Author's Chapter Notes:
Hey guys! Things are starting to get moving, but the real adventure starts in the next chapter. Please review and tell me what you think! The more reviews, the faster I post! :)

“But mother-“

“There will be no buts about it! Do you know what you put me through? You just left! I didn’t know if you’d ever come back again!”

“You saw what he did! What he said! And what did you do? Nothing!”

“I admit I acted badly, but what am I supposed to think,” her eyes became glassy with unshed tears, “you just left!”

“And what was I supposed to do, hmm? Mary Riley Finn, the single most boring man ever to crawl the earth? I think not!”

“Elizabeth Summers!” her mother shouted in an effort to silence her daughter. “You will not speak to me this way, do you hear me? You will do as we tell you because it is in your best interests. Now I may not agree with Hank all of the time, but he is doing his best to keep this family afloat! Go to your room at once and think about the trouble you caused.” Buffy nodded solemnly and ran to her room, practically slipping on her shredded dress.

The fight had lasted far past Buffy could have imagined. Thankfully, her father was not home when she returned. She might have received a whipping for that. Buffy tore off the garment and lay on her bed. She was still sore from William’s passions. Looking down, she noticed the bits of dirt and blood caked on her thighs. She was filthy, her mother was angry with her, her father could force her to marry Riley Finn… terrible things were happening all around her, and yet all she could think about was him.

Every time she closed her eyes, she saw his angelic face. Every inch of her wanted to return to the forest at sundown, but she could never. Not with her family so upset. No, she would have to wait before she could see him again. She could only hope that he would wait for her return.

. . . . . . . .

William scampered across the dead leaves, crunching them softly. Although his thoughts were far more simplistic when he took the form of a fawn, his personality remained. He had his mother to thank for that.

His mother had taken him in, had given him life instead of throwing him into the violent river, had saved him from the beasts that might have destroyed him. She was a goddess and the only woman in his life. And then there was Buffy.

Beautiful Buffy, with her golden curls reaching her thin waist, her eyes shining in the scattered beams of moonlight. He could not stop picturing her. She was all he wanted.

She had not told him when they would meet again, however. What if she took weeks, months, years even? He did not think he could last another day without her beside him. He was drowning in Buffy.

Buffy Summers. Buffy Summers. Buffy Summers. William and Buffy.

The mantra repeated over and over again as he made his way through the forest. William had to tell his mother of her beauty!

It did not even occur to young William that she might not be pleased.

. . . . . . . .

Several months later

“Buffy! Buffy, you have to wake up!”

Buffy grumbled before pulling the sheets over her head. Fred, her cousin, tried to wake up the beauty for the coming day’s events.

“I will not tell you again, wake up!” she spoke loudly while shaking her. Buffy’s eyes blinked slowly, then widened.

“Oh no,” she cried as she jumped from her bed and to the water basin in her room. Fred did not watch, but she could hear her cousin retching. She attempted a nonchalant expression, but was never a wonderful actress. Buffy saw through it the minute she stood up again.

“Just a little… um… sick this morning,” she said with an unconvincing smile. Fred seemed to ponder this for a moment before responding.

“Have you been sick a lot lately?”

“I suppose… but it’s only natural, perhaps I caught a cold or-“

“Buffy,” she began. “This is the third time you’ve, you know… done that, since I’ve been here. Your waistline is growing…”

“What are you trying to say?” she whispered looking down at the floor.

“Buffy… I see you like a sister and I am sworn to secrecy if what I ask is true, but I must know. Are you,” her eyes shifted slightly before whispering, “with child?”

At first, Buffy stared at the wall blankly. After a few moments, however, she collapsed and began to cry at her cousin’s feet.

“Oh Fred, I don’t know what to do! No one in the village can know about this, but how can I hide it? Oh Fred,” she said between sobs, “what am I going to do?” Fred kneeled down and stroked Buffy’s hair compassionately.

“Who is the father, darling? Perhaps you could get married and-”

“No!” Buffy yelled. Realizing the volume of her reply could wake up other members of the household, she responded again, “No.”

“Why not? Buffy… were y-you taken advantage of?” she whispered.

“No! Nothing like that,” she replied as she wiped a few tears from her eyes. “His name is William. I-I met him in the forest.” Fred tried to keep a stoic face as she explained, but she cringed at the idea of some stranger and her cousin… “Fred? Are you listening?”

“Yes! Yes, sorry. I just… I’m trying to understand. You saw someone in a forest, William, and you are now pregnant with his child?” She nodded solemnly. “Did you know him beforehand?” Buffy paused for a moment before shaking her head, disappointed in her actions. “So, you met William that day? And you gave your virginity to him? Buffy! What on Earth are you thinking? You could be a murderer or, or, or who knows what else!” Fred ended her rambling when Buffy began to cry again. “Oh, Buffy I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be so harsh… I just… Oh darling, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know… I just don’t know,” she cried.

. . . . . . . .

Several hours later, Buffy pulled herself together and made her way to the weekly embroidery meeting. All the unmarried women of the village came together once a week to gossip about whom was courting who and other such nonsense. Buffy used to enjoy these gatherings, but since William, she found no joy in anything the village had to offer. Even her friends could not measure up to the man of her dreams. The man who showed himself every time she closed her eyes, the man who-

“Buffy? Buffy are you there?” Cordelia Chase mocked as the girl in question raised her head.

“What?” she exclaimed, surprised by the sudden interference in her thoughts. She noticed the other women whispering and giggling at her. She blushed in embarrassment.

“Are you alright?” her best friend Willow said, concern plain on her face.

“Yes, I-I’m fine. I promise.” Buffy plastered a smile on her face. Willow did not seem convinced. “Day dreaming, I suppose.”

“Ok… if you’re sure?” she asked hesitantly. Buffy nodded and her friend let it go.

She could not stop thinking about William. Had he forgotten her and their time together? How would he react to the news of his child on the way? If he thought about her as much as she did him…

Buffy knew it was only a matter of time until she had to leave the village. Although it always seemed a prison, everything and everyone she knew existed there. To leave would mean to become a new person. Without the passion that originally drove her away from town, she was simply too afraid to leave it’s confines. If William came, everything would be better. They could get married and raise their son or daughter in a modest house…

Her thoughts were yet again interrupted by Miss Chase, “Where is your head? You poked your finger and now you’re bleeding all over your work! I realize you aren’t the brightest in the bunch, but focus, will you?” Her minions, Harmony Thatcher, Hallie Adams and Anya Jenkins, giggled at her antics. Normally, Buffy would have been furious, but she had no energy to care.

How long could she stay before they noticed? Buffy knew she had to leave and what better time than the present. She decided to pack a bag and ride just before sunset to see her William again. She would tell him of the baby and they would escape into the forest. Then maybe they could settle down somewhere and it would be perfect.

But what about him being a fawn? Could a shape-shifter be a proper father? And what if he responded badly to the situation?

She decided to go forth anyway and find him. She had to leave before the others found out…

Chapter End Notes:
Stay tuned :)

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