Chapter 3



Truth or lies?

Every instinct that Spike had spent the last six months honing screamed at him that there was no truth in her words. There wasn't a Sister Sunshine who lived in LA and needed his help; it was part of an evil plan concocted by a demon dressed as every teen-aged boy's wet dream.


Spike's step faltered. Again, his earlier feelings of confusion threatened to overwhelm him. She was a vampire and vampires didn't just go around...helping. Frustrated, he kicked a rock in his path, satisfied when it shot forward like a bullet until it bounced across the street in front of him.

When he had walked into the Bronze with Red and Xander earlier that night, he knew something was off. His normal "demons are present and spoiling for trouble" sensations alerted him that he needed to be on the lookout for vamps. It made his scalp prickle, damned annoying it was - he always had to resist the urge to scratch his head when vamps were about and he couldn't have people thinking he had dandruff, now could he?

Separate from his prickling scalp, was a tingle that started in the back of his neck and trailed down his spine then curled around and went directly into his gut. That was different, but he didn't know why – until he met her.


Just the thought of her brought up a storm of emotions within. Why did he have to meet the one vamp who was as beautiful as an angel with long, shining hair and a body that brought forth images that he had only fantasized about? And why in the bloody hell did he have to even think that an evil, blood sucking fiend was even remotely desirable? What was wrong with him?

Truth or lies?

"FUUUUCK!" he yelled, kicking loose gravel on the side of the road causing rocks and pebbles to shoot forward like the bullets of a machine gun. This time he felt no satisfaction in the action.

He should go wake Giles.

The Dukati drove like a dream, responded to the lightest touches and able to weave seamlessly from left to right as Buffy navigated through the late evening traffic. For a moment she closed her eyes and was transported back in time - Ford sitting in front of her as they rode the ninja that last summer before he died.

They had shared everything together – their hopes, their dreams. No topic was kept a secret- or so she thought.

From the time she was first called and Merrick approached her, Ford had been by her side. As she trained with Merrick, so had Ford. Merrick, at first, had protested, telling her that it wasn't done. She was the one who was called and Ford was merely a human with no supernatural powers. It was too dangerous. Ford had merely shrugged and said that he had to be there, fighting with her. She might be the Slayer, but he loved her and he would be there to watch her back.

Merrick had no choice. They were a team and if there was no Ford, there was no Buffy. In the end, Merrick relented and taught them both. For two years, five months, two weeks and four days they had been a team. They had shared everything – at least she thought they had, until, Ford could no longer hide the truth from her. He was sick. Almost overnight, he went from being a healthy teen-aged boy, to a shell of his former self. He had known about his illness for close to a year, but had hidden the truth from her as long as he could.

She had wanted to hate him for hiding the truth from her.

When he was admitted into the hospital, she didn't hesitate to visit him. Ford had been amazed and she had laughed bitterly that all it had taken to conquer her phobia of hospitals was for him to be dying. His illness made any phobia seem insignificant.

He shuffled over on his hospital bed to make room for her and she crawled up beside him, linking her fingers through his and was ashamed that he was trying so hard to offer her some measure of comfort while he was the one dying.

He used his thumb and gently brushed the tears from her eyes and gathered her into his arms. Then, in his quiet way, he told her that he had made his peace. He had lived a life that was so full – he had excitement, adventure and (best of all) love. He had lived more life in his eighteen years than most people got to live in a lifetime. He kissed her lips and told her he didn't regret one moment.

This made Buffy mad.

"You're giving up? Just like that?" She pushed him away and told him he was a coward. That he could fight this and as she talked, she had an epiphany.

"This doesn't have to be the end Ford…we both know that there can be life after death."

"Buffy, no…you don't know what you are saying…"

It was too late. She ran out of the hospital and toward the closet cemetery she could find.

It took a couple of hours, but she found what she was looking for and soon she was back in the hospital, nonchalantly walking her 'new friend' through the halls toward Ford's room. She closed the door behind them and dropped all pretence as she held the stake to the female vampire's back, directly behind her heart.

He lay on the bed, asleep with a pencil in his hand and a pad of paper on his chest. He looked so frail and it broke her heart.

At the sound of the door to his room closing, Ford opened his tired eyes and shook his head sadly.

"No. No Buffy. Not this."

