Title: Bittersweet
Part; 13/?
E-mail: Angelusblood@yahoo.com
Author: Tygerlily
Summary: Set after 'The Gift', Dawn's dies instead of Buffy. Buffy and Spike are shattered by Dawn's death and leave Sunnydale. Angel and the rest of the gang try to bring them home...weirdness ensues.
Disclaimer: Not mine! I kinda borrowed them from Joss for awhile...shhh don't tell it'll be our secret.
Rating: R (for now eventually NC-17)
Author’s Note VI: In this chapter I will be re-introducing a character of my own creation, Raz. Of course we don’t want him to be alone so there will be one more addition to my Spuffyverse and her name is Ciro

All previous Author Notes I-V can be found in previous chappies!

CHECK OUT MY SITE http://www.geocities.com/angelusblood

Chapter 13 –- The past, The Present, The Future


The cabin was quiet and only the gentle rustling of fellow passengers and humming of the over head light could be heard. It was hard to believe Angel had tried to challenge the claim a second time, he always did want the things he couldn’t have. The blonde directed his eyes to the sleeping form next to him. Oh he knew that Buffy would never leave him now, of that he was sure.

He laid his head back against the first class seat, his head was splitting from the fight earlier, he did take something for the pain just before boarding but it wasn’t helping any. They had just taken off about an hour before but it was still at least another good four hours before touching down in London. London, England…God the last time he was there was when he and Dru were running around together.

‘The blood that flooded the streets…those were good times’

He sighed softly even though his time with Dru had ended he wouldn’t trade his time now with his mate for the world. Dru was never all that faithful to him and now that he looks back on it he even questions her ‘love’ for him. Oh he knew that she said it to him enough but could a creature like her really love. He doubted it but that was then and this is now.

The little blonde that occupied the seat next to him shifted a bit and moaned a little when she couldn’t get settled; he could feel her discomfort and exhaustion through the bond, so he pulled her closer while gently brushing a stray strand from her eyes and softly cooed in her ear. Almost instantly she settled down and snuggled into his embrace.

He couldn’t wait to show her all of his old haunts…well most of them anyway. He decided long ago that if he got the chip out and she became his that he would do his best to shield her from his more demonic tendencies. There was no doubt in his mind that she loved and accepted all of him it was just something he really wanted to do for her. Angels’ return stirred up some old emotions and wounds that he believed were dead and buried. Both he and his mate had been burned badly by the Hellmouth and wished never to return there unless absolutely possible.

His thoughts automatically turned to the Scoobies and the one or two members he knew of the AI team. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that the whelp and the witch were behind all this. He wasn’t sure what his feelings for the Watcher were; he knew that Giles loved Buffy as if she were his own. So he couldn’t begrudge him for searching for his little girl but the dynamic duo he had a few things he’d like to say to them.

‘Where the hell do they get off trying to take Buffy away from me, her happiness? I mean the whelps’ record isn’t all that great. First there is giant preying mantis lady, Inca mummy girl, the slut of a cheerleader and finally an ex-vengeance demon. I mean for gods’ sake his choice of paramours have not been all that great. Oh and of course we can’t forget the little meddling witch and her choices in love. First for her was some ancient demon that was trapped in the damned internet and then made himself flesh…or metal as it were. Then wolf boy and finally another witch. It’s not fair that they should be able to be happy and then not their so called best friend.

Don’t even get me started on peaches, he left her two years ago He can’t just come back and say that I challenged his claim, ok so he didn’t exactly say that I challenged him but he fucking abandoned her she doesn’t belong to HIM anymore! Then of course there is that bitch of a former cheerleader, she’s some sort of half demon now. I mean gimme a break like she did it for the good fight…my ass. She has been making eyes at nancy boy hair gel since day one’

As his thoughts continued to race through his mind; he realized he didn’t have a set place for them to live yet. Then he remembered that the wolf was suppose to be in London now, none of the Scoobies knew that he still kept in contact with the former band member not even the Slayer.

It was an interesting day when he ran into the wolf and they exchanged information after a pint. Both were drunk out of their minds but one day Spike received a letter from the werewolf and they’d been in touch ever since.

His eyes began to feel heavy so he let them close and he slowly drifted into a restful sleep with his mate tucked securely within his arms. As one of the flight attendants walked past she couldn’t help but smile at the couple before continuing on her way to the back of the plane.


