Thank you SpikesKat for the beta'ing!!

chapter 4

Elaine could barely believe the sight before her. If someone had told her that her eyes were literally popping out of her head, it would come as no surprise. She managed to spare her husband a miniscule exchange of glances - that screamed of mutual incredulity - before her attention was once again riveted back to the scene unfolding before her.

The group of monsters converged on the blonde pair in a circular fashion, finally having figured out the most effective way to attack. The only sound was the repetitive bragging about who would be the one to kill the Slayer. Apparently, this was supposed to upset them, yet Buffy and Spike did not look troubled by it, if their facial expressions were any indication. This thoroughly confused Elaine, who was severely bothered by the fact that Spike's pet name for Buffy was a well-known moniker among these... things, and she had yet to learn the meaning behind it.

But most disturbing of all, were the looks that kept drifting over both Spike and Buffy's faces, while they stood back to back, waiting in eager anticipation. Elaine couldn't understand the lack of fear present on Buffy's face. Jeez, if that were her out there, she'd be a spastic puddle on the floor by now. But her friend just kept throwing out little jibes and witty comments, practically bouncing with anticipation.

When the vampires attacked, Elaine watched as the number of vampires dwindled from the daunting number of fourteen to a mere handful. The smile on Buffy's face was almost unnerving; not only was she extremely competent, she seemed to be totally enjoying herself. Several of the men tried to suck up their fear and step in to offer assistance, but Buffy just called out that they had it under control. And, oh, did they ever.

Elaine was forced to seek shelter from the flying debris, irritated that her view of the action was partially obstructed. There was a feeling of horrified anticipation shared by the patrons scattered around the bar, but as more of the monsters turned to dust, that feeling quickly gave way to relief.

Never mind the disturbing knowledge that creatures existed that did crumble to dust with a Hollywood stereotype of being staked through the heart.

Finally, it was over and Spike and Buffy stood facing each other among the wreckage of what used to be an immaculate bar. Now, it was riddled with broken tables and chairs, shattered glasses and bottles and piles of vampire dust. Buffy's chest heaved with the unaccustomed exertion of slaying and neither could help but smile with a wide, satisfied look on their faces.

"I see you still got it in ya, Slayer," Spike commented with a smirk.

Buffy drew herself up and crossed her arms over her chest. "You weren't so bad yourself. Although I'm not sure which I enjoy more; kicking your ass or having you at my back."

Spike took a step in her direction to assure himself that she had come through unscathed when he became aware of Gary approaching him hesitantly. Fear continued to pour off the man and Spike realized his demonic features were most likely responsible. With a slight shake of his head, he allowed his features to relax into the human mask that the town had grown accustomed to.

"You ok?" Spike asked gruffly, more self-conscious than he would have liked.

Gary nodded, although 'ok' was pushing it; his near-death experience still fresh in his mind. "So... uh... just want to know something. What the hell are you?"

Spike sighed heavily, realizing he wasn't looking forward to this part. "Vampire."

"Oh." Gary studied Spike closely and then nodded, as if he had found the answer to a private question he sought. "Want a beer?"

Spike couldn't help the sudden sappy smile that plastered itself across his face, knowing he had sunk to yet another level of un-evil when the acceptance of this mortal meant something, but couldn't quite bring himself to care. "Fuck yeah, I do."

Gary nodded and turned towards the bar, which had surprisingly come through unscathed. The patrons of the bar had yet to make a move, still bewildered by what had just occurred. They merely watched in stunned silence as Spike followed the bartender and stood by the bar.

Feeling the post-slayage adrenaline fleeing her system and leaving her parched, Buffy moved to join her husband but found herself unexpectedly jerked around.

"Oh, no you don't, little missy," Elaine announced, her face intent. "I have something I need to do first."

Buffy regarded her warily, but when her friend suddenly threw her arms around her and engulfed her in a tight hug, she relaxed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Elaine cried. "I'm mad as hell at you for not telling me before that you're some kind of super-freak, but hey, thank you for saving us tonight."