Tears had streamed down her eyes as she pleaded with him.

"Yes." She said the words desperately, "She can make it better. You will live, Ford."

"Buffy, I would rather die, than become a demon, and we won't lie to ourselves that it would be any different. If I did this, I would lose everything about me that you love. I would be a soulless blood thirsty monster and you would have to kill me. I won't put you through that."

She shook her head. "I would never-"

He nodded. "In the end, you would have to. I would expect nothing else from my brave, beautiful Slayer."

Sensing her un-life was near the end, the vamp began to struggle, then exploded into dust as Buffy pushed the stake through the vamps spine and into her heart.

Buffy clutched Ford's hand and whispered brokenly, "I'm sorry."

Tenderly, Ford stroked her hair and said quietly, "I know. I'm sorry too."

Three weeks, two days and seventeen hours later, he died. She was so wrapped up in her own pain, she shut out everyone else…her parents, her friends, her watcher.

Then, as other people in her life began to die around her, her life became a nightmare.

"And you think this vampire could be telling you the truth?" Giles yawned as he busied himself in the kitchen readying a fresh pot of tea.

Spike was seated on a bar stool in front the island in the middle of the kitchen. They had only been in the house for a month and he was still getting used to the differences between the two-bedroom house versus the one-bedroom apartment where Giles lived when Spike first arrived in Sunnydale.

Although they had a rough beginning, the Hellmouth had given them a purpose and Spike's ...unique...heritage had Giles convinced that Spike could protect Sunnydale. Giles used his Watcher abilities to educate him and Spike tried his best to keep the demons from taking over the town.

While Spike was pleasantly surprised at how effortlessly he became skilled at fighting, he was disturbed by the utter bliss that overtook him when he fought. He loved it all – the punching, kicking, trying to stay one step ahead of his foe by anticipating their next move. The longer the fight lasted and the harder the challenge, the more satisfied he felt when the fight ended.

He couldn't explain it and that worried him.

Spike thought about Giles' question.

"I think we need to look into it. If she is telling the truth, then this girl will need our help." He grudgingly admitted when he really wanted to say "Hell No. This vamp is playing us."

Giles selected two mugs from the kitchen cabinet, placed them on the island and poured some of the steaming tea into each mug. He opened a drawer and grabbed a notebook along with a pen.

"Tell me everything again." Giles said with his pen poised to take notes.

"There isn't much. She said 'In LA, there is a girl who needs your help. She goes by the name of Sister Sunshine. You should rescue her - before it's too late.'"

Sister Sunshine


After Giles wrote words on the pad of paper, he paused and thoughtfully tapped it with his pen.

"This poses some interesting questions, don't you think?"

Aggravated, Spike pushed off his stool, sending it sliding a few feet backwards on the floor.

"Yes. The biggest one is 'Why am I wasting my time on this?' Bitch is playing us. That's all." It was the only explanation and he felt like a fool for even entertaining a remote chance that a vampire could be helpful.

"That is a possibility." Giles nodded. "She could be toying with us. If, however, information is genuine, then I suppose there is another question to ask ourselves. Why would a vampire be concerned with the fate of a young girl?"

Spike exhaled loudly in agreement. "We have nothing to go on. If this individual exists, we don't know how to locate her."

Giles looked down at his paper. "We are obligated to make some kind of effort." he said softly before lifting his mug to sip some tea.

"I know." Spike pulled his stool forward. "Since we don't have any answers, then I suppose we should begin with some questions." What does the bitch have to gain? There had to be some ulterior motive.

After two mugs of tea each, they had come up with a series of unanswered questions. Convinced they were being jerked around, Spike told Giles as much. His uncle suggested they both retire for the night and work on it again in the morning, before school. Perhaps Willow and Xander could help with the research. Reluctantly, Spike agreed.

Fifteen minutes later, Spike laid on his bed as he listened to the sounds of his uncle tidying the kitchen. The familiar clinking of dishes and sound of running water were so similar to the ones his mum used to make. If he closed his eyes, he could almost imagine he was back in their tiny London flat...

A tap on his door and the door opened just a crack.

"Will? What's wrong, hun?"

"Nothing Mum, just can't sleep is all."

A gentle hand brushed against his forehead and immediately, his body relaxed. The soft strokes continued as she sat by his side and hummed softly until his eyes fluttered closed.

