Chapter 10

“Well, it looks like you finally got what you wanted. I hope you’re happy.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Do you have a problem with knocking before you enter someone’s home? What are you on about now?”

“As if you didn’t know,” Angel responded, placing a small ring down on the table in front of him. “Elizabeth handed this back to me, after telling me that she couldn’t go through with the wedding.”

To say Spike was shocked would be an understatement. “She called it off?”

He nodded. “I don’t know what happened. She came by my house in tears, saying how she loved me, but she didn’t think she was in love with me, and that going through with the wedding wouldn’t be fair to either of us. Are you telling me that you knew nothing about this?”

Spike shook his head. “I haven’t even seen her in days. I was doing what you said, giving you both some space. I don’t know where that decision came from, but I guarantee it had nothing to do with me.”

Angel ran his fingers through his hair, taking a seat at the kitchen table. “I did something I’m not proud of. I told her about your lady friend, the one I saw here the other night. I guess I wanted to see if Liz would get jealous over it, which would prove that she still had feelings for you. She didn’t really say anything, but I could tell how hurt she was, it was written all over her face.”

Spike let out a sigh. “You bloody moron,” he cursed, motioning for Tara to come over when he saw her walk by. “This is Tara, my sister. She’s having some problems at home, so I agreed to let her and her daughter stay with me for a while.”

Angel’s eyes widened, standing up to shake the woman’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Sorry if I was such a jerk before, I didn’t realize Spike had any siblings.”

Tara smiled at the nervous man. “Don’t mention it. I’m just going to put Amanda down for her nap,” she said the last part to Spike, leaving to do just that.

“You have a sister?” Angel wondered once they were alone. “Why am I just now finding out about this? If I knew that beforehand, I wouldn’t have said anything to Liz. Now I feel like an even bigger dick.”

“You bloody well should, you had no right to tell her that. Tara’s my half-sister, and I don’t have to tell you everything, not like you’ve ever asked about my family. It’s not like you even gave me much chance before storming out of here after you saw her, you always think the worst of me. I’ve made a lot of wrong bloody calls in my life, but I’m through with meaningless one night stands. I may have hid it around you, but all that ever did was make me miserable. I want more than that.”

“And you want it with Buffy,” he finished, it wasn’t a question.

Spike didn’t even acknowledge the fact that Angel actually used her nickname for once. “Yes, I want it with Buffy; I’m not going to lie to you. I want to be with her. I want to love her, and more importantly, I want to be free to love her. I’m sorry about your wedding, but you had to know that it wouldn’t have worked out. I know you, Angel; your heart was never in it.”

Angel nodded, not about to deny what he knew was the truth. “I guess it was more about wanting to save her. When I first met her, she was so broken. I wanted to be a hero for her, to be needed by someone. I know that’s not the sort of thing you base a relationship on, but for a while there, I thought it was enough. Look, Buffy deserves the best, and she loved you once. Hell, she still does, I don’t know why she suddenly decided to break off our engagement, but there’s no doubt in my mind that it had everything to do with you. If you love her, then go tell her that. Make her see that you’ve really changed, that you’re here for the long haul. Do something right this time.”

Spike was surprised that the other man was basically giving his approval to go after Buffy. “Is she at home now?”

“I think she’s at work, but she should be home some time after dark.”

He patted his friend on the back, heading over to the door, and stopping when Angel spoke up again.

“I don’t think I have to tell you this, but if you hurt her, I will be forced to kick your ass.”

Spike grinned, and with a nod, he took off to get his girl.

* * * * *

After getting everything he needed, Spike hurried over to her house, knowing that he likely only had an hour until she came home. He glanced up at her window, and if he knew Buffy, it would be unlocked. Spike got his answer when he easily pushed it open, shaking his head at how dangerous that was, but right now, it worked in his favor. He rubbed his hands together, not wasting any time before putting his plan to motion.

* * * * *

Something wasn’t right when Buffy walked into her house later that night. The place was dark, illuminated by candles, and soft music was playing on the stereo. If someone was going to rob her, they weren’t doing a very good job of it. When she entered the living room, she was stunned by the sight before her. Spike was standing by the fireplace, wearing a nice suit, and holding up a red rose.

“I thought you could use a new one,” Spike told her.

Buffy didn’t know what to think at this point. “What is all of this?”

He took in a deep breath. “This is for me being such an idiot, not just in the past. I want to do things right, Buffy. I want us to have a real relationship.”

“Angel…” she started, but was cut off.

“He’s okay with it; I talked to him before I came over. He practically gave us his blessing, after promising to beat me to a bloody pulp if I ever hurt you again.”

That got a laugh out of her, but it quickly faded. “What about that girl I saw you with?”

Spike raised his eyebrows in confusion. “What girl?”

“In town, you were with some woman; she had a kid with her. You looked really happy.”

He smiled, shaking his head. “Well, you’re right about that, I’m always happy when I see her. That was Tara, my little sister; the nibblet is her daughter, Amanda. Her husband’s an alcoholic and started beating on her, but when the pillock tried to lay a finger on Amanda, Tara finally had enough and left him. She didn’t know where else to go, so I offered to let them stay with me for the time being.”

“God, is she okay?”

Spike nodded. “She will be. She’s my half-sister, I’m sorry that I never told you about her before, but you know I’m not one for talking much about my personal life. She was living with her mother in New York when I was in school, before she met her wanker of a husband, and then has been living in Boston. I don’t get to see her much, but I’m sure she would love to meet you, since you could relate to her situation and all.”

Buffy had never been around another woman who had to go through something similar, not knowing exactly how to deal with that.

“Would you tell me about it now? You never talk about what happened, and I completely understand that, but I’d like us to be more involved in each other’s lives, especially the parts that we missed out on. This is it for me, Buffy. I want everything with you. I know it’s sudden, you just got out of a relationship, but if you’ll have me, I promise that I’ll never do anything to make you regret that decision.”

She thought about it, giving him a small smile. “It’s a long story.”

He returned her smile. “I have all the time in the world.”

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