[Reviews - 0] Printer
Summary: Spike wins against Angel for the first time in his un-life, but the prize isn't what he expected.
Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes
Word count: 55221 Read: 2529
Published: 12/31/2023 Updated: 02/28/2024

1. His trip back in time began by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3050 words)

2. “Hello, cutie.” by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3193 words)

3. Bugger. by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (4532 words)

4. Only time will tell by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3623 words)

5. The bitter version he’d left behind by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3468 words)

6. His newfound plan might be possible yet. by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (4839 words)

7. Future would start in earnest by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3168 words)

8. Warmth again by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3375 words)

9. She was magnificent. by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (4089 words)

10. Fully stocked bar by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3518 words)

11. Burst out laughing by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (4227 words)

12. Grin on his face by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3053 words)

13. Grin on his face by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3053 words)

14. Wouldn’t meet any resistance by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (3224 words)

15. Deserted behind them by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2529 words)

16. Happiness by Blackoberst [Reviews - 0] (2280 words)