"All this gel you put in your hair...I miss your curls." she said softly, after a long while.

"Damn curls are a curse..." sleep slurred his words and he drifted off.

He swallowed a painful lump as the memory swept over him and reached out to pull out his notebook from the bedside drawer. There's a song in that, Will…

He closed his eyes and tried to recall her face- the five different shades of brown in her hair, the way her eyes smiled at him with pride when she watched him write – and he was saddened when it took longer than the night before. If he were an artist, he could draw her image and keep her close; as a songwriter he painted her portrait with words to a melody that he could clearly hear in his head.

When he was sure he had a clear image of his mother, he started to write.

She revved the throttle and the Dukati shot forward on the street as she pushed away her memories. She couldn't bring back Ford, Merrick or her mother. But she could take out all of her rage on the Gorch Brothers.

She just had to get them to Sunnydale.

When she had left LA, Angel's fixation with the fourteen year old Sister Sunshine had only just begun. She had listed to enough recounting of how he created his "masterpieces" (yeah, the dweeb actually considered himself an artist) to know that at this stage, his attacks were indirect. The kid was safe…for now, but Buffy didn't want too much of a delay in her plan. If she waited too long, the girl would…Buffy pushed the thought away.

You have to stick to the plan.

She needed to make sure that a certain bleach-blonde pest followed her crumbs to LA. The teen wasn't stupid. She remembered the look of distrust on his face the night before and knew that she needed to do something to gain his trust.

She ignored the tightening in her gut when she thought about him.

He was a pawn, nothing more she reminded herself. Evil vamps did not care about what happens to humans. It had been proven to her over and over when she was a Slayer and Buffy had no illusions…she had no soul and she was evil.

She accepted this. And if her conscience nagged her when she took a human victim's, life…well that was just leftover Slayer crap. She would get past that eventually. If she un-lived that long…

When she reached the factory, she parked the bike but left the key in the ignition as an obvious temptation to other vamps she could feel watching her. She noted one vamp seemed particularly unimpressed with her but very interested in the bike. If she was going to be in Sunnydale for any length of time, they needed to learn to stay out of her way – and to damned well not touch what she considered hers.

She hid her smile and felt anticipation stir at the thought of a challenge.

She went into the factory and was greeted with the low tones of at least 30 vampires kneeling, in robes and chanting. As before, being around so many vamps made her fingers twitchy and she had to force her hands to still.

A big, ugly vamp seemed to be leading the chants. She noted it was the same vampire who attacked her when she first found the factory.

"Saint Vigeous, you who murdered so many, we beseech you, cleanse us of our weaknesses: mercy, compassion and pity." said Big Ugly.

"We will bathe in their blood." In unison the other vampires responded.

"Lambs to the slaughter!" Big Ugly continued, his tone changing from monotonous to rousing. Buffy sensed they were nearing the end of the ritual.

"Bathe in their blood!" the others responded, their voices rising in a shout.

There was a moment of respectful silence before they all began to rise and disperse. The Anointed One beckoned her over with a flick of his fingers. Rather than be intimidating, the move only emphasized his youth, looking like a child playing at imitating Marlon Brando's famous character.

Hiding her irritation, she approached him.

Right away, the annoying kid had the gall to chastise her for not staying at the factory the night before in preparation for St Vigeous - a ritual that needed constant "cleansing with the blood of the innocent" and chanting with the occasional banging of a gong.

Great, she thought, by coming here, I exchanged one fanatic for another.

The Annoying One droned on about the significance of St Vigeous and how the proper attention must be paid to the Vampire icon.

"What about my little ...pest problem?" The kid cocked his head and stared hard at Buffy. "I thought you were going to take care of it?"

Buffy masked her irritation and smiled at the kid. "Sure thing, Boss." she said. "In fact, if you don't mind me borrowing some of your army tomorrow, I can guarantee that you will have a memorable St Vigeous."

He frowned at her. "I thought you could take care of him yourself. You need an army to take down one teenager?"

You couldn't do it she wanted to point out but held her tongue.

"I'll take care of the pest, no one touches him but me." she realized how possessive she sounded and frowned, then continued "I just thought some of your strongest guys could use some extra "blood of the innocent" in preparation for the Feast of St Vigeous."

