‘That perfect bliss and sole felicity, the sweet fruition of an earthly crown.’

Christopher Marlowe

Talk and laughter filled the room with love and warmth. Giles sighed, a silly boyish grin on his face as he glanced around the table at the faces of the people he shared his life with. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. These youngsters, his family, safe and sound and glowing with happiness, brought such joy into his life. The challenges they’d faced and the triumphs they’d achieved had lent them a level of maturity and genuine appreciation for life that was absent in most people their age. Well, maybe not too much maturity, he thought, as Xander and Dawn duelled one another with their butter knives and Buffy stole the bread roll off Spike’s plate.

It was Saturday evening. He, Cat and Althanea had arrived back in England that morning, their scanning duties in India complete. They’d left Nandish and the girls to it, the subcontinent’s Slayer recruitment drive scheduled to take another month and a half to complete, even with the help of a second team, set to share the duties from Monday. Giles wished them luck, but hadn’t been able to wait to get home. He’d missed it and the people he lived with. And he was exhausted. And stressed.

Xander and Rowan had come out to Gatwick to pick them up and they’d spent several hours in the afternoon napping so that they’d be refreshed enough to join the youngsters for dinner. It was becoming customary for residents of the Sunnydale Lodge to gather together for a Saturday evening feast. This was the first time in a month they’d all been present, so it was a noisier, more joyful gathering than usual.

He was immensely proud of them, and grateful for their role in his life. And the one he was most grateful for was the beautiful woman by his side. His wife! Only in his wildest fantasies had he ever imagined being a husband. He loved Cat so much; she had filled the void in his soul, in his life, filled it to overflowing, and given fruition to all his dreams. Despite the dangers and uncertainties that obscured the road ahead, right now, right here, he couldn’t imagine a more perfect life, and he would do anything to keep it that way, to protect his loved ones from harm.

And now his protective instincts had gone into overdrive, and he was ready to share the next stage of his life with his family. Gently, he tapped his knife on the side of his wine glass, the tinkling tone quietening the clamour in the room.

“Ahem, right, its wonderful to be home,” he started, “To see you all, and catch up on all of your comings and goings. I, well we, have some information to impart, but can I just start by thanking Oz for the very important role he played in last week’s confrontation with Monroe and his were pack.”

Others around the table cheered and rose their glasses to him while Willow beamed proudly and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

“The outcome may have been quite different had he not been there. I think each group got the measure of the other and I believe the weres took the cautions against them seriously. There have been no further incidents reported in the last seven days. And apart from the costs to Amazon of an all out battle in terms of injuries and fatalities, I am loath to wish extermination upon Monroe and his group at this stage. One never knows when we maybe in need of allies.”

“Come on Boss, don’t you think they see us as enemies rather than allies?” Xander queried.

“I’m sure Oz will be able to answer that question better than I, but from my understanding werewolves, although vicious, predatory creatures when confronted, are not possessed by any particular drive to target humans when they hunt.”

“Yeah, that’s true. And Monroe and his pack have more control than others when transformed. They’ve completed the nine step programme, just choosing not to stick to the doctrine.”

“Well, we’ll monitor them carefully. If there’s any further trouble we may need to disband or even remove them altogether.” Giles paused, “Now I’ve been giving things some thought since the were clash. That was our first combat situation for some time, certainly since Buffy and Spike received their sigils, and their experiences have shown us how effective they are. We had five of our family members in the melee last week. Dawn and Andrew were fine and I only had a couple of scratches. But Oz, although he came out on top, was somewhat bruised and battered and Willow, well if it wasn’t for Oz’ quick actions, she could have been seriously harmed, infected or even killed.”

The room was quiet as everyone considered the implications of what was, for the most part, a fairly low level skirmish compared to what they’d faced in the past and what was yet to come.

“But isn’t that what we’re all about Giles?” asked Willow quietly. “I mean, to tell the truth, we’re so used to deadly situations that I didn’t even blink before diving into that fight.”