The sound of his boots could be heard as he walked down one of the many back alleys of London. Water splashed up onto his boots as he stepped in one of the many puddles left by the recent rain. The sky was a murky gray and the air was cool and smelled of fresh rain and gasoline. He was headed back to his flat when he was blindsided by a two snarling vampires. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh and heavy breathing could be heard all throughout the alley way. In the end the shadow continued on his was and two clouds of ash settled into near by puddles.

The wind had picked up a bit and it made the figure hunker down deeper into his coat. He hated London with all the rain most of the time he longed for the warmer climates or ones that were less wet. He soon came upon a building and pressed the button near the main door, not to long after a faint buzzing sound could be heard and he pushed on the door and entered. As he dropped his coat onto one of the hooks near the door and kicked of his boots a girl looking like she was in her early twenties came bouncing down the steps.

“Hey where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you!” her New York accent coming through clearly as she reprimanded her friend and roommate.

“Out” came his one word answer, the woman just sighed audibly at his attitude.

“God, why do you have to be like that…I just worry you about you” her face clearly showing her concern. She knew how Raz could be sometimes but she never wished for him to change. It was almost ironic how his looks complemented his just as fiery personality.

Raz was a Nitric demon; basically he could do all sorts of things with fire including creating it. Though he wasn’t all that tall only standing about 5’10; he did look extremely human. His eyes were a gray but not a dull gray; they were almost like a bright silver but the most noticeable aspect to the demon was his deep red hair. Unlike many who were cursed with bright red, carrot like hair; Raz had deep almost maroon colored hair.

Many demons had the same life span as humans, they were born and they grew old and someday they would eventually die. However other demons like vampires became or were immortal. Nitric demons were immortal but they didn’t start out that way. As they grow older something in their genetic make-up changes and once they reach their 25 birthday they cease aging.

“I know you worry Ciro, it’s just that I needed some air and…some information”

This seemed to get his companions attention; she glanced at the clock making sure there was plenty of times left before the sun was suppose to set. Ciro could also be considered…different just like her friend. For she was a werewolf but she wasn’t bitten or scratched by one she was born as one. She was shocked on the night of her thirteenth birthday to discover her parents’ secret. Though she did eventually adjust because she was born a wolf she had abilities others did not.

Ciro had the ability to talk to the stars and the moon sometimes she even had a vision or two but unlike Drusilla she got to keep her sanity. She was a pretty thing, only standing about 5’5 with purple hair (at the moment) dull but bright blue eyes. Raz seemed to notice her worried glance at the clock and decided to cut his explanation short but would fill in the details later.

“Look you’ve got a bit of time but I know how you like to do that meditation thing beforehand, so here’s the deal. The Slayer and William the Bloody are on their way here”

Ciros’ eyes grew wide at this new information, she couldn’t believe that the Slayer; Buffy Summers was on her way to England at that very moment. Everyone knew of the other Slayer, they also knew she switched sides and was now behind bars.

“Are you sure? I mean she wouldn’t leave the Hellmouth unguarded…would she?”

“A lot of things have happened and are still happening. Just know that I’m gonna try and head them off at the airport maybe offer them a place to stay. I know Buffy from her time with Merrick and Spike is Ok…once you get to know him”

Raz watched as Ciro seemed to mull over the idea in her head, he knew how much Ciro admired the blonde Slayer and how envious of him because he knew her fairly well at one point.

“It’s cool with me just make sure blood breath keeps his teeth and fangs to himself” with that she sauntered away and back up the spiral steps form which she came, leaving Raz there to do his own thing.


Whistler sat in the darkened room, the only light was shining in from the street leaving the room with a soft orange glow. He turned his back towards the window as heard the door open and close just as softly. Even though he was pretty sure of the nights’ events he had to ask.

“So, how’d it go?”

The sound of the bed creaking and the bedding shifting followed by a heavy sigh could be heard before the figure answered

“How could she Whis, she just left me there and went off with him” his voice full of emotion.

On closer inspection Whistler could see dried tear tracks on his friends’ face along with a nasty gash right above his left eye that was already healing among other cuts and burses. The demon grimaced at the sight of the ensouled vampire, he knew that Angel was going to get a few souvenirs from tonight’s’ adventure but he never thought Buffy let him get it this bad.