She leaned closer to the kid. "You see tomorrow, there is a Parent - Teacher night at the school...all sorts of lovely innocent bodies just aching to be drained..." she breathed and was rewarded when the kid's eyes closed as he licked his lips."I'll make sure they bring back buckets full for the upcoming festivities."

His eyes golden, he looked at her before inclining his head. She stifled the snort. Like lambs to the would be too easy. He watched carefully with narrowed eyes as he considered her words, and nodded his dismissal.

It galled her to smile at him, to pretend gratefulness like he had extended her a favor. Her hands itched to stake him. Instead, she backed away, eyes lowered, head bowed respectfully.

Really, in another life, she could have been an actress.

Once far enough away, she slowly exhaled in frustration. All these vamps, walking around…it made her scalp tingle and she hated it. At times, she felt as if she had two demons inside her, battling for control of her -well, she couldn't say soul, because she already lost hers. Instinct? Yes, that might be a better term. Battling for control of her instincts. Kill the vamps. Bite the human. You want the blood. The blood tastes bland. Needs more salt.

A war waged within, yet…

She disregarded the feeling, of course. Instead, her mind raced with possibilities as she planned her next step. She stepped outside and saw something that made her night brighten.

The vamp that had been ogling her bike was now straddling the machine and running his hands over the gas tank. He looked at her and sneered, his expression issued a challenge, as if to say "What are you going to do about it?"

Buffy's smile caused the nearby vamps to back away.

As a Slayer in LA, Buffy's duties often required a hands-on approach when dealing with demons. Show her the Big Bad threat of the week and she would take it down. Ford stayed out of the fray, instead supplied her with extra weapons and took on the occasional attacker. Merrick, once he accepted that Ford and she were a team, trained Ford well. Ford was smart, stayed out of her way and became the eyes in the back of her head but able to defend himself if needed.

She thought of herself as a one-woman army – infantry and cavalry (well, no there were no horses in Slaying, so mainly infantry) all in one. She held the highest ranking position of Five Star General and the lowest ranking infantry soldier at the same time – as a General she planned out offensive and defensive operations and the Soldier in her executed said operations.

In keeping with her military theme, she thought of Merrick and Ford as Civilians. Merrick's role was as a consultant – proving expertise in the form of experience and research when needed – and Ford was a Contractor- used on an as needed basis and rarely in the line of fire.

Buffy knew she would need to use all of her Slayer knowledge for the coming night. She had to plan and execute an attack on the enemy and purposefully weaken her forces while ensuring the enemy won.

She estimated that there was still five hours of darkness left, she made her way through town and stared at the building in front of her. She grinned at the sign, which translated from Latin meant "enter those seeking aid" and pulled on the locked door until it opened. Her footsteps echoed on the tile as she moved towards the private quarters in the back.

She reached the final door and concentrated, closing her eyes. She began to take deep, gasping breaths then pounded on the door.

"Help! Oh please…you need to help!"

It took less than a minute before the door was opened. Buffy hid her smile as she began to sob and plead with the stranger in front of her.

Imagine her shock when the gentleman placed a hand on her shoulder and said calmly "You can stop the act. I've been waiting for you." He pulled out a large duffel bag and dropped it on the floor at her feet.

He unzipped the bag and propped it open so she could see inside. Her eyes widened. She looked up at the man, a question on her face.

"Let me just say that a little birdie told me you would need my help. My name is Father Tom and you are...Buffy?"

Still astounded, she nodded.

The priest zipped the bag and hefted it over his shoulder.

"You're later that I thought you would be. I expected you shortly after sundown." He furrowed his bushy grey eyebrows and she fought the urge to apologize. "Well, it's no matter. You're here now. We need to hurry if we want to be finished by sunrise."

"How?" she was so flabbergasted, she could barely get the word out.

He motioned for her to begin to lead the way and followed behind.

"I got an interesting phone call this afternoon..." he began.

The drawback to his double-life of demon-exterminator and high school student meant a lot of late nights coupled with early mornings. The next morning, Spike stretched in his bed before getting up and heading toward the shower. The house was quiet and it was clear that his uncle was still sleeping, so Spike knocked on his uncle's bedroom door on his way to the bathroom.

"Rise and shine Giles!" he said cheerfully and grinned when he heard his uncle groan "bugger off!" Giles was not a morning person.

