Chapter 19

Buffy was huddled against a wall on the floor by Colton's feet. She brought her knees up to her chest as she glared at the two vampires, feigning fear. Knowing it was all pretend between her and Spike didn't stop her from actually getting pissed off. Since she was on the ground when they first entered the room after Spike tossed her over, when she tried rising to her feet, Colton kicked her back down. She knew Spike couldn't do anything to help her, but for some reason logic wasn't playing into her anger. Colton told her that when he wanted her to get up, he would let her know. She really wasn't liking this guy.

Spike sat in a large arm chair across from Buffy and Colton. He sprawled his legs out wide as if he was relaxing. He still wore the demon's face as he lit up a cigarette. “So. What now?”

Colton's face gleamed. “Now we feed. Of course, seniority secures you place to begin,” the deep baritone of his voice coaxed.

“Well color me pink.” Spike smiled before putting out his cigarette on the arm of the chair. He rose to his feet slowly, tucking his thumbs behind his belt buckle, “Come on luv. Don't be shy now.” The words seemed to roll off his tongue in a twisted seductive manor. He stuck up his index finger, bending it towards himself to beckon Buffy.

“I'm not shy,” she spat, rising to her feet. “Just disgusted.”

Colton let out a chuckle, his accent dripping with thickness, “I do understand your interest in her. She is rather saucy, isn't she?”

Raising an eyebrow, Spike snickered back, “'S not her mouth I'm interested in.”

Again, her brain battled with her emotions. It's an act. That's all; you know he doesn't mean any of it. “Great, nasty man talk. Can we just get on with this?” She asked with a roll of her eyes.

Just as Spike began advancing on The Slayer, the silence filled with pounding foot steps and Willow's cry for help.

“What the bloody hell is goin' on!?” Spike yelled vehemently at Colt.

“I'd ask you the same old friend,” Colton countered just as the door swung open.

Three of his vampire henchmen stepped into the room. With them was Willow. One of the vamps shoved her forward, making her stumble into Buffy. “We caught her in the yard, sir.”

The head of the vampire pack added, “She wasn't alone. She had a human, he was unable to pass.”

“I'm pleased the incantation worked so well. That will be enough, thank you,” Colton dismissed his demon crew. “You see Spike, I learned much from you, however, I've picked up a few helpful suggestions along the way.”

“Oh?” Spike had noticed the fresh bite marks on the first vampire who had entered. Colton must have recently made him, Spike thought. He knew Colt too well. He was always siring new vampires to replace the ones that went against him.

“Yes. I had magicks placed on this house. Only supernatural’s can enter the parameters. It's rather ironic isn't it? The human population has the no-invite protection to not allow demons, and there's a spell for demons to not allow entrance of humans.” Colton sneered as if he was pleased with himself.

“Yeah, real mind blowing mate,” Spike replied without amusement. “What's goin' on here?”

Colton had an answer already on his lips, “I suppose I should have known you couldn't be trusted.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Spike snarled his yellow eyes wide. It was easy to show dark emotions when he let the demon free. He reached for Willow, clutching her shoulders tightly, “Why'd you come here?!”

She hoped this was still part of the act because she thought his grip felt real. Willow blinked before opening her mouth, as if to muster some courage. “To save Buffy! Xander never trusted you!” At least she could keep to the truth she thought. “He had a bad feeling when you said you wanted to show something to Buffy, and darn it, he was right!”

Thank God, she was playing along. This was quickly turning into a disaster of a plan, but frankly Spike preferred improvising in a fight- Made life more exciting. “What aren't you tellin' me Red?” He shouted, flashing his fangs as he shoved her against the wall with enough force to make his chip fire. “Ahh! Bloody hell!” Spike grabbed his head in an instant, letting Willow go with out a fight. Spike hated the firing of the chip, but it had to look real.

Buffy continued acting meek by only grabbing Willow away from the demons and not trying to fight. “Let Willow go, you've got me.”

“Might brave eh?” Spike looked at Colton.

“Oh, truly a remarkable act of courage. Though, I must say, I find it odd that this witch hasn't cast a single spell to free herself.” Colton commented. “Though, it won't matter. This force field eliminates all magicks and nothing can penetrate it.”

Crap, Buffy thought, knowing the spell Tara was suppose to be casting won't have a chance. She knew it was too late for Willow, but maybe Xander still had a shot. The entire plan was resting with that spell. “Guess I'll have to do this the old fashion way then,” she mumbled loudly.

Spike knew the other vampires could hear any signs of trouble if a fight broke out now. He would have to be quick with the act. He reached behind his coat, wrapping his cold fingers around the wooden weapon he had stashed there. Then he waited for the best opportunity. He could finally end this.


“It did it again.” Dawn was worried now. Tara had performed the ritual for the spell twice now. Xander and Willow had left some time ago and have likely been at Colton’s waiting.

Tara shook her head from side to side with a sigh. “I-I don't understand. Something keeps stopping it.”

“Tara, Willow and Xander don't know the undetectable spell didn't work. They could be in serious trouble by now.”

The tiny bell above the door rang, gaining the rooms attention. “Okay, we have big trouble!” The door shut behind him and he hurriedly approached the two girls.

“Xander, what's wrong?” Dawn stood with her arms wrapped nervously around her midsection. She looked between Tara and Xander, waiting for a story or a reaction.

“Is Willow...?”

“I dunno. I tried getting to her,” he paused before redirecting his emotions elsewhere, “What happened to the spell that was suppose to make us invisible?”

After sitting cross legged on the floor, Tara stood up, breaking the sacred circle. “I-I'm not sure. We tried b-but-”

“Well it didn't work. A few fanged creatures carted her off, but I couldn't follow with the force field thingy keeping me on the side walk.” Something occurred to him, “Could that have been a backfire from the spell?”

“A force field?” Tara thought a moment, “No.” She stated assertively. “If this Colton applied something as sophisticated as protective barriers, t-then chances are it's what's blocking my spell.”

“Then why could Willow waltz in unannounced like she was the Queen of England?”

Tara was silent, “I don't know. Buffy will protect her.” Self assurance seemed to be the most soothing remedy when she was scared.

Meanwhile, Dawn had made her way to one of the book shelves and had been flipping through the pages while they talked. “Supernatural invitation incantation.”

Xander looked over at her, “Say what now Dawnie?”

“I've been working off my sticky fingers sentence here at The Magic Box and the reading content is limited so... I found this after the 'wishing disaster'. I was looking for a reversal spell, just in case we ever end up stuck inside again. Or maybe how to keep demons away, but this is like the reverse. It keeps humans out instead of demons. Maybe that's what Colton is using on the house.”

“Can I- I need to read it before I even try to break it.” Dawn handed her the passage without any objections. “If this is the correct spell, we'll need to test if it works.”

“Then I guess I'm test guy,” he noted before heading back towards the door. “How long will you need Tara?”

“Maybe 20 minutes? To read and set up, but if it doesn't work-”

“Try again. I'll call after 25 if nothing changes.” And with that he was gone out the shop door, leaving once again to contribute in the fight.

Dawn was proactive in cleaning up the supplies from the previous spell while Tara jumped head first into the incantation book. She knew that she wouldn't get any praise for remembering the spell book, but silently she padded herself on the back. Dawn smiled, finally she felt as if she mattered and had something to provide to the gang. “I'll clean up, just focus on that.”

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