Disclaimer: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil joss. Why must you deprive me of spike?! Evvvvvvvvil

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“You were here? A month ago?”

“’S what I said.”


“The Immortal.”

“Oh.” Dawn wrinkled her nose up in disgust. “HIM

Spike looked at her in surprise. “You don’t like him either?”

“Ugh, no. I mean, did you ever SEE his hair? It looked like he had taken about four gallons of Crisco and dumped it on his head.” She shivered. “Thank God she wasn’t actually dating him.”

“Yeah…that’s what Watcher man said.”

“Well, Giles was right. I mean, not that he didn’t TRY to get Buffy to go out with him…but I think he got the message once she kicked his ass up and down the street.” She grinned. “Funny, really.”

She stood up, and began to walk inside. As she reached the door, she turned around and said, “Oh yeah, and Spike? You might want to tell her about the heartbeat before we leave at six.”

“In the afternoon?”

“No. In the morning.” And with that, she walked inside.


Spike leaned over the balcony of the hotel, holding a smoldering cigarette in his fingers. He stared at the plume of smoke that wafted from the tip, and then at the clock on the wall. 1:47…oh, now 1:48. He sighed, and returned his gaze to his fag.

He took a pull on it, and blew out the smoke just as his cell phone rang. “’Lo.”


He grinned, pushing away from the balcony and leaning with his back against it. “Peaches. How goes it?”

“You took my jet.”

“Did not.”

“Fine. You STOLE my jet.”

“Didn’t steal. Just…borrowed without asking. Where in your twisted, neanderthal brain is that qualified as ‘stealing’?”

“Shut up. Just tell me what the hell you needed a JET for.”



“Went to Rome. I AM in Rome.”

“What are you in Rome…Buffy.”

“Yeah. Glad you aren’t as dense as you make people think.”

“Spike, stay away from her.”


“What do you mean ‘can’t’?”

Spike let his smile drop away and became serious. “Rupes called me. Seems Buffy’s slightly off. Summoned a demon. Lucky for me, we’ve met up with ’im before.”

“Spike!” he heard over the line. “How ya doin, sweet cheeks?”

Spike laughed, and said into the phone, “Tell Lorne I’m fine.”

He heard a few grumbles, before the phone was handed off to Lorne. “Spike, Angelcakes is getting a smidge irritated ‘cuz you won’t tell him anything. Now, mind telling ME who the demon Buffy summoned is?”

“You might know him…he goes by the name ‘Sweet’.”

“Sweet…Sweet…Oh, him! Yeah, I know him. His wife’s a sweet little thing. Her skin’s a lovely color of blue…”

“Well, that’s wonderful, but I have to go. Someone’s on my other line.”

“Ok, have fun!” Click

Spike chuckled. He would never understand that demon. He pressed the call waiting button and said, “’Lo.”

“It’s me, Dawn.”

“Nib? How in the hell did you get my phone number? And why are you up at…2:03 am?”

“Do you have a digital clock or something? Wait, so not the point. Listen, Buffy changed our plane time. Since we live really close to the airport and like, no one’s ever that at this hour, she switched out fight to 2:30!”

He stood up straight, grabbing his duster and picking up his duffel bag, all the while packing it. “Where are you now, Dawn?”


His movements stopped, and he said dangerously, “Dawn…”

“We’re kinda…in the airport.”

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Someone out there be nice and review!!!

Also, I’m working on ‘Love isn’t easy’ but my friend’s beta-ing it. So, yay!

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