“That’s true Willow, and I think over the years the core of us, you, Buffy, Xander and myself have all been prepared at one time or another to die for the cause. And I think at times we’ve been guilty of only looking as far as the next apocalypse. But I look around this room and I’ve come to realise that now, more than ever, we have something to live for. Dying for a cause is much less noble if it means leaving behind someone that is the other half of you, someone who would be devastated and broken by your loss. You people are fundamental to the cause in terms of overcoming the Scourge of Amroz, but more than that you are vital to the health and happiness of everyone in this room.”

There was a fair bit of blinking of damp eyes going on once Giles finished this impassioned speech, a little surreptitious sniffing and some covet hand holding, but for the most part the room was silent as they reflected on what it would mean to lose their most beloved.

“So what are you suggesting Giles?” asked Dawn abruptly. “That we avoid battles, sit back and lead from the boardroom, while we send the Slayers out to the killing fields as cannon fodder. Cos I don’t think Buffy and Spike would like that. And what’s more, you guys have only just let me start fighting recently. I’m gonna need a few more notches on my apocalypse belt before I’m ready to hang it up!” she harrumphed as she sat back and folded her arms firmly.

“Calm down bit, don’t think Rupes is suggesting that. Can see where his thinking is headed though and I think its bloody brilliant. See, when we fight, the Slayer and me don’t have the same fears anymore, for ourselves or for each other. Only been out a few times so far, but I’ll tell you what, being invulnerable is everything its cracked up to be. Pretty liberating it is, right pet?”

Buffy had been staring at Spike in confusion, a frown on her face as she tried to follow his statement and its implications. The others could see the moment it hit her, hope and excitement bubbling up to wipe away the worry.

“Oh my God yes! Could you do it Giles, could you place protection tattoos on everyone. Well not everyone obviously, but the Scoobies – all of us?”

“Yes Buffy, that is my intent. We’ll need to research of course, in order to decide whether we can call on Sineya and Atar as protectors of the whole group, or whether other divinities might be better utilised. For instance, for Willow and Oz, maybe we should invoke Hecate and, is it Ekajati Oz that aids your wolf control?” Oz nodded. “So we will need to examine the possibilities and come to some conclusions in terms of who and when.

I know Willow is busy with the Academy and her research on the Guardians and Rowan and Dawn have school, but Althanea, perhaps I could persuade you to help me out in regard to this undertaking. But with or without help, I am determined to get this situation sorted, there is too much at stake to leave the safety of our loved ones to chance.”

‘Whoa Giles, can we say over react much,” said Xander as the others frowned and nodded their accord.

“I’m sorry,” Giles shook his head. “Sorry, I’ve got news to share with you, well we’ve got news and its great news, the best, but its making me somewhat irrational, as you can all probably see. And the thing is quite apart from our news the reality is that ever since Cat came into my life, it’s as if someone has turned the dial on my emotional sensitivity meter up to full. I just seem to feel everything at a deeper level these days. I mean I have always cared very deeply about you Buffy, Dawn, Willow and Xander, and have felt almost a father figure to you at times. But now that I am going to become a father for real I think that it’s vital that every…”

“What? Who? What?”

“What did you say?”

“Oh my Goddess! A father?”

The room was awash with a babble of voices, most of them female, all talking at once as Giles sat startled, eyes glassy and mouth wide open. Suddenly a shrill sound filled the air as Spike stuck his finger and thumb in his mouth and whistled long and loud.

“Alright you lot, can it,” he said. “Let the old boy talk, although to be fair he seems a bit overwhelmed. And to be honest Rupert, you’ve made a right mess of this so far. Maybe we should hear from your ladylove instead. Doc, what’s the goss?”

“There, there, ma bonnie wee man,” Cat grinned and patted her husband’s back, which at least seemed to restart his breathing and circulation if the red blush colouring his cheeks was any indication.

“And aye, what Rupert was trying ta sae to ye all in his ham-fisted way is that I’m pregnant.”

Another set of exclamations filled the room, this time accompanied by an outpouring of congratulations, hugs and backslapping.

“So how far along are you?” Buffy asked excitedly, thrilled to have gained a pregnancy pal to compare notes and commiserate with.

“By my reckoning I’d be ten weeks today if you count the two weeks prior to conception.” There was an awkward pause while everyone started counting backwards. “Aye, I’ll save you all the calculations. Seems this is like to be a honeymoon baby, wedding night and all if I’ve an inkling. I guess I’ll go and organise myself a scan this week and find out for sure.”

