[Reviews - 379] LikedPrinter
Summary: Season 5. Begins with ‘Spiral’ in the abandoned gas station, and goes *far* off-canon almost immediately.

When Dawn makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her sister, friends, and the world, Buffy’s mind snaps. When Buffy's friends give up hope of her ever recovering, and become afraid that she’ll turn violent and uncontrollable, they call in the Council to help. Fearing what the Council will do, Spike, forgotten and ignored by her friends, steps in. Will he be able to reach the Slayer when no one else could? Will he be able to keep her out of the hands of the Council and away from her ‘helpful’ friends? How much heartbreak, guilt, and failure can one girl stand before her indestructible spirit finally resigns the fight and gives up hope?

WARNINGS: Threesome B/G/G action involving Spike, Buffy, and BuffyBot. Main Character Death. Plenty of angst.

Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards Winner: Best Characterization, Female: BuffyBot/Joan, Best Unconventional Pairing (Spike, Buffy, BuffyBot), Best Romance
Runner up: Best Plot, Best Unfinished Fic, Best Angst

Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: General Fics, NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Horror, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Character Death, Freaky/Kinky, Rape, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 55 Completed: Yes
Word count: 327350 Read: 266733
Published: 01/23/2013 Updated: 12/10/2013

1. Undun by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 19] Liked (7387 words)
Thanks to you for reading! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile!
This is going to be a pretty long story and FULL of angst. It will go completely off-canon ... far, far afield and even away from Sunnydale. Please HEED THE WARNINGS. If threesomes of Buffy, Spike, and BuffyBot, including a bit of slash, are gonna bother you, stop now. If implied rape (not graphic) will bother you, stop now. If you don't like angst, stop now. Still with me?! Cool - let's go!

2. Try by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 9] Liked (8825 words)
Buffy wants to give up, but is given a mission and admonished to 'TRY' by an unexpected visitor.
Thanks to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile!

3. Eclipse by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (10129 words)
Thanks to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary always make me smile! All mistakes are mine because I simply cannot stop fiddling right up to the very last moment.

4. Wish You Were Here by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (8884 words)
Thank you for reading! I so appreciate everyone that's left comments - I wasn't sure how this story would go over since I really just let my muse run wild with very little planning. Glad you've been liking it! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

5. King of Anything by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (6409 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading, and super-thanks to those of you who take time to drop me a note! They really mean a lot! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

6. I Need ... by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (6388 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading! Super-duper thanks to everyone who has taken time to stop in with feedback! It means a lot to me! Also thanks to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

7. Make the World Go Away, Part 1 by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 2] Liked (3961 words)
Too long for once chapter - posted in two parts. Thanks to YOU for reading and super-duper hugs to everyone who takes the time to drop me notes! I love them! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

8. Make the World Go Away, Part 2 by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (7596 words)
This is a continuation of the previous chapter. Had to break up 'cos too long for one posting. Be sure to read the first part first...

Hope you like!!

9. Accidentally in Love by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (4622 words)
Posting a little early this time to make up for the late post on Tuesday. Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

10. I Kissed a Girl by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 6] Liked (9103 words)
OK, this is one of the chapters you were warned about: Threesome B/G/G action involving Spike, Buffy, and BuffyBot.
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

11. Scream by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (9234 words)
OK, this is another of the chapters you were warned about: Threesome B/G/G action involving Spike, Buffy, and BuffyBot. If that really bothers you, then this chapter could be skipped and not lose the plot.
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

12. Broken Promises by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (2966 words)
Sorry this is a shorter than normal chapter. Trying to give my wonderful beta reader, PaganBaby, a little time to catch up with my writing pace and posting schedule. Of course, the fact that it created an 'evil cliffie' by cutting it off here didn't enter my muse's mind at all! :P

Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

13. Fade to Black by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (2848 words)
This is another a short chapter. Trying to give my wonderful beta reader, PaganBaby, a little time to catch up with my posting schedule.

Warning for this chapter: There is the beginning of a rape scene here before it all fades to black. This is the implied rape in the main warning of the story.

