Spike was speechless, the woman before him would never ceased to surprise him.
Well maybe it was partly his fault for not trying to smell his surroundings.
But he was too distracted by his thoughts and the fact that he hadn't seen he was tailed.
He was still happy it was her, thinking he wouldn't see her until the next week.

"What's up with the hair ? " he could only ask.

"Is that the only thing that important to you ? My.. what again ? 'shampoo commercial hair '? Well, it's only temporary dying, just to be incognito you know, so that noone sees a superstrong blonde still being in town."

"So came to finish your work ?" he teased the slayer as he released her arm.

"Came to check on you. But guess it was not needed as you look fine and healed completely." she mocked.

She then looked at him, really looked, seeing all the damage she did, that she had to do, looking at his face that presented cuts and bruises, she started to tear up unwillingly.
"I'm sorry." Here they were again, those eyes that made him almost believe that she may love him, that she loved him in a way he never dared to wish for... not after the soul anyway.

"Don't sweat it ; it was all according to plan anyway, knew that was coming. "
He shrugged it off while lighting his cigarette.


"Spike, they'll never believe I left without even checking on W&H."

"So ?"

"I had an idea. We have to give them reasons."

"We ?" he liked to be included in her crazy plans.

"You remember Xander's parents don't you ?

"Oh, they're not the kind you ever forget, Pet. Nastier than many demons."

"Let's Harris up a little these goodbyes."

"How ?" he tilted his head.

"Oh we'll improvise something, don't worry. We always find ways. The only thing is that it has to be big, and scandalous enough for the word to spread out, not only inside W&H but also in LA, that way I'll have the head hunters off my back as well."

"Two birds with one stone." he nodded appreciatively.

"I wasn't supposed to go that strongly, then, once it started..."

"It's fine, luv." he smiled casually.
"And you weren't too harsh, if you had been gentler, they'd have had doubts. See I'm all healed now. The bruises will go away by tomorrow."

"Thank god" she said, but then frowned "Told you to fight back, why didn't you ? "

He just ignored her question as they both knew very well how hard it'd be for him to harm her even if it was an act.

" Thank God you pretended to be knocked out, and that they finally intervened. They are real slowpokes for a demon hunting team, guess all that lawyering gets to you, huh ?"

"Well they can't be as perfect as I am, can they ?"

They just smiled at each other.

"But why did you bring up Wind beneath my Wings ?! You had to talk about that ?!"

She added even though they both understood they had only picked on each other's quirks because they didn't want to use the more private things to fool the enemy.
They weren't ready to ask yet, to get the answers they feared they'd get.

"It was just in the spur of the moment, you know. I hate plans, and you just said : 'Let's play it up a little so that they believe Buffy's gone for good, I'm sure we can improvise something ! You're good at impro ! ' And YOU're the one who started with the bloody Bot. " he exhaling his smoke.

"I'm just glad Fred intervened. She is quite a number isn't she ? " Buffy rused.

"She's a great girl. Very brilliant and braver than she looks, a lot tougher too."


"She's with Wesley."


After a moment of hesitation she asked : "Do you think it was credible ? Do you think the W&H spies bought it ? "

"Oh my nose and chin can testify and my jaw nominates you for the Emmy Awards. No way they'd think you were still in LA."

Buffy's hand started to reach out wanting to touch his wounds, but she withdrew midway. He still managed to catch her hand with his and put in on his cheek.
"See, it doesn't even hurt."

She let herself feel his skin under her palm for a few seconds before he let go and her hand was just lingered a few seconds before leting go.
"You weren't such a bad actor either." Wondering if everything had been really playacting.

Buffy then frowned, "You know the gang more than me, do you think they'll come to our side ? "

"I think they will."

"I'm still a little worried, we have nothing to offer but risks and danger and possibly death, compared to what they have now... Even I'd be tempted."

"You wouldn't, but they're good people, they want to fight on the good side, they will."

"And Angel... I thought he'd be the one who'd pull me away, he knows he's the only one strong enough."
Still feeling uneasy about her ex-lover behaviour.

"Don't worry, he didn't turn evil, the soul's still kicking and all. Just normal reaction : I wouldn't have intervened either if he was the one you hit."
Spike couldn't believe he defended the poofter, but the slayer needed reinsurance.
She wasn't always the self-confident girl she made herself appear.

" You sure ? "

Spike nodded again.

After a few minutes she asked not beating around the bushes anymore as she couldn't stay too long :
"Do you think we overdid it ? Maybe they thought we were for real and won't come to our side, maybe they think I really left."

"They'll have doubts but they'll come. And you told them you were gonna do something drastic so that the head hunters would go away and leave W&H unsuspecting."

She smiled and they settled in a comfortable silence.

"But why did you have to talk about 'Wind beneath my Wings' ?"

And Spike couldn't help but smile at her little obsession, but he knew she fixated her mind on that because she wanted to avoid talking about more truth revealing things they let out during that fight. She also didn't want to show her nervousness about that plan of hers, so deciding to humour her, he snikered :

" Yeah, right, know what ? Wind beneath my Wings sucks and I stand my point. "

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