Buffy decided Elaine must have a bit of super human-strength herself, suddenly finding her ability to take in oxygen severely compromised by the iron bands Elaine called arms wrapped tightly around her middle. As quickly as she had been grabbed, Buffy found herself released and watched as Elaine turned on Spike.

"And YOU!" Elaine yelled, pointing her finger in the vampire's direction. "I am totally pissed off at you. Sunlight allergy, my ass! I can't believe you didn't tell us!"

Rick came up behind his wife, wondering once again if Elaine's mouth was going to get her into trouble. Or in this case, eaten. He looked warily at what he hoped was still his friend.

"Bloody hell, Rickie boy, I'm not going to eat your wife," Spike announced dryly, rolling his eyes.

"Damn," Rick muttered instinctively, responding to Spike as he normally did.

Elaine whirled on her husband, gasping with indignation. "I so cannot believe you just said that!" She swatted her husband's arm furiously.

Rick spun away, trying to avoid his wife's wrath. "Ow! I was just kidding! Geez!"

Elaine glared at him, then turned her attention back to more important matters. "So... Let's just get a few things straight here." Her heavily made-up eyes whipped back and forth between Buffy and Spike. "You're a vampire," she said, pointing a manicured finger at Spike. "And you're... what?" she asked Buffy.

"I'm just Buffy," she tried to answer, but crumbled under her friend's weighty glare. "Ok, fine, I'm the Vampire Slayer."

Elaine nodded in consideration, still eyeing the two. "So, Spike. Do you eat people?"

"Just Buffy."

This time it was Buffy's turn to round on her spouse, her face filled with embarrassed indignation as she swatted Spike's arm. "Oh my god, I so cannot believe you just said that!" she hissed.

Spike didn't run from his wife's wrath like Rick had done, merely laughed and gathered her in his arms. "Someone here has a dirty mind because I was referring to your blood, princess."

"Oh," Buffy mumbled. "I knew that."

"Right," Spike mocked, pressing small, slow, kisses down Buffy's neck.

They were once more interrupted by Elaine's loud voice sounding out through the silent club. "What is wrong with you people?? Hello! Why are you all just standing there? There are some heroes that need to be thanked here!"

That blunt reminder served to break the spell that held the townspeople transfixed and the heroes in question soon found themselves surrounded by the people they had come to call friends. There was a certain level of wariness among the crowd as they slowly approached Spike, but much to the vampire's surprise, it didn't last long. The easy acceptance that came his way shocked him, filling him with yet another sensation of completion that Spike didn't even know he'd been yearning for.

It humbled him.

Word immediately made its way through the small town, and the bar was soon overflowing with townspeople intent on seeing for themselves if the strange tale being whispered about was really true. Children joined their parents in the bar as they flocked to pay homage. Spike lost track of how many times he'd had to switch in and out of game face to satisfy morbid curiosity, and how many times his face had been poked and prodded. Rather than causing irritation, it calmed him, knowing that his friends trusted him that much.

When the occupancy level was maxed out at the bar, Buffy decided to move matters along and address everybody at once. She hopped up on the bar and tried to call for everyone's attention, but the noise level was so intense her voice was unable to penetrate through their conversations.

Elaine, seeing what Buffy was attempting, joined her friend and used her loud voice to lend assistance. "Hey people!" she yelled. "Buffy is trying to say a few words, so everyone shut your yaps for a few, got it?"

Elaine's ear piercing decibels served to do the trick, and Buffy soon found the focus on her. As she looked around, she could swear that practically the whole town had assembled in under a half an hour. She sat down on the bar's well-polished wooden slab, bringing her legs up under her so she sat Indian-style.

Smiling hesitantly and feeling more than a little self-conscious now that their secret was out, Buffy cleared her throat. "Um... I just wanted to clear a few things up so you could motor if you need to." Feeling much like a professor addressing a lecture hall, she caught Spike's eye and gestured for him to join her.

When he leapt with easy grace to settle by her side, she felt more comfortable. Taking a quick settling breath, she began, "Ok, don't really know how to go about this so I'll just start with the obvious. Vampires are real. I know there is a lot of wiggage that goes along with that, but it's not like I can deny their existence at this point. Second," she looked over at Spike and grabbed his hand for moral support, "Spike is a vampire. Third, I'm the Vampire Slayer-"

"What is that, exactly?" Elaine couldn't help but interrupt to ask, her curiosity still fully aroused. She'd prefer to be the only one privy to that info - being the best friend and all - but at this point, she'd take what she could get.

