Buffy was happy. The whole 'fishy swim team' thing had been sorted out. Thanks to Spike's information, the boys had been rounded up, before any more fish beasts emerged. Coach Marin was in jail, nursing various wounds, inflicted on him by vengeful parents. The two existing fish boys had been captured and were responding well to treatment.

Giles was starting to come to terms with his loss and wasn't drinking so much. He was currently advising the local museum on an artefact that had recently been unearthed.

Best of all, for Buffy, there were no big bads on the horizon; well, just one but he'd chilled out...

...Spike's head snapped back, as Buffy backhanded him in the face. He countered with a punch, which sent Buffy spinning against the wall, crumbling plaster showering into her hair. She used the wall as leverage and flung herself at Spike. They hit the floor together and rolled, Buffy putting an imaginary stake to his chest.

"God, that was fun." Buffy panted, getting to her feet and putting her hand out to Spike. He took it and she pulled him up.

"Coffee?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah."

They'd been doing this for weeks, now. The abandoned building that Spike had chosen, was looking decidedly battered and he was thinking that they should find another. Wouldn't do to have the thing fall down around them. This was so much more fun than killing a slayer - they trusted each other - sometimes he won, sometimes Buffy; the dance went on.

He didn't miss Dru. That had come as a bit of a shock to him but he didn't. She had been such hard work and the minions were happier without her torturing them for no reason. The number of times he had had to talk her down from inflicting ghastly injuries, as retribution for some imagined crime. His life was almost stress free these days. Now, if he could just stop himself from loving Buffy...

Fighting her was fun but the sexual frustration was killing him. They had kissed while possessed and, much as he wanted to, they hadn't since. He could smell her arousal, when they fought but what a women's body wanted and what her mind wanted were often two different things; he didn't want to risk upsetting her and putting an end to their arrangement.

* * * * *

Buffy was sitting in the Bronze, with her friends, who were so couple-y that she could hardly stand it. Everyone seemed to be paired off, these days and she missed Spike. She didn't want her friends to know he was alive, let alone that she was sort of dating him and God forbid they should find out that she was in love with him. It was a mess. She wanted to come here with Spike and dance and cuddle and kiss, just like her friends. Trouble was, she and Spike didn't cuddle and kiss and the dancing was more punching and kicking. They talked a lot, though. The talking was brilliant. She and Angel had hardly ever talked and she was begining to see that the whole Angel thing had been based on smoochies and nothing else. God, she wanted Spike but if she made a move, she might lose what she had.

"Buffy, we've got trouble." Giles had turned up, looking very grim.

"What's happened?" Buffy asked.

"Acathla's been stolen."


"That 'relic' I've been researching, it's got a petrified demon inside."


"Turned to stone. Acathla was going to suck the world into hell but was stopped with a spelled sword. He turned to stone and has been waiting, all this time, for someone to pull out the sword, wake him up and let him finish his task."

"And he's been stolen?"

"Yes. I've been trying to find a way to make him safe but now someone's taken him. The dead museum staff have been drained of blood, by vampires."

"So we're looking for some vampires who want the world sucked into hell?"

"Either that or vampires working for someone who wants the world sucked into hell." Willow added, helpfully.

"I'll go ask around at Willy's," Buffy said, "Willow, any chance of a locating spell for this Alfalfa?"

"I can try."

"Good. Giles, you help her."

Giles watched, as his slayer left the Bronze. She was getting so independent, these days. He knew it was partly his fault and was the only good thing to come out of his recent pain and loss. He had neglected his duties as watcher but as a result, Buffy was, mentally speaking, a stronger slayer. She was much more self reliant, going off to Willy's, by herself.

Buffy strode confidently into Spike's lair. The minions had orders not to bother her and Spike was always pleased to have her drop by.

"Spike, we've got trouble."

"Haven't we always, pet?" He said, cheerfully, laying his book down on the table.

"Some vampires have stolen a stone demon, which can suck the world into hell."

"I thought that was just a myth."

"You knew more than me, then. I'd never even heard of it. Who, round here, has vampires working for them?"

"The mayor has some; they bother me occasionally but I just dust 'em. These days, his are the only ones that I don't control."

"Why would the mayor want the world sucked into hell?"

"Dunno, we'll have to ask 'im. If he's got this demon, that is. It's even possible that there's new vamps in town that I don't know about, yet."

"Willow's going to do a locator spell."

"I hope she's being careful, magic's tricky stuff."

Spike went over to a desk in the corner and took something out of a drawer.

"I was going to give you this, later tonight but you'd better have it now." He handed her a cell phone.

"Spike! Wow. That's just, wow!"

"My number's already programmed into speed dial. If you need reinforcements, call me."

Buffy flung herself at him and, without thinking, kissed him full on the mouth. He kissed her back. Their arms tightened around each other as the kiss deepened. When Buffy had to come up for air, she looked into Spike's eyes.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." She breathed.

"Me too." He said, pulling her back to him, for more.

Neither of them noticed Drusilla, watching from the shadows...

* * * * *

Kendra had come back to Sunnydale because her watcher felt that the world needed all the help it could get. He had provided an identical spelled sword, just in case Acathla woke.

Buffy had phoned Spike, to let him know that he should keep a very low profile, while there were two slayers in town. She hadn't forgotten that, on her last visit, Kendra had nearly killed Angel.

The gang were meeting up at the library but Buffy and Kendra were completely unprepared for the scene that was waiting for them. Giles was unconscious, a nasty wound on his head and Willow was nearly dead from blood loss.

"Xander, what happened?" Buffy yelled, as the medics loaded Giles onto a stretcher.

"Vampires." He said, "we got here and Giles was on the floor. Willow was in the office. She had this in her hand." Xander handed Buffy a map of Sunnydale. Buffy smoothed it out and saw that there was a burn mark on it. The locator spell.

"Jenny?" Giles murmured, as he was wheeled out to the ambulance.

"Xander, Cordelia, you two go to the hospital with them. Call Willow's parents and Oz. Kendra and I will sort out Acathla." Buffy's heart was beating fast and she was shaking. She hoped that the others thought it was just because of Willow and Giles but she had another reason.

If the locator spell was accurate, Acathla was in Angel's old apartment...

Chapter End Notes:
Once again, thank you so much for all the reviews. I'm sorry this is just a quicky but I've been sooo busy, this week.

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