14. Bird With a Broken Wing by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 14] Liked (9103 words)
Warning for this chapter: Angst, violence. My beta, PaganBaby, said some of the violence described here was squick-worthy, so be warned.
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

15. Dazed and Confused by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 9] Liked (5833 words)
Look, I'm early!! You can't say I'm totally evil now, can ya!? Posting early ... what more could you ask for?! (Rhetorical! Don't answer that!)

Warning for this chapter: Angst.

Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to all of you who take the time to leave my muse love (and hate) notes! We love them both! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

16. Misunderstood by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 9] Liked (4316 words)
Warning for this chapter: Angst and misunderstanding. Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

17. Push and Pull by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 10] Liked (6773 words)
Warning for this chapter: Uber-angst.
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

18. Amazed by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 15] Liked (8980 words)
Warning for this chapter: Angst and rape references/memories.
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

19. I Won't Give Up     by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 9] Liked (5753 words)
Uht-oh ... I got no warnings to post for this chapter! I hope that doesn't mean it's boring! eeek!
As always, thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

20. Sometimes by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 10] Liked (5574 words)
Giant hugs to all you wonderful people that left me love notes to say the last chapter was not boring!! You have no idea how much better that makes me feel! I always worry that it will be if hearts are not being ripped out. xoxoxoxxoxo

And thanks always to PaganBaby, my evil-twin and beta reader.

21. Cheeseburger In Paradise by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (5204 words)
Warning for this chapter: Artery-clogging grease!

Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile. All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

22. Ginger or Mary Ann? by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 10] Liked (5863 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile. All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

23. Smile by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (8632 words)
I'm a little behind on replying to reviews, but I do read them and LOVE them all! Will try to get caught up this weekend. Thank you so much for reading and giving me feedback! {{hugs}}

Thanks to the wonderful PaganBaby for betaing this chapter and allowing me to borrow a couple of things from her and use here. She's made of awesome!

24. Wind Beneath My Wings by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (4855 words)
Warning for this chapter: Some girl on girl kissage and implied three-some.
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile. All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

25. Home by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 6] Liked (3752 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions and commentary that always makes me smile. All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

26. Take My Breath Away by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (8997 words)
Warning for this chapter: Home Renovations Spuffy style.
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! Lastly, thanks to 'T' from DTAS for suggesting a tool belt wearing Spike. All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.
Word of the day: marmoreal [mahr-mawr-ee-uhl ] adjective. Of or like marble: skin of marmoreal smoothness.

27. Heart and Soul by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (4001 words)
Warning for this chapter: Babies!
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.
This chapter and the next are dedicated to mhustler for her unrelenting enthusiasm for Daddy!Spike. These two are for you!

28. The Things We've Handed Down by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (5791 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.
This chapter was added in because of mhustler's enthusiasm for Daddy!Spike, so don't blame me for it!

29. I'll Stand By You by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (6298 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to email me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.
Warning for this chapter: Time to pay the piper ... or the muse as the case may be: angst and tears.

30. We Just Disagree by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (4372 words)
Warning for this chapter: Time to pay the piper ... or the muse as the case may be: Slayer dreams, gore, angst, disagreements, and tears.
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

31. Everybody's Changing by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 9] Liked (4670 words)
I'm so happy to announce that Spirit Indestructible has been nominated in the SunnyD Awards for:
Best Angst, Best Characterization (BuffyBot), Best Pairing Unconventional, Best Plot, Best Romance, Best Unfinished
**Thank you to whoever put in the nomination!!** You have no idea how much it means to me!
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to email me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

32. Count On Me by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 8] Liked (5252 words)
Warning for this chapter: Angst. Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to email me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

33. Weird Science by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 6] Liked (7969 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

34. When You're Gone by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 7] Liked (6205 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

35. Heart Ain't a Brain by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (3886 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment

36. I Believe in You by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 6] Liked (4664 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

37. Breakaway, Part 1 by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (2200 words)
This chapter contains a threesome, as well as girl on girl slash. I've broken this chapter into two parts. The first part (this chapter) actually does not contain any of the threesome or the slash, but has some plot and character development that will be necessary for the story's plot to continue.