Spike fielded the question before Buffy could reply. "Bit like a super-hero, really. One chosen bird who gets super powers to take out my kind. That Chosen bird is Buffy."

"Well, actually there are two now. Since I died and everything, I kinda messed things up," Buffy imparted.

"You died ??!!!" Elaine shrieked, eyes bulging.

"Ok, long story. Like one so totally for later."

The librarian for the elementary school spoke up, not feeling entirely comfortable with the new developments. "So, if you're this...Slayer, and you are supposed to... kill vampires, why this? Why haven't you killed him?"

That question was met with silence, nobody wanting to admit they were waiting to see if any ill will would befall Mrs. Prisk. When it looked like she would come through the inquiry unscathed, heads nodded in agreement as they awaited the answer.

"Well, I tried. Lots," Buffy replied defensively,

Spike snorted derisively. "Yeah, same here. I can't tell you how many times I tried to off her, but never could manage it. And I've been responsible for taking out two of her kind in my day."

Horrified silence followed that statement as it was processed just what Spike had revealed, and Buffy turned to smack Spike again. "Geez! Talk about giving away a bit too much information!"

"Hey! Better stop smacking me around, Slayer," Spike growled, causing Buffy to roll her eyes in his direction.

Seeing the need for damage control, Buffy hurried to say, "So, obviously we're not trying to kill each other anymore. And Spike is not like those vamps that you saw, he's totally different."

"How?" Mrs. Prisk asked.

With a smirk, Buffy replied, "Because I tamed him."

She started giggling at the outraged snort that sounded beside her and turned her head to witness the dark scowl that covered his face. "You're lucky I love you, Slayer. Otherwise I'd kill you for that little remark," Spike snarled, glaring at her.

Buffy tried to draw her face into a mask of seriousness, but failed miserably. "Likewise, baby."

Spike retaliated by snaking his hand out to cup the back of her head and hauling her closer so that he could crush his lips against hers in a manner that was anything but gentle, effectively reminding her that he was far from tamed. Buffy's giggles turned into a whimper and she promptly forgot they had an audience that consisted of practically the whole town as they melted into the other.

"Hey..., hey..., HEY!!!!" Elaine yelled, clapping her hands to regain their attention. "You guys can do that once you get home! Because right now, I need some answers and like NOW."

They drew apart reluctantly, Spike smirking at the dazed look on Buffy's face, feeling her properly punished for daring to call him tamed.

"Ok, shoot," Buffy told Elaine.

Elaine huffed incredulously at the girl she called 'best friend'. "Hello, do I even need to say it? I want to know how you guys wound up together and what the hell you're doing here !"

Twenty minutes later, the entire town had a newfound respect for the pair, regarding them with something akin to awe. Elaine threw her arms around Spike and Buffy, hugging them tight. "Oh my god, that was the most romantic thing I have ever heard!!!!" She released them and dabbed at her tears. Pinning a stern look on Buffy, Elaine announced heatedly, "And you and I are going to be doing a little bit more private !! I ought to flog you, little missy!! You know that? But you know what? I just love you to pieces." She threw her arms around Buffy once more.

Rick and Spike exchanged identical looks of pained suffering, shaking their heads. "Dude, I am never playing you for money again," Rick informed him, earning a smirk from Spike. He would never admit to feeling relieved by Rick's obvious acceptance of him but the truth was, Spike had been worried; not wanting to give up the easy friendship he had shared with the other man.

Buffy was right. He had been tamed.

And that was just a bit of alright.

Someone plugged the music back in, and "Oldies Night" continued, almost as if there hadn't been an interruption of life-altering proportions. Buffy's 22nd birthday was celebrated with a bit more gusto than it had begun, and near-tragedy aside, Buffy felt as if a weight had been lifted.

The town was aware that people were looking for them and had banded together to keep their secret safe, in a true testament of friendship.

Life went on as usual.

Until the next thing popped up.

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