer's block. Bear with me as I attempt to get my groove back =D Thanks to all of you who have stuck with me! *smooches and love*
Here's a link to a YouTube vid of the Fleetwood Mac (from the Peter Green era) cover of 'Need Your Love So Bad':
I just love that song. I love imagining Spike singing it even more heehee
Thanks to DFL for beta'ing this long-ass chapter! And thanks to CallMeKitten and Passion4Spike for all of their support! You gals rock! *smoochies*
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead
15. Part 1, Chapter 13: Only You by PaganBaby [Reviews - 6] (13400 words)
I named this chapter after the song 'Only You' by The Platters. The lyrics just scream 'Spuffy!' to me - lots of songs do that lol Here's a YouTube link to song if you'd like to give it a listen:
This is another long chapter, so it's best to read it when you have time to kick back and relax :D I had to split it into two for it to meet the max. words requirement.
Big sloppy kisses to Passion4Spike for her devilish encouragement! >:D *smooooch!*
Banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead
16. Part 1, Chapter 13: Only You (continued) by PaganBaby [Reviews - 8] (3893 words)
Here's where Buffy and Spike left off :P
I've gotta thank my beta, DFL, again for taking on these extra large chapters of mine lol Bless her heart :D
17. Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion by PaganBaby [Reviews - 3] (7665 words)
At this point on the show, Dawn wasn't yet aware of her 'keyness'. But, for the purposes of my story and to move things along, she already knows she's the Key that Glory is looking for. Dawn's dealing with it the best she can -- without as much whining lol
I could have made Dawn's portion of the chapter much longer and more detailed, but I reckoned most readers would rather get back to Magic Box and Spuffy happenings more quickly :)
This is going to be a very long chapter -- it will include Dawn's arrival in the Unari dimension, Magic Box scenes and, of course, Spike and Buffy's continuing adventure. I wanted to get everyone in there and wrap up Part 1 in grand style lol
The song 'Life of Illusion' by Joe Walsh got stuck in my head when I was planning this chapter. Here's a YouTube link if you'd like to listen and get it stuck in your head too =D
Mucho thanks to DFL for beta'ing the previous 13 chapters. Thanks to Passion4Spike for taking over on this last gi-normous chapter :) And special thanks to CallMeKitten for all of her support, encouragement, and the kick in the ass she gave me to get this story off the ground! *hugz*
Fabooo banners by xoChantelly and Edgehead
18. Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued) by PaganBaby [Reviews - 6] (4567 words)
More at the Magic Box :)
19. Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued again) by PaganBaby [Reviews - 4] (9383 words)
Finally getting to the Spuffy part :D
20. Part 1, Chapter 14: Life of Illusion (continued yet again) by PaganBaby [Reviews - 23] (9417 words)
This is the last addition - promise! lol
Thanks one last time to xoChantelly and Edgehead for making me those awesome banners :D