[Reviews - 118] LikedPrinter
Summary: Maybe Spike did something faster, more clever at the end of 'The Gift'.
Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No
Word count: 84301 Read: 99019
Published: 03/22/2013 Updated: 02/12/2016

1. Chapter 1 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 13] Liked (1785 words)
OK guys, this is my first ever fic of any genre so i'm not aiming for Shakespeare here, just testing the waters so to speak. In case you haven't guessed I own nothing so please don't sue. This is for entertainment only. Beta'd by the absolutely wonderful Passion4Spike. You're awesome! x-x-x

2. Chapter 2 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 8] Liked (2043 words)
Thanks guys for the feedback. Really appreciated. A few people have commented on the formatting and paragraph breaks. hopefully those are now fixed and the story should be more reader-friendly. thanks again guys. And thanks again to Passion4Spike for agreeing to beta for me. x-x-x

3. Chapter 3 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 8] Liked (1692 words)
HI,everyone. Bitch-slapped my muse and he dropped another chapter before running off. I'm currently chasing him up the road picking up bits and pieces of chapter four as we go. Hopefully I'll win (He smokes more than I do!) Beta'd by the lovely Passion4Spike.(She's awesome) oh, yeah I don't own anything by way of rights to the show or characters so don't sue me, please?
And finally, it was mentioned in the reviews that the first two chapters needed some work on paragraph breaks, well hopefully they should be a bit more reader friendly now.

4. Chapter 4 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 9] Liked (4054 words)
I caught my muse, (see, smoking is bad for you, you can't run away when you want to) and this is the result. Hope it makes some people happy. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed. It's cool to hear what people think! I really shouldn't have to put this again but, I don't own anything in terms of rights or characters so don't sue me, you'll just end up looking like an idiot and have to pay ridiculous amounts of court fees! thanks again everyone.

5. Chapter 5 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 7] Liked (3136 words)
Hey all, I'm sorry about the delay in posting this chapter, but my muse was being less than co-operative and couple that with some real life drama, things have been a little slow for me on the writing front, so I apologize. Beta'd by the brilliant P4S, thanks hon!
Once again, please don't sue me, I don't own anything even remotely associated with BTVS, so it would be your money and time we'd be wasting.

6. Chapter 6 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 5] Liked (4414 words)
Hi all. Once again, I feel apologies are necessary for the delay, but having my muse disappear to parts unknown is not pleasant, or in my experience, avoidable. So, for what it's worth, sorry for the delay. Also, I have to say, I still don't own anything remotely connected to BTVS so please, don't try and sue me. Believe me, if I did own anything, let's just say, things would have ended differently!

7. Chapter 7 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 5] Liked (5301 words)
Hello, one and all. First up let me apologise for the interval between updates. Real life has that annoying habit of being inconvenient! Secondly, let me give thanks to everyone who has reviewed, I know I'm a little behind, but I will answer them, so please, don't think they're not appreciated. Believe me, they are!
Lastly I don't own anything remotely associated with BTVS, this is done purely for entertainment.

8. Chapter 8 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 3] Liked (4685 words)
Well, where to start? Real life has been a little less hectic recently, and this is the result. I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it. My hanks to all who have left a review, I love hearing peoples thoughts on what I've written, so please, keep it up. They are truly appreciated.
Finally, this is done for entertainment. In no way, shape or form am I associated with anything remotely Buffy. Please do not sue me, at it would be a waste of both mine and your time.

9. Chapter 9 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 5] Liked (6964 words)
Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but real life has been giving me a bit of a kicking of late. Anyway, I got back into the swing of things and this is the result. Thanks everyone who's read and reviewed, I really appreciate each and every one of you. Finally, I don't own anything except the plot. Everything remotely related to BTVS is not mine, in any way shape or form, so please, don't sue me.

10. Chapter 10 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 4] Liked (7075 words)
Hello, one and all. I do apologise for the delay between updates, a combination of real life and an uncooperative muse has slowed me down somewhat. I want to take a moment to thank everyone for the reviews and positive feedback I've received. They mean a lot to me, especially as a first time author. Thank you all. Special thanks have to go to P4S and PaganBaby for all the support, help, inspiration and encouragement they've given me. I couldn't have done this without the pair of you. I hope you know how much I value the both of you. Finally, I don't own anything to do with BTVS, so it really would be a waste of time trying to sue me. This is done purely for entertainment and not meant to infringe on any copyright laws.

