Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Character Death, Freaky/Kinky, Rape, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No
Word count: 26822 Read: 14781
Published: 06/25/2010 Updated: 11/02/2010
1. Where is my head, where are my bones by claudia [Reviews - 3] (2596 words)
I am not stopping till this is complete, so don't worry. I also am open to suggestions as my muse only seems to work when I have the vaguest conceptions and ideas. Every time I try to escape this pairing, I am drawn back to it. I hope you enjoy the following just as much as I have writing it.
2. why are my days so far from home by claudia [Reviews - 2] (2243 words)
Thanks to all who read that first chapter. I know that it was rather background centered but I promise that it is important.
3. Altered states by claudia [Reviews - 4] (2078 words)
I really love the band Bush, so don't take the chapter headings that seriously, it's just what I write to. Thanks for the encouraging reviews. It really helps kick start the muse.
4. glycerine by claudia [Reviews - 1] (2187 words)
Thank you for all the great reviews. Don't hate me for the cliffhanger.
5. Bonedriven by claudia [Reviews - 6] (1236 words)
6. circle the drain by claudia [Reviews - 3] (1196 words)
7. disrespect by claudia [Reviews - 5] (1061 words)
8. power by claudia [Reviews - 4] (2532 words)
9. fishing by claudia [Reviews - 2] (1632 words)
10. ever mine ever thine by claudia [Reviews - 4] (2911 words)
11. give me a sign by claudia [Reviews - 7] (1229 words)
Thanks for the reviews. I really appreciate the encouragement, and hope that this is good enough until early next week. Thanks again!
12. what lovers do in the dark by claudia [Reviews - 4] (1712 words)
I have to point to the warnings for this chapter. Please only read after you've looked over all of them. Spike is not the nice chipped one that we are used to and I want to write him true: conflicted, narcissistic and desperate for a different world.
13. in the cold light of morning by claudia [Reviews - 5] (4209 words)
Thanks for waiting. Exams are on but after that I hope to keep the posting nice and regular!