[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: It's been two years since Spike helped Buffy make sure The Master wouldn't be resurrected, and his unlife has gone from bad to worse. Now that he's fed up with both Dru and Angelus, he comes back to Sunnydale, to the source of all his misery for a new beginning, revenge, and a bit of fun.
What he finds, though, is slightly different than what he planned.
Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: Bones and Dirt
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes
Word count: 36767 Read: 7274
Published: 03/26/2019 Updated: 12/31/2023

1. Remember me? by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2497 words)

2. Road to Mandalay by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3146 words)

3. Sun is Shining by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3004 words)

4. I Wanna Rock by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2726 words)

5. Hello, I love you by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3059 words)

6. Weapon of choice by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2772 words)

7. Sabotage by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2452 words)
Been a while since I updated this. It's actually finished, so I'll try to remember to upload everything every few days.

8. Stripped by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2869 words)

9. Starshine by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2845 words)

10. Day Twelve, Trauma by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2888 words)

11. Diane by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2555 words)

12. Diesel Power by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3296 words)

13. Come undone by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2658 words)