11. Chapter 11 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 4] Liked (4451 words)
Hello, one and all. So here we are, another chapter. My thanks go out to P4S and PaganBaby for their wonderful help and support, and to everyone that has read and reviewed. I love hearing what you guys (and girls, OK, mostly girls) think. Thank you very much to each and every one of you. As usual, I don't own anything connected to BTVS, and no copyright infringement is intended. This is done purely for entertainment.

12. Chapter 12 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 7] Liked (4981 words)
Well, hello one and all. I hope everyone is well. So here's my latest offering to the Spuffy 'verse. I hope it meets with everyone's approval. As per usual, A huge shout out has to go to PaganBaby for her beautiful banners, and for her encouragement and kind words to me. Thank you, PB. You're awesome! Secondly, to my wonderful Beta, who helps me in so many ways, not least of which is transforming what comes out of my brain into something semi-coherent! Passion4Spike, you rock, and are also in the awesome category. Thanks P4S. Lastly, my thanks go out to everyone that has left me reviews, I love hearing from you guys, and it still blows my mind that people are actually enjoying something that I've written! A huge thank you to each and everyone of you. And to top things off, just for the record, I don't own anything remotely associated with BTVS, this is done purely in the name of entertainment.

13. Chapter 13 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 7] Liked (4704 words)
Hello, one and all. I managed to tear away from real life, and slap my muse into giving me another chapter. Here is the result. Hope that it meets with everyone's approval. Now, onto my thanks. A huge thank you has to go out to EVERYBODY that has read and reviewed, I appreciate each and every one of you. My second thanks have to go to P4S for all her help with betaing for me and for teaching me the ropes. Lastly, a huge thank you to PaganBaby for her beautiful banners, and for setting me on this road to begin with. It is her talent for writing that encouraged me to give it a try. Thank you, PB. And finally, as a matter of course... I don't own anything remotely attached to BTVS, only the plot is mine, so no lawsuits, OK? This is done purely in the name of entertainment.

14. Chapter 14 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 4] Liked (7256 words)
Hello, one and all. Well, here it is, the next chapter of my story. I do owe you all a massive apology due to my tardiness, but real life has a habit of interfering with my writing. Rather rudely, if you ask me. :-) Anyway, here it is, and I hope you all enjoy it. My thanks have to go to P4S for betaing for me and making this mess, at the very least, intelligible, not to mention her support and encouragement. My other thank you has to go to PaganBaby for her wonderful banners, and the inspiration and encouragement she's given me to try this in the first place. The pair of them are wonderful, and I owe them so much, a simple thank you doesn't feel like it does them justice, but it's all I have. Thank you both, girls, you're awesome.

15. Chapter 15 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 6] Liked (3837 words)
Hello, one and all. I do sincerely apologise to everyone for the delay in updating this story. Real life has been fairly... 'intrusive' would be the best way to describe it, and so my time has been short. Hopefully, things will be better, but I do beg patience if another long spell occurs before I can update again.

16. Chapter 16 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 10] Liked (4642 words)
Hi, everyone. Well, here it is, another chapter. I hope everyone likes it. A lot of you have been wondering just what was gonna happen to Xander, and, well, now we get to find out a little. I say a little, 'cos we all know that this isn't over, don't we? :-) My thanks have to go out to the wonderful PaganBaby for all her encouragement and inspiration, it's her that started me on this path, and also, the wonderful Passion4Spike, for helping a newbie like me write a story for the first time. Without them, well, I don't even want to think what this could be like! My other thanks have to go out to EVERYONE who has left me a review or a comment. I appreciate each and every one, and I promise, if you leave me such, I shall always reply. Always! (Just might be a little late is all!) :-D Heehee. Right, hope you like it guys. Take care.

17. Chapter 17 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 10] Liked (5786 words)

18. Chapter 18 by Dark Heart [Reviews - 3] Liked (7495 words)
Hi, everyone. Well, I'm back! I'm really sorry for the delay, but real life happened, unfortunately. Anyway, I offer this as my next chapter. I hope people like it, and enjoy where I'm going with this. Now, I have to take a moment to thank EVERYONE who has left me a review or a comment. I really do appreciate each and every one, and I will always reply to all of them, I promise. Up next is a massive thank you to P4S for helping me with this chapter. Without her, this would be a horrible, un-grammatical nightmare. And secondly, I have to say a massive thank you to PaganBaby for her patience, her encouragement and her beautiful banners, as well as inspiring me to write in the first place! Thank you, PB.
Lastly, I have to say, I don't own anything, just the plot-y bits. Characters are most definitely not mine, and this is done purely as entertainment. As a result, no copyright infringement is intended.