It didn’t take long for Giles to recruit the Scoobies and they hurried over to his place. Hesitantly he explained the situation to Willow and Xander, noting the surreptitious looks they exchanged with each other.

“So we need to investigate the cause of Buffy’s problems,” he said, once he’d informed the pair of what was going on. “Perhaps there’s a new enemy out there who has done something to my slayer. Maybe a spell.”

Willow’s face reddened. Her entire being was infused with guilt and despair. The spell wasn’t supposed to work that way. She knew that she was a competent witch and even though the magicks that she’d tapped into were dark and advanced the young witch had been convinced that she could handle it. There was no way it could have rendered her best friend in such a terrible state.

Part of her didn’t want to admit what she’d done. It would be easy to deny it, to pretend that she knew nothing about it and get busy with the research party. The redhead highly doubted that Xander would spill the beans. However, her conscience overrode her desire to stay quiet and she took a deep breath.

She cautiously raised a hand. “It was me,” she whispered.

“What…was you?” Giles asked, a little perplexed.

“I was…well it wasn’t just me, but we…that’s us I mean…we…”

“Spit it out, Willow,” Giles demanded, his patience finally dissolving.

“We cast the spell,” she admitted rapidly, the words pouring from her mouth in a torrent of regret, scrunching up her face as if she was about to burst into tears. “I’m sorry!”

Giles stared at her with a stony moue. “You cast a spell on my Slayer?” he asked, voice as hard as steel.

“We wanted to help Buffy,” Willow yelled. “She was all sappy-girl over Spike and we were worried about her.”


“Xander and me.”

Xander blushed red and looked down at his hands, clearly wishing that the Hellmouth would swallow him up right about now. Although the boy shared Willow’s guilt at the effects of the spell, unlike his friend he didn’t want to confess to their wrongdoings.

“You bloody idiots!” Giles exclaimed, flushed with fury. “You stupid, arrogant little amateur!”

“Hey! Don’t talk to her that way!” Xander intervened. “We thought casting a spell was the lesser of two evils.”

“Right!” agreed the redheaded witch. “Buffy’s our best friend and we didn’t want to hurt her, but we couldn’t let her keep on being with…with that…”

“With that evil monster,” interjected Xander. “She told us that she had…feelings…for Spike. We had to do something to help her.”

“Exactly!” Willow nodded.

“Well, now Buffy’s upstairs and possibly dying. So clearly you’ve saved her from a terrible fate,” Giles commented dryly. He turned to Willow, ignoring Xander’s wince. “I want to see the spell you used right away. If we’re to help her then I must see exactly what you’ve done.”

“The Grimoire is still at Xander’s,” Willow said.

“Then bloody well get it!” he snapped, all patience gone.

Willow and Xander scampered out the door and Giles slumped down into a chair, dropping his head into his hands.

“Those bloody kids!” he sighed.

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