THEREFORE ... this part of the chapter has no real warning on it, BUT if you have any issue with a threesome or girl on girl slash, DO NOT READ THE SECOND HALF. There is no plot development in the second half; it is not necessary to the story line, it's just smutty goodness.

You have been warned.

38. Breakaway, Part 2 by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (6122 words)
There were two chapters posted today! Be sure to read PART 1 of this chapter FIRST.
READ THIS!!! It's important!!

If you have an issue with threesomes or girl on girl slash/femslash, TURN BACK NOW!

This part of the chapter has a threesome and girl on girl slash. There is no plot development in this half; it is not necessary to the story line, it's just smutty goodness.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

I don't really have screencaps for most of this, so ... hopefully the words paint the pictures for you.

39. F**king Perfect by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (4697 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

40. Somebody That I Used to Know by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] Liked (2962 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to email me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.
Dru’s poem is an adaptation of: ‘Happy Family’ by John Ciardi

41. Lunatic Fringe by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] Liked (5039 words)
Sorry this is a bit late posting, thanks for your patience! Special thanks to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

42. Night Prowler by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] Liked (5091 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

43. Heaven Was Needing a Hero by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (3767 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

44. Don't Fear the Reaper by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 6] Liked (3757 words)
Thanks and GIANT HUGS to all of you! This story received the following accolades at the latest Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards:

Winner: Best Characterization, Female: BuffyBot/Joan, Best Unconventional Pairing (Spike, Buffy, BuffyBot), Best Romance

Runner up: Best Plot, Best Unfinished Fic, Best Angst

You can't imagine my ELATION! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support and love! {{{hugs}}}

45. Tears In Heaven by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 9] Liked (4505 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

46. Keep Me in Your Heart by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 6] Liked (6115 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

47. Pavement Cracks by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] Liked (5616 words)
I'm soooo sorry this is late! RL just stepped up and threw a body block at me the last couple of weeks. I hope to be back on schedule posting the next chapter a week from Sunday, but no promises ... sorry!

Thanks for your patience and support! As always, thanks to the great and wonderful PAGANBABY for betaing this and her wonderful banner she made for me!

48. Another Step by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 3] (4646 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! I'm a bit behind responding, but I love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

49. A Hand in My Pocket by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] Liked (6414 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

50. You'll Be In My Heart by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] (9277 words)
Sorry for the lateness again! Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to Paganbaby for taking time out of her hectic life to beta this for me! Her suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

51. If by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] Liked (7655 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! Love hearing from everyone and I promise I will get back to you. Sorry that I've fallen behind.

Thanks also to Paganbaby *AND* Dark Heart (if you haven't read his story: Until the End of the World, you should!) for helping me with this chapter! Their suggestions ROCK! All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

52. Time in a Bottle by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (6431 words)
I apologize again for how long updates are taking! My muse has been elusive, but I promise this story is not dead and will be completed! Thank you for your patience! Thanks especially to those of you who take the time to leave me feedback! I know I'm behind in replying but I love hearing from everyone and I will reply to you all! Thanks also to Paganbaby for helping me with this chapter, including her help with the illustrations/pictures. All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.


53. What Makes a Man, Part 1 by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 2] Liked (7733 words)
Sorry for the LONG delay! I hope it's worth the wait. Still 1 or 2 chapters left to go in this story. Thanks for sticking with me through this rough writing spell I've had. Thanks also to PaganBaby for her support and betaing help, and also for the Happy Spuffy Manip in this story. Check out her other manips at: http://paganbabymcsmutty.tumblr.com/

54. What Makes a Man, Part 2 by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 4] Liked (2856 words)
This is the second half of this chapter, both posted on the same day. Be sure you've read the first half first. :)

55. Spirit Indestructible by Passion4Spike [Reviews - 5] Liked (7372 words)
Thanks to YOU for reading and especially to those of you who take the time to email me feedback! Love hearing from everyone! Thanks also to T.P.P and DarkHeart for helping me sort out this chapter and, as always to Paganbaby for betaing, suggestions, and feedback. All mistakes are mine because I can't stop fiddling right up to the last moment.

Laughing Spuffy manip by Paganbaby. Check out her awesome stuff at: http://paganbabymcsmutty.tumblr.com/