[Reviews - 123] LikedPrinter
Summary: (Background) Constantly overshadowed by his past, Spike has learnt to accept that he’ll never be any better than his low life friends, no matter how hard he tries. One such friend, out to show his father he can make a name for himself in the city, drags Spike further into a vicious world of crime. Whilst Angel wants to finance his underhanded businesses Spike can think only of making a fresh start somewhere else...(Story starts) Aligning their separate goals temporarily they decide to exchange their more sinister misdeeds for an innocent bank job, but when they have to take a young girl named Buffy hostage in order to escape, things get more complicated. After she finds out Spike’s identity he realises he can’t let her go, and is forced to lock her away in his house whilst he decides what to do with her. Ignited by their mutual attraction, as well as their fear that he may never be able to let her go alive, their dangerous relationship evolves.
Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes
Word count: 77343 Read: 31402
Published: 07/15/2010 Updated: 05/14/2012

1. Getaway by Rae [Reviews - 11] Liked (3264 words)
This is my new story, hope you like it, I actually had the idea for it before Protect Me From What I Want but this story took much more planning so it took a backseat until I had finished that one, which I think you should all read (lol shameless self-promotion there) and it also took more writing because I wanted to get a few Chapters in the bag first before uploading so I knew the direction of the story and the writing style I was going to use…Anyway I REALLY hope you like it, it’s a hostage story…Now I’ve read a few of these in the past and they either were never finished (most of them oddly) or they didn’t go in the direction I wished they had (which is one of the main reasons I started writing fanfic, because I kept looking for stories with particular plot lines and never found them, so I thought well if I’ve got that idea I should bloody well write it myself), so although you may have seen the premise before you won’t have seen the story (I hope its good enough to say that, coz I’m quite proud of it)…or at the very least I hope to give the genre a healthy dollop of my own special flavour…

2. Hostage by Rae [Reviews - 4] Liked (2678 words)
So here's the second Chapter, think this sets the tone of the story better so I've tried to edit it as best I can in time to be up as a companion Chapter for the first one...Updates may be slower now but I've got a detailed plan done for every Chapter (there will be 20 and no budging on that unlike usual, I'll stay with 20 only) so don't worry too much about updates, its just finding the time, I shouldn't have a problem with writing other than that...I'm trying to remember all the things I should say about this story...oh yeah I'm making the banners myself, a different one for each Chapter (because strangely the difference between this and my other Spuffy story is it seems that pictures have replaced songs as my muse so I felt inspired to make banners)...so hope you guys like them, if not they're something I've found I enjoy doing, but they take A LOT of work on the crappy programs I have at the minute...

3. Escape by Rae [Reviews - 7] Liked (2681 words)
So sorry its took me this long to update, I've graduated from my undergraduate degree and am taking a year or two out before commiting to taking it further so in the meantime I'm looking for a job, and am also enjoying my freedom while I can so I've not been in the house a lot so had no time to edit this Chapter...but its all done now, hope you enjoy and I'll try to be better at updating in the future...

4. Stripped by Rae [Reviews - 8] Liked (2649 words)
Sorry for the long wait guys, just been through a really rough patch with my boyfriend, not the best thing to inspire creativity to write fanfic based around a pairing! But me and him are more than fine now so I’m back on the clock!

5. Acceptance by Rae [Reviews - 8] Liked (3157 words)
Hey guys I'm currently looking for a job at the minute so I'm sorry I couldn't upload earlier but I'm doing my best for how much spare time I have...I hope you enjoy the new Chapter...more is on the way!

6. Surprises by Rae [Reviews - 8] Liked (3225 words)
I can't apologise enough, I'm losing track of time seriously...I came on the site to update my profile and saw how long it had been since I updated, I was almost horrified! So sorry! Here's one for you guys!

7. Intimidation by Rae [Reviews - 10] Liked (3258 words)

WARNING this Chapter contains attempted rape, nothing graphic whatsoever but just in case some people may find it upsetting I’m giving everyone a heads up…and don’t worry it is NOT Spuffy...

PLEASE READ:- I would love it if people would decide to follow me on twitter, because I made an account last week just for you guys…I never had a reason to before, I thought no one would need to know what I was up to all the time apart from my friends, and facebook does a good enough job of making it easy to keep in touch with them…but then I thought with how bad I’ve been at updating recently Twitter might be a good place to give you guys info on my stories…so if people follow me (that being the crucial part of the plan before I do anything else) and let me know that you’re a reader so I know people want me to then I’ll do my best to post every few days with info on my stories and how they’re coming along, and also when I’ve updated etc, vice versa people can contact me on there if they have any questions about my stories or want to give me a kick up the arse because I haven’t been updating! Here’s the link to my twitter - http://twitter.com/AngelelauraRae ...

