Xander gave the sisters the time they needed as he moved the coffee table out of the way as he gave the girls the time that they needed. He pulled out six pillar candles and places them in a circle, and lighting them as he went a long. Next he pulled out the herbs he’d need along with a mortar and a pedestal, and grounded the herbs for a few moments.

Finally Buffy and Dawn turned towards Xander, holding hands, unsure of what will happen if Buffy goes to the past.

“Is Buffy going to be ok?” asked Dawn.

“If she’s careful, she’ll be fine.” Xander said truthfully. “The past has to stay the same as much as possible. If you change something small, it could be something significant in the future…I mean now, which would be the future to you.”

“Ok Xander, I get the picture.” Buffy said, interrupting Xander. “Now what?” She asked casually.

“Step in the center, and I’ll say the spell Willow gave me,” Xander told them as he pulled out the spell from the bag.

Xander wasn’t really all that proficient with spells and potions, but Willow had given him a brief lesson before he left. So he felt confident he could do this.

“You listen to Xander. Do what he tells you to… I’ll be right back,” Buffy said, hugging Dawn. “I’m coming back!”

Ignoring her sister, Dawn told Buffy, “You come back!”

“I will!” She hugged Dawn again and then stepped into the center of the pillar candles. “I’m ready!”

Xander began to chant in a language neither Dawn nor Buffy understood, and waited until he was finished, but after a few moments, Buffy started to get antsy. Before she realized it, she was at the edge of Sunnydale and began to rain.


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