The school day flew quickly. They met with Xander and Willow that morning and shared the information that the vampire had given him. Both warned him that the vampire could not be trusted, but agreed that they needed to find out if there was a Sister Sunshine who was in danger. Knowing his afternoon would be tied up as he got the food and drinks ready for parent teacher that night, Spike was relieved when Xander and Willow volunteered stay late to do some computer research after school.

Later that afternoon, he had two free periods back to back, since his biology class had been canceled when the teacher went home with a case of the flu. Spike used his time to finish up the banner he was making for parent-teacher night. He hadn't seen Sheila around and didn't expect to see her at all. Red and Xander insisted on helping him during their study period as well – Willow was chopping the veggies and arranging them on a platter and Xander had made the lemonade and laid out plates, napkins and cups on a table.

Spike took a moment to appreciate his friends, grateful that they wanted (in fact, they demanded) to help. He glanced at the clock, noted the time before reminding them that their free period was almost over.

Willow nodded but she shifted indecisively. "I wish we could stay longer Spike, but we have French next and today the teacher is going to give us a practice test. We-" she emphasized the word, but nodded toward Xander "need to be there."

"J'espère de je fais bien sur la test." Xander said. Willow's face lit up with a smile.

"Xander, you have been practicing! Oh, except – well there are two small things really – 'J'espère' is always followed by 'que'. 'I hope that' translates into 'J'espère que' and it is 'le test', not 'la test'."

Xander frowned. "Really? I thought it 'J'espère' was followed by 'de'."

The pair turned away.

"Nope. 'De' means 'of'…you don't want to say 'I hope of I do well on the test.' Do you?"

Xander turned back and wiggled his eyebrows at Spike before looking at Willow with a worried face. "Gee Will, I always seem to get the 'le' and 'la' mixed up too – and don't even get me started on the 'de la's versus the 'de le's - or is it 'du'? Maybe I am not as ready for Friday's test as I thought. Do you think you could tutor me again tomorrow night?"

Their voices faded away and Spike grinned. He knew for a fact that Xander purposefully looked for ways to screw up in French so Red would help him study more. The boy was head over heels in-crazy with the red-headed bird. The sooner she figured this out, the sooner she could admit to Xander that she felt the same.

His smile faded as he looked around the common room that had been designated as the food and beverage area for tonight's event. He wrapped up the veggie plate in cellophane and began to slice the fruit.

She slept little that day, her mind analyzing each step of her plan, calculated the risks and decided the outcome would get her one step closer to her goal. As the sun began its decent toward the horizon, she put on her leather pants and jacket and straddled her Dukati as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon.

She thought about the priest.

After they left his private quarters at the church, Buffy led him here, to the school and they had spent the next several hours setting up.

Occasionally he had caught her speculative glances, but said nothing until he laughed.

"You don't trust me." He had said.

She lifted one slim shoulder in a shrug. "I can't figure you out. I had an intricate plan on how to coerce you here and then another plan on how to terrorize you into helping. You knew I was coming tonight and not only did you come willingly, but you were prepared to help. I just wish I knew why."

He pulled out a rosary and ran his fingers over the worn beads as he spoke. "The person who called me tonight is someone I hold very dear to my heart. I trust her implicitly. She told me that you would not hurt me and that I could trust you. I believe her."

Buffy snorted. "Surely, you aren't that naïve." She looked at him, and slowly let her demon show.

He reached into his back and pulled out a familiar looking object. "Trust is not a sign of weakness, Slayer." He said quietly. Then he threw the object at her.

She caught the stake with her right hand and could only blink at the enigma that was Father Tom.

"You can borrow it until this is over -then I want it back." He said and then smiled at her dumbfounded look. A priest that had a stake? Called her Slayer? Surely, noting could surprise her now.

"Look at it carefully." He said, softly.

She looked down at the stake in her hand – and almost dropped it! Astounded, she ran her fingertips lightly over the markings etched on the surface of the wood. Religious symbols and words carved into the wood on every facet of the stake.

Yet, she could touch it.

The priest nodded in satisfaction, as if this confirmed something he had only suspected.

"I think it is only the beginning." He said. He threw the rosary at her and she caught it, grasping the crucifix in the palm of her hand and closing her fingers around it waiting for the expected burn. There was no heavenly retribution for daring to hold such an item.