Also I was trying to keep all the Chapters after the first one (which had to be longer to set the story) uniform in length, but this one and the next 2 will be longer reads…nothing too much just a little more because its gaining momentum from here on in…

8. Breakdown by Rae [Reviews - 8] Liked (3670 words)
Hey guys, hope you’re still with the story, had a very busy week, for a bit of it I was out of town staying with my boyfriend then I had loads of jobhunt related stuff to do, argh! Anyway here it is and I’m hoping the end of the Chapter will make up for everything :)

9. Light & Dark by Rae [Reviews - 9] Liked (3899 words)
Here with a new update! Very busy as I keep saying, but I'm soldiering on and doing my best to write when I can! I promise serious Spuffy soon if you can't tell where I'm going ;)

10. Rejection by Rae [Reviews - 6] Liked (4106 words)

I sincerely apologise for this being many weeks late, many many things going on at the moment, one of my friends came to visit from London, then my boyfriend came home, then my dad had his birthday, then I've been redecorating my bedroom and then I've been bed ridden ill with flu all week!

Anyway as its coming towards Xmas I don't see me getting any better at updates, very busy time for everyone and all my mates will be back in town and I know I'll be stretched to find me-time so I am thinking (I stress the word thinking because nothing is decided) of putting this story on a sort-of-hiatus until the xmas hols…this DOES NOT mean I am not writing it, I have been writing and will continue to write or I would say otherwise, but I am not writing enough to satisfy myself and I am not editing hardly anything to get updates done…with this in mind I thought if I slowed down the updates on purpose this would allow me to get several Chapter finished at once before updating rather than writing one at a time…and for some reason I feel better sometimes writing 3 Chapters or whatever at once because it allows them to flow better as a whole story if I'm referring forwards and backwards whilst writing (it seems odd but its how I like to work)…of course this is just a thought I'll see how much I get done this next week…

11. Fire & Ice by Rae [Reviews - 10] Liked (5013 words)

Hey guys. So sorry about no updates over Christmas, I’ve now got a job so I’m working 30hours a week…its only in a shop and its minimum wage but it suits me coz I can have 3days a week off to do what I want (aka visit friends or the boyfriend now they’ve moved back to Uni, and also write when I can) and its just for a year or so until I choose another course at Uni to do so it’s just a job I can turn up to and then leave behind me when I go home no worries…but over the holidays I was working much longer shifts and more days because it was so busy so I didn’t have time to do any fanfic…I want to stress that I was always posting on twitter, PLEASE even if you haven’t got twitter my page is open for anyone to view so even if you don’t want to or can’t follow me go on there if you want info about this or other stories of mine…

Anyway now that I’m settling into normal hours and getting some money (hopefully enough to pay off my Uni debts) this has cheered me up immensely and hence my muse is back! So here’s a late xmas present for everyone, some Spuffy!

12. Distance by Rae [Reviews - 7] Liked (6684 words)

Hi guys, sorry I've been a complete let down with updates, but I'm covering so many shifts at work I can't think clearly when I get home, and the days off I have had I've been out of town spending time with my boyfriend...I'm really sorry again...but after a long wait here it is! The fallout from the Spuffy night, and A LOT more confessions about Spike's past which I think will make up for the wait...

Major plot points ahead, so this Chapter is VERY long and has MANY warnings so please read if unsure whether you will be harmfully affected by any of the material (which is not my intention) this chapter includes talk of domestic violence (against a woman and teenager), explanations of violent acts and murder...

13. Accidents by Rae [Reviews - 5] Liked (2475 words)

So here come the excuses (I’m sorry but its just so you understand that it isn’t me loosing interest in the story, just life getting in the way!) I’ve just started a college night course, so with my boyfriend being home on easter break the last month, work, and now college I have absolutely no time, and when I do I have really shit things to catch up on like housework and sleep etc so I am really sorry but that’s what I’ve been up to…

Hope people haven’t forgotten the story, very soon its going to start moving in a new direction as it comes to an end (Chapter 20 will be the last so we’re on our way, but still lots of good stuff to come) its going to change pace a little…Another important note is that I know I've kept you waiting and the Chapter is a lot shorter than normal, some may be disappointed by this, so I'll just say it may or may not continue. Chapter length is normally something I have a margin for and stick to, but with this story it goes up and down depending on where I feel its appropriate to end each part, that’s just to clear things up for those of you who think I’m being lazy or teasing you with short Chapters, thats not my intention! I love this story and I'm powering through the best I can!

