note: dreams are surronded by **********, since i am inept at working html codes.

“Oh Bullocks...”
I jet of light exploded from Spikes chest, his head thrusting up at the impact.
“Buffy!” More light spread out, starting to destroy the army of uber-vamps. Buffy ran forward, while Faith started getting everyone to get out. Buffy reached Spike’s shining body. Speechless at what the amulet was doing.
“I can feel it Buffy…”
“My soul…it’s really there… kinda of stings” Buffy started at Spike not yet realizing how this story would end.
All the girls ran towards the exit, past Buffy, Spike, and Spike’s shining soul. The school starting to collapse around the two.
“Go on then!”
“No, you’ve done enough you can sti…”
“No, you beat them back, it’s for me to do the clean up.” Another crash surrounded the pair. The Hellmouth crumbling around them.
Faith yelled for Buffy, but all she could concentrate on was his face and the fact that she knew, she knew that he was going to die standing there, saving their lives.
“Gotta move lamb, but I think its fair to say school’s out for bloody summer,” The Hellmouth continued to deteriorate, and Buffy continued to ignore it.
“I mean it, I gotta do this.” She waited a beat, finally excepting the inevitable.
She reached across the remaining space between them and took his hand.
Spike looked down at their interlacing their fingers, disbelief and astonishment written all over his face. Their hands together started to burn, and yet she didn’t pull away. He looked into her eyes hoping to see something there for the last time.
Buffy gasped and smiled, revelation finally dawning on her. She loved him. And then the sadness hitting her that this would be the only time that she would ever be able to say it.
“I love you.” She whispered, finally letting it out.
He paused a second, cursing her for finally telling him now, wishing he could grab her and run her and himself out of the fucking Hellmouth, realizing he had to at least get her out, before it was all over.
“No you don’t…but thanks for saying it.” Yet another crash surrounded them, jerking Buffy out of her state of peace, and separating their hands.
“Now go!” Buffy rushed up the stairs.
“ I wanna see how it ends.”

And then he started to burn. Laughing all the way.


L.A- Wolfram and Hart

“Bloody Hell,” Spike jerked awake from his dream, not knowing that thousands of miles away Buffy had done the same.
He rubbed his hands over his face and made his way towards the staff kitchen. Noticing that the sun had set on good L. of A.
He reached into the fridge and pulled out Angle’s cup of blood. He walked over to the window and stared down at the city. Quietly going over his dream that he had had every night since he had come back.
He finished the blood and set it on the table, making his way towards the elevator, hitting the button for the top floor, and deciding to give his sire a visit.
“Spike, what the hell are you doing up here?”
“Just making small talk, peaches.” Angel just sighed at the old name. Murmuring under his breath about the good ol’days, when Spike had stalked Dru.
“What do you want?”
“Oh lots of things,” Buffy mainly, but Spike just knew Angle wouldn’t take kindly to that.