“Gosh, I didn’t even know you were trying,” Dawn noted tactlessly. “Oops, I’m not supposed to say that am I?”

“No, its alright Dawn.” Cat said, laughing. “We weren’t exactly trying, but I guess we weren’t actively not trying either if ye ken what I mean. It’s probably a little sooner than we’d anticipated or even discussed, but it’s all good now. And we couldn’t be happier, or we will be once I’ve got over the mornin’ sickness and Rupert’s got over the shock.”

“Well I’m delighted for you both, “Althanea declared. “And I think you’ll make wonderful parents.” She raised her glass. “A toast to the new parents.”

There was a general outpouring of laughter and excitement at this point. Giles, still uncharacteristically quiet, was at least looking rather chuffed with himself as Spike and Oz nodded solemnly at him in recognition of his manly achievements. Even Andrew was giving Giles the thumbs up in his feeble attempt at male bonding. Of the guys, only Xander was quiet, his arm wrapped around Rowan’s shoulder and his face close to hers as they seemed to be having an urgent, whispered conversation.

In imitation of his father figure, Xander picked up his own bread knife and tapped it on the side of Rowan’s water glass. The room settled down once more and people turned to face the young couple that were sitting at the opposite end of the table from Giles and Cat. Keeping his left arm firmly around his girlfriend, Xander addressed his family and friends.

“Um, right, well first up Rowan and I would like to wish Giles and Cat our deepest congratulations. That’s great news guys, really. But the thing is, we’ve got a bit of news as well. We aren’t, well we weren’t, really ready to share it yet, we’re in a bit of shock, but um, Rowan do you want to?”

“Yeah, turns out I’m pregnant too,” she whispered. “I’m sorry Grammy,” she burst out, tears running down her face as she began sobbing.

The scrape of Althanea’s chair seemed deafening in the stunned silent room. But she got up and went straight over to Rowan, drawing her out of Xander’s arms and into her own.

“There, there child. It’s all as it should be. You know that. Nothing happens without a purpose, and at times that purpose may seem obscure or even inconvenient, but if it’s meant to be, it will happen anyway nonetheless. And this is a blessing. A child, with a man you love. That seems pretty wonderful to me.

“But Grammy, what about med school? I won’t have even finished my end of year exams before the baby’s due. And then I’ve three more years to go before I qualify. I’ve wanted to be a doctor all my life, but I don’t know how I’ll cope with study and clinicals on top of being a mum.”

“Listen my girl, do you want this baby?” Althanea asked.

“Yes Grammy, I do, I know it’s not planned and that I’m too young and that Xander and I have only been together for a short while. And, well, I’m pretty scared. But I do want this baby, very much.” She turned as she felt Xander reach out to take her hand in his.

“Then we’ll make it work,” he said firmly. “Althanea,” he added, squeezing Rowan’s hand and glancing towards her grandmother at the same time. “I know this may not be exactly what you wanted for your granddaughter, and maybe I’m not exactly the type of guy you wanted for her. But I love her very, very much and I’d do anything for her.” He turned back to Rowan. “I know it won’t be easy, but we can do this. You’ve got ten weeks off school over the summer, so baby will be three months old by the time you have to head back. I can manage,” he gulped, “I’m sure I can. We’ll do what ever we need to do to make this happen. You’re gonna be an awesome doctor and an awesome Mommy sweetheart, just you wait and see.”

“Well Xander,” Althanea said, “I think you’re wrong in your assumptions of what I want for my granddaughter. I’ve only ever wanted her to be happy, fulfilled and loved. And from what I’ve seen over the last few months, you’re the man to help her achieve those goals. You’re a good man Xander, strong, kind, practical and with a deep capacity to love. I think you’re right, Rowan will make a wonderful mother, but equally I believe you’ll make a wonderful father.”

The rest of the group had been waiting with bated breath, silent apart from the odd little gasp or sigh as they bore witness to such a private, personal conversation and decision. But as soon as Althanea gave the young couple her blessing, they began to cluster around Rowan and Xander, their words of congratulations more subdued than with Cat, but no less heartfelt, and their hugs just a touch bittersweet.