14. Pretend by Rae [Reviews - 3] Liked (3558 words)

I promised an update last week on my twitter and I really wanted to live up to it but my internet went off, and yesterday was the first chance I had (because of work) to phone customer services and sort it out, but its back up now, just slow...

I hope its worth the wait because I have REALLY enjoyed writing this chapter, lots of Spuffyness in this one, I hope everyone likes it!

NEXT UPDATE: I go away on holiday in exactly 2 weeks, and I think I have 3 days off in all that time leading towards the holiday and not much of the next Chapter in the bag, so I can’t promise an update soon, but I will try my very best…please check my twitter for news (even if you don’t have twitter you can view it), I’ll let everyone know on there when the next update will be http://twitter.com/AngelelauraRae

15. Realisation by Rae [Reviews - 6] Liked (4154 words)

Again apologies, if you've been waiting for updates hopefully you've been checking my twitter where I've tried to explain the absence. If not basically the first thing that happened was I was on a lovely holiday with the boyfriend, who upon coming back decided to propose so is now the fiancé! So been really busy with friends and family, and planning my engagement party (which has been hell, one venue cancelled, can never get through to the new venue)...hopefully it'll go off tonight and we'll all have fun, but who knows! Work has also been hell, working all today before the party tonight, and then again tomorrow morning! So this fic has been put on the back burner while all that was happening!

WARNING! a lot of bad language in this Chapter!

16. Betrayal by Rae [Reviews - 3] Liked (2988 words)
I am sorry yet again, but I've recently found out I will be losing my job, I've been worried and looking for anything to tide me over through christmas and help pay for my college course so I can see that through until next summer, but no joy. My muse hasn't surfaced for a while, but I've managed to soldier on and give you an update so I hope you appreciate I'm trying my best in difficult times.

17. Unprepared by Rae [Reviews - 3] Liked (4651 words)
I found a new job, but it’s very physical and I’m a little wimpy thing so its taking a lot out of me. Writing isn’t coming because I’m not in the right place, tired all the time and just wanna veg out on my days off, but it’s only temp work and ends at Christmas so I hope my muse returns after that. Please keep checking my twitter, http://twitter.com/#!/AngelelauraRae I write on there at least once a week to keep you updated, and if I don’t write on there for a couple of weeks you know I’ve dropped off the map, otherwise don’t presume I’ve abandoned this, I am writing all the time, but it’s a couple of paragraphs at a time because my brain can’t focus on anything more when I get home from work, and weekends are family/fiancé time so I don't get anything done then anymore.

18. Promises by Rae [Reviews - 2] Liked (3975 words)
Life as always has got in the way so I won’t explain, but I am aware the longer I leave this story the less people will bother with it, so rather than make excuses I want you to know I hope the ones of you that are still reading know how much I value you and this Chapter is for you! Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year, and hope everyone has a lovely Valentine’s day tomorrow, I’ve just been told the plan for mine by my fiancé and am super excited, sorry this Chapter isn’t more fluffy or valentine’s friendly!

19. Cooperation by Rae [Reviews - 2] Liked (5455 words)
Here it is, as is usual I’ve had a stressful month, but purely because my fiancé has had a lot of bad luck the last few weeks and that has been upsetting me. But everything’s good now, and writing has been letting me take my time off worrying about him. I’m so sad to tell you this but the next Chapter will be the last! Unless it gets ridiculously long and I have to divide it into 2 (although saying that this Chapter is over my normal length, sorry!), so stick with me and see where it goes. Enjoy!

20. Reunions by Rae [Reviews - 3] Liked (5803 words)
Same old excuses! Still having internet problems, my week off work went in a flash with little time for writing, but I finished it, then the internet would let me surf but not upload or download anything...anyway finally the final Chapter! Extra long so I hope that makes up for the wait. I had the idea for this story years ago, and I never thought I could actually pull it off, and the fact that it’s finished not only makes me proud, but very grateful to everyone that read and commented. Cannot tell you how much I love the fact a single person would bother reading something I write, never mind so many. If I could turn this little hobby into a job I would never be such a bad updater, because it’s never my love for writing that gets in the way, its just life!