For the longest time the fates believed that Buffy and Angel were the one. Those two were supposed to be capable of great things together as their relationship grew. They had to go through the whole Angelus tryst in order to prove themselves worthy. He lied the day he said that no one saw Buffy coming, Acathla and Angelus were a test for both Buffy and Angel but Angels’ leaving…that no one saw coming.

The fates hearts broke right along with the blonde Slayers’ that day. They had believed that they had found their champions but it turned out they were wrong. Angel was staying from the path that had been set before him. It was truly a tragedy for the Powers intended to reward both of them one day with Angels’ humanity. Though both would become immortal they would have sunshine and possibly children and of course each other.

So as they watched the vampire disappear into the fog and the Slayer breakdown and cry it was decided that a new champion should be chosen, one who’s loyalty was second to none. The Slayer’s companion had to be strong both emotionally and physically and would always put her first. They watched as she became closer with Riley Finn but it was soon decided that he would never do.

First off he was too human and wasn’t able to the gray areas in the world. Even though he cared greatly for their Slayer, he was most definitely not the one. Soon William the Bloody came to their attention. He’d been with their Slayer almost since she first appeared in Sunnydale. Even though he claimed to be ‘evil’ he did help her defeat Angelus and in his own way Adam. It was then decided that Glorificus would be the final test.

The Powers were beyond pleased that he passed, though they did mourn with their favored child, it was for the best. They feared their Slayer would sacrifice herself and that would’ve just ended in shame and heartache.

Whistler knew of the Powers plan and of the many things to come, he longed to tell his friend of what was to happen but it just wasn’t meant to be.

“Look maybe this is some type of a sign, I mean you did leave her and she moved on just like you wanted her to”

Angels’ head snapped up at this fire in his eyes

“I did leave and it was a *mistake*! Yes I did want her to move on but not to Spike” the bleached blonde’s name was said as if a bad taste had entered his mouth.

“Ange…” he was cut off by the raging vampire

“I wanted her to have sun light and picnics and…normal. I wanted a normal life for her” feeling defeated he flopped down on the bed with a sigh

“Did you ever ask her what *she* wanted?” Whistler asked softly

When he was greeted with the gentle hum of silence, he merely leaned back in his chair and waited for his friend to respond. It was finally dawning on Angel that the reason Buffy was no longer in his arms was because of his own doing.

Whistler didn’t have to wait to long before he heard the sounds of his friends’ sobbing. Deciding it best to leave the vampire alone for awhile, he picked up his coat and walked out of the hotel room leaving the ensouled vampire to all the pain in misery in which he created.


Xander’s apartment was not filled with laughter and joking friends as usual, instead it was filled with the Scoobies and what was left of the AI team mourning a fellow warrior and friend. None knew of Cordelias’ decent into darkness, they all believed they were missing a fellow guardian of the light.

As they were leaving the Magic Box Fred was the one to discover the grisly scene. Cordelias’ body lay in a heap on the sidewalk her neck and forearm covered in blood and two wounds oozed the remaindered of her blood. Fred through herself into the Gunns’ arms, Wesley and Giles followed by Willow and Xander came upon the scene and gasped in horror at the sight that greeted them.

Now only a few hours later they were all gathered at Xander’s’ apartment mourning the lost of their friend and comrade. Giles and Wesley were in the kitchen fixing tea and other snacks for everyone most sat still in shock. Willow sat on the floor near Xander’s’ feet wondering what the hell had happened. She kept getting weird vibes off of her all night but just chalked it up to old emotions brought to the surface at seeing her.

Gunn sat on one of the deck chairs out on Xander’s’ patio with Fred in his lap. The brunette hadn’t stopped crying since finding Cordelias body. Gunn just held her and continued to whisper comforting words to soothe his girlfriend. Wesley tried reaching Angel earlier but they couldn’t’ seem to reach his cell phone and no one was answering the phone at the hotel, he’d already left several messages for the vampire.

All were at a loss, their Slayer had run away with a soulless evil vampire and the only other leader they’d had went chasing after her. On many levels they all blamed everyone and no one for the past months event. One thing was true though…nothing was ever going to be the same.


End of Chapter 13

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