His looked at his bag on the ground and then at her. "You know, this would go a lot faster, if you helped."

They came through the sewers, a thoroughly disgusting way to travel, but effective nonetheless. Big Ugly seemed to think he was running the show and it suited Buffy perfectly to allow the egotistical demon his illusions. If she challenged him, she would have to kill him – and as entertained as she would be she couldn't lose focus. Killing him had to wait just a tad longer.

Instead, when Big Ugly announced he leading their expedition, she had smiled, ran her fingers along his bicep, slowly licked her lips seductively and spouted some drivel about "loving a vamp who could take charge" and how she just knew he had "so much he could teach her".

Predictably, his chest puffed out like a strutting partridge and the vamps followed him. Buffy kept to the rear, effectively moving any stragglers along. Her plan did not allow for staggered arrivals.

Father Tom walked down the quiet corridors of the high school and carried a duffel bag (smaller than the one used the evening before) in his left hand. Occasionally, he heard the quiet murmur of voices coming from a classroom and assumed that they from parents and teacher's meeting, but obviously the majority of the parents and teachers had already left the school.

This was good.

At regular intervals, his eyes would look toward the ceiling and he would smile with satisfaction. Everything was still in place and he felt reassured.

He found the library with ease- not surprising, since he had spent a good part of the evening in this very building and became very familiar with its layout.

The lights in the library were still on. Three heads turned and looked at him in inquiry. He looked briefly at the two younger faces before focusing on the face of the oldest person.

"Are you lost?" the man asked, his tone polite, his eyes taking in the priest's collar that Tom wore around his neck.

"No." Tom smile was practiced, a result of years in his profession at people at ease. Automatically, the others smiled back. "I'm here to help you."

"Pardon me?" the man blinked at Tom from behind his glasses.

Tom took a deep breath. This part would require the most delicacy and he needed to make sure everything went smoothly.

"I'm here to help you." Tom repeated. "In about fifteen minutes, you are going to be attacked by a rather large crowd of vampires. If you listen to me, you will all survive. But we need to hurry. "

There was a pause, then, everyone began to talk. To his surprise, she had been correct. No one contradicted his claim about vampires…they only wanted to know how he knew about them.

"There is no time. If, later, you still want to hear my story, then I will gladly tell you everything. But, right now we need to hurry."

After the final parent left the common area, Spike looked around for replacement bags for the trash can. Finding a fresh roll of bags, he looked up just in time to see Sheila slowly sidle sideways - obviously thinking she was going to head out and stick him with the cleanup.

"Oh no!" In a few quick steps, he had grasped her wrist, effectively preventing her from leaving.

"You didn't show up to help with the banners, the food or the set-up. You arrived a few minutes before the first parent arrives and tried to claim all of the credit…you are NOT leaving me to clean up alone! Now grab a broom and start sweeping."

He was pissed and he wasn't about to let the silly bint get away with any more of her tricks. Sheila grumbled under her breath but began to sweep up the crumbs and debris from the floor. Spike pulled out the step ladder and pulled down the banner and rolled it up before tossing it in the trash can. As each trash bag was filled, he tied it off and set it to the side of the room. He had a pretty good feeling that if he were to take the trash out now, Sheila would disappear.

Satisfied with the pile of trash bags they had accumulated, Spike grabbed one in each hand and nodded for Sheila to do the same. With a resigned sigh, she grabbed the remaining bags and they walked toward the side exit. He pushed against the door, using his arm to press the bar down and his foot to allow it to swing open so they could exit. He dropped one trash bag and caught the heavy door before it could swing shut and gently allowed it to close but kept it from latching. When they came back, they could get back in through the same door.

Sheila was halfway to the giant trash receptacles and Spike picked up his bag to follow her. She was just as anxious for this night to be over as he was.

Father Tom looked at Xander "I need you and the other girl to take this into the secretary's office, where the P.A. system is located. When you see the signal, play this." He tossed Xander a small black cassette.

"What is the signal?" Willow asked.

Father Tom raised his eyes upward. Expecting a prayer, Willow and Giles bowed their head.

"Divine assistance." Father Tom said cryptically. He pulled out a few more objects and tossed one of each to them all. Again he looked up. "You shouldn't need these, but, as the saying goes, 'every little bit helps'. "

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