It didn’t take long for the restrained atmosphere to break down, Rowan herself suggesting that Cat should be able to organise a group discount now that they had three pregnant Scoobies and Dawn planning the development of a crèche at the Lodge for the babies. But when the subject of due dates came up again, this time in regards to Rowan, the conversation once again turned a little contemplative.

“Well, I’ve only done a home test at this stage, but I’ve been online and used one of the pregnancy due date calculators, and I think I’m due on the 9th May.”

“That’s strange,” Giles said, “Isn’t that the same date you said you were due sweetheart?”

“Yes,” Cat agreed, eyes gleaming, “The exact same date. How odd. I guess you’re having a honeymoon baby too, just that its our honeymoon, not your own. Am I right in assuming that you conceived the night of the wedding itself?”

“Um, yeah. I’m usually, well we’re usually, very careful about contraception. Rowan was already on the pill, but it was early days, so I made sure that I generally had, uh, things covered as well if you get my drift. Except that night, there was a certain urgency shall we say and I guess we got a little forgetful.”

“More like a little horny,” Spike muttered in Buffy’s ear, not loud enough for anyone to hear except for his girl and Xander who was seated next to her and immediately flushed red in acknowledgement.

“Well, that is one for the books,” Giles commented. “No doubt just an uncanny coincidence, but still.”

“Come on Giles, since when did we believe in simple coincidence?” Willow asked. “This just seems a little too freaky.”

“Oh!” Buffy exclaimed suddenly, sitting upright and bringing her hand to her mouth.

“Oh what sis?” Dawn asked the question on everyone’s lips.

“Well, its just that maybe its my fault, or Sineya’s fault at least,” she offered, chewing her lip nervously.

“How do you figure that Pet?” Spike asked, before suddenly his mouth popped open and he chuckled. “Oh I see. Yeah. Yeah, that could be it.”

“Would you two stop talking in your freaky little mind meld way and let the rest of us in on the big secret,” Xander growled.

“Okay, so you might remember I had that Slayer dream the night before the wedding, either from the Powers or maybe even from Sineya herself. We know she can invade our dreams. Anyway, I faithfully followed the recipe provided and voila, freaky Sagaria light show!”

Seven of the people seated around that table reacted immediately, their faces registering a mix of emotions: understanding, appreciation, wonder and a touch of embarrassment as they recalled the experiences and effects of the blessing Buffy carried out during the wedding ceremony. There were a couple of chuckles, a few pink cheeks and several displays of affection as they reminisced. Meanwhile, Dawn, Andrew, Willow and Oz sat there nonplussed, impatience and curiosity colouring the expressions of the first three.

“Okay, so give,” Dawn said. “We all saw the light display, but what’s with all the soppy faces you guys?”

“Yes, well dear,” Giles offered stiltedly, “The effects, at least in my case, were rather invigorating and somewhat inflaming.”

“Huh?” Dawn queried.

“Acted like bloody Spanish fly Bit,” Spike stated plainly. “Revved up the old libido a treat. Made sitting through all of Rupes’ boring speeches torturous. Slipped away as soon as we could didn’t we pet?”

Buffy blushed but nodded her agreement while Giles muttered and mumbled about how it wasn’t that bad, before shutting up as he remembered how very distracted he’d been.

“So was it like that for all of you?” Willow asked.

After a slight hesitation, seven heads nodded in agreement.

“Wow,” Rowan said, both relieved that they were all in this together and mortified that her Grammy was nodding along with the others.

“That warmth was somewhat provoking,” Althanea admitted, “And we all have needs, even at my age. All I can say is that Frank got very, very lucky that evening.”

“Oh my Goddess Grammy. That is definitely too much information,” Rowan squealed and hid her face.

“Oh well dear, Frank is a lovely man and I had a very nice evening with him. And at least I can assure you that I’m not pregnant, which is more than I can say for the rest of you.” Althanea had a very self-assured tone to her voice.

“Okay, so what you’re saying is that Sagaria acted like a dose of mystical aphrodisiac,” said Dawn. “You guys got all super horny and dashed off to play hide the salami. Then lo and behold, two more couples are up the duff. I’m seeing a bit of a theme here.”

“What do you mean?” Willow asked.

“Well, correct me if I’m wrong, but couldn’t Sagaria have been implicated in Buffy’s mystical pregnancy as well?”

Buffy and Spike glanced at one another, frowned then shrugged. “I thought it was just the amulet and the freaky light show,” Buffy murmured, “but I did have the scythe in my hand at the time and Spike and I were linked so maybe, yeah,” she nodded “I don’t see why not.”

“So what we need to find out is, is this just some freaky side effect of the scythe itself, or have you guys been deliberately manipulated,” Dawn pondered. “Cos it looks like you’ve all been treated like some sort of mystical breeding stock,” she added.


The room was silent as everyone considered Dawn’s words and the implications of such a suggestion.

“Does that mean that these pregnancies are predetermined, prophesised even?” Rowan asked quietly.

“Or has someone, the Powers, Sineya or some other Godly being taken advantage of our relationships to foster or even set up these conceptions. Cos it sure seems like it from where I’m sitting.” Xander said angrily. “Not that I’m not happy about being a Daddy. We are still happy but confused aren’t we honey,” he asked Rowan.

“Yeah, happy but confused. I think that describes the situation pretty well.”

“Aye, I’d second that sentiment, with the addition of a couple of ‘verys’,” added Cat. “What do you think Rupert?”

“I think that there is going to be a lot of research going on around here over the next few months. I can’t help but be delighted about becoming a parent, but I have to wonder what the future holds for our children. We already know that Spike and Buffy’s child is a critical part of the Sagaria prophecy, but do these other babies have some role to play in the future? One thing’s a certainty, we need to keep any couples away from Sagaria until we’ve found out a little more.”

“Oh my Goddess!” Willow had gone very pale, her freckles standing out starkly against her white skin. “Oh shit!” She turned to Oz, her eyes wide as she carried out a silent communication with him. He nodded then pulled her in against his chest.

“We might have a problem here,” he said quietly over the top of Willow’s head. “Last weekend we brought the scythe back with us when we came back through the portal from India. Had it on the bed with us while we made love. Too early to tell if it’s worked its mojo, but best to be prepared yeah.”

“Okay, so another unplanned pregnancy,” Dawn said. “Inconvenient maybe, but not the end of the world right? Unless you two aren’t that sure about your relationship?”

“No,” Willow interjected, “No, that’s not the problem. I’m sure about my feelings for Oz, sure about our love for one another. No, that’s not it. I mean I’m probably not even pregnant. It’s too early to tell anyway isn’t it? And if I am it might be all right. And if it was, all right I mean, I’d be so happy, proud to be a parent with Oz. Its just that, maybe, I guess, there’s a chance things wouldn’t be all right.” She petered out, tears forming in her eyes and trickling down her cheeks.

“So what’s the drama?” Dawn asked in confusion.

“Complications bit,” Spike said, recognising the guilt and apprehension in Oz’ face. “Boy’s got a curse on him don’t forget. More than just a human he is. There’s the wolf to consider too.”

“Oh? Oh! But that shouldn’t um effect things should it,” Dawn probed further. “Giles?”

“As far as I’m aware there have been no documented cases of ah deformities or unnatural deliveries resulting from congress between a werewolf and his or her human partner,” Giles offered, the delicacy of the subject causing a retreat into awkward formality, “but I’d need to research the matter further in order to provide a more comprehensive reassurance.”

“And Willow, I think it would be wise to head into Princess Royal this week to undergo a blood test for you and scans for you, Rowan and myself,” Cat suggested briskly. “We’re really going to set the hospital tongues to wagging. They’ll be wondering what’s in our water to create such productivity and fruition. Maybe we really should look into that group discount idea,” she smiled.

“Okay folks, looks like that’s all we can do for the time being,” Spike said. “Time for all pregnant mummies to turn in for the night I reckon. One thing’s for sure though. Bit, you are no way, no how getting anywhere that damned axe.”

Quiet laughter filled the room as everyone stood up, loading cups and plates into the dishwasher, wiping down the table, pushing in chairs and shuffling off to their individual rooms, all the little customs and routines that signalled days end. They had a lot to be thankful for, a lot to mull over, and a fair bit to worry about. But, as always, they had each other, the solid bonds of love and family weaving a net of warmth and security around them all. They’d get through, together.

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