Author's Chapter Notes:
Reviews are nice. i like them. *hint hint, wink wink*
Chapter 3

Welcome to the Fold


I just…I almost…I just wish I could grant instant vengeance to those that need it mosht, ya now? You’re all demony and can just shnap your finger…claw like thingies and make people get what they desherve…I have to go out there and bleed, and suffer, and lose…lose so much, all the time…”

Buffy continued to prattle on and on, the pain in her mind temporarily muted by the pain in her soul – that was still radiating waves of remorse and revenge, never once realizing that D’hoffryn’s horns had momentarily glowed as he’d whispered “wish granted”, and that a small yellow pendant had materialized around her slender neck.


It was a little while after D’Hoffryn had taken the delicious pink liquor away from her that she realized something was different. Even though her brain was still foggy from the alcohol she couldn’t shrug off the weird voices in her head asking for vengeance, no, demanding vengeance was more like it. ‘I must really be drunk, now I’m hearing other people that want vengeance…wtf?’

D’Hoffryn was still sitting at the table just staring at her and it was weirding her out. “Do I have something on my face? Why are you staring at me like that?”

He gave her a small chuckle before replying, “My dear Miss Summers, you still haven’t realized what you’ve done have you? I am here and looking at you like that because I was waiting for you to notice the results of your impromptu wish. But, as you can see, I’ve just “let the cat out of the bag” as you humans say.”

“Wish? What wish, I never made a wish! I’m a Slayer; I never make wishes when demons like you are around.” She was starting to panic, the worry making her instantly sober up, what had she done? She started to reach for her neck as a calming gesture only to find a new necklace tightly circling her neck. “What the fuck is this? I never put a necklace on…”

“Ahh I see you’ve found your gift. You see Slayer; well I can’t really call you a slayer now can I? No you are a Vengeance Demon now, much like myself. Do you remember what you said a few hours ago, when you were intoxicated? You said, and I quote, “I just wish I could grant instant vengeance to those that need it ‘mosht’”. It doesn’t matter to me under what conditions the wishing subject has asked, just that they have asked. You wanted to grant vengeance to those that need it most; well I’ve given you the ability to do so. You have been elevated into my fold.” He finished grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

“What the fuck do you mean I’ve been elevated into your fold!? IM A DEMON NOW!?” she screamed at him.

D’Hoffryn rose gracefully, waving a hand in front of her face silencing any further protests. “Yes, you are a demon and before you put up any further complaints remember where we are and who you are imprisoned by. I have elevated you now. You are above being a slave to anyone. You do not answer to your Watchers Council, to your human family or friends anymore. You simply answer to me. Under the conditions that I’ve granted your wish you are as Anyanka was; a free agent. You may use your powers or ignore them, but they cannot be taken back. Before I part I will tell you this, if you ignore the calls for vengeance they will only become louder and louder. You are a demon now; you have no human soul and are not bound by a conscious. If you wish to speak to me only think my name and you shall be teleported to wherever I am.” He waved his hand again freeing her from his bindings. As he turned to leave he thought better of it, turning to say, “And please check in with my secretary before coming to find me. Other demons teleporting to me while I’m in the bathroom is rather uncomfortable for everyone involved.” He finished with a slight grimace before teleporting out of her room.

Buffy sat there dumb struck by what her new boss had just said. She had no conscious, no moral compass, no one to answer to. ‘So I’m a fucking demon now. At least I’m free from it all though. Think of all the laughs Spike would have had a few years ago if this happened then…’thoughts of Spike brought her back to her own sad reality; she was free but she was still without the one person in the world she needed most, she was alone.

She stood slowly, wondering if her ability to walk would be different. ‘Hmm feels ok. I think I actually have MORE balance now. Nifty’. Deciding to try out her new powers she imagined herself in front of the small table near the door to her prison. With a quiet popping sound and a small plume of smoke she opened her eyes and found she was across the room exactly where she’d imagined she would be.

Buffy looked down and found her eyes drawn to the small box that contained the remains of her champion. The anger that had been reduced from a volcanic eruption to a controlled boil exploded back to the forefront of her mind again. With renewed vigor she once again promised Spike that they would have their revenge. Picking up the small box she visualized the word home – not being able to call a single place that since the collapse…and the people lost to it - and wondered just where she would end up.


Buffy felt a small rush of wind as she was moved from one place to the next, when the cool wind stopped she cautiously popped one eye open, finding herself in another opulent room, this one much different from the last though. The walls were paneled with different shades of dark wood, a large canopy bed covered in purple satin sheets and a mountain of pillows in varying hues, sat in the middle of the room. Wondering just where the hell she was she called for the only person that would be able to give her some sort clue. “D’Hoffryn get your ass over here!”

He appeared once again in a puff of thick smoke and swirling energy, “You called…umm…you never did tell me what your new name is.” He finished lamely.

“I don’t want a new name, now tell me where the fuck I am big boss man.” She finished sarcastically.

“Fine, do not change your name, although I don’t think ‘Buffy the Vengeance Demon’ will strike fear into the hearts of…”

“Get over the name crap and make with the ‘splainy of where I am.” She cut him off

“So impatient you are. If you must know you are in your home dimension now, Arashmahar. Every Vengeance Demon has a room in my castle, this one is yours. When you were elevated, this room appeared and will remain here as long as you do. This is your home now, there are maids to clean up and cooks that will make you anything you want, keep in mind though that human food is hard to come by. Anything and everything that you want, only imagine it and it will appear. There is a bathroom to the right and a closet behind that door. All of your earthly possessions have been boxed and transported into a storage area. Ask a maid and they will have them brought here, that is if you want them anymore. Is there anything else that I’ve not explained?”

“So this is my home? Who else can get in here? There are other demons…living down the hall?”

“Yes this is your home, no, only you have access to your room, people only gain access when you call for them or give them permission and yes other demons do live down the hall. You are currently rooming next to Kosto and his wife. They’re very nice. You will be welcomed here. Although I would advise that you keep the fact that you were THE slayer to yourself. People do hold grudges. Now if that is all, I would like to go back to my own room and get some shut eye and perhaps an aspirin or two, your earlier caterwauling has given me a rather rough tension headache.” He glanced at her once again, a small smile lighting up his odd features, “You are home now and I feel that I shall grow rather fond of you in time. I shall see you a little later.” With that parting statement he teleported back to his own room somewhere else in the castle.

Buffy stood there staring at the spot he had teleported from for a while, many things going through her brain, most of which centered on Spike and her revenge. She knew that revenge was a dish best served cold, and on that note decided that she would get better acquainted with her new home.

She walked to her new and improved bed, running the fingers of one hand over the buttery smoothness of the fabric. She sat on the bed, looking down at the hand that still held her love. Placing the snuffbox-turned-urn reverently on her bedside table, she kicked her shoes off and laid down keeping her eyes on Spikes remains.

Tears pricked at her eyes, obscuring her vision. She wiped them away with shaking swipes of her dainty fingers. “I’m so sorry Spike. I failed you when you needed me the most. I may never get you back but I’ll never forget you. God, I love you so much.”

With tears burning her eyes and rage burning in her heart she got up from the bed and decided that she would take to this life with vehemence, but first a shower and a change of clothes were in order.

Sniffing lightly at her underarms she winced, ‘Ugh, I stink, where’s some deodorant when you need it?’

A glimmer caught her eye from the corner of her dresser; turning to look at it a brand new stick of her favorite kind was sitting there just waiting to be used. With a slight smile she thought to herself, ‘I could get used to this’.

Testing it out her new found abilities again she thought of the Jimmy Choo patent leather pumps she had seen the last time she’d been out. With another shimmer they appeared right next to the deodorant. ‘Oh yeah I could DEFINITLY get used to this.’

Chapter End Notes:
leave me feed back, any suggestions would be appreciated so long as they are helpful =D

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