[Reviews - 3] LikedPrinter
Summary: Set in the AU world of Things That Go Bump and A Bumpy Christmas, little glimpses into Buffy and Spike's life as a couple after he has returned to her. (no more backstory to avoid spoilers)
Rated: 18
Categories: Ficlets/Drabbles Characters: None
Genres: Horror
Warnings: None
Series: Bumpverse
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 8115 Read: 3095
Published: 11/07/2010 Updated: 11/07/2010

1. Series by Slaymesoftly [Reviews - 3] Liked (8115 words)
Set in the World of "Things That Go Bump" and "A Bumpy Christmas", these are a series of schmoop ficlets written for various prompts at Schmoop Bingo. They are in chronological order in relationship to each other, but fit in and around the previous stories. The 18 rating is because of the first story - the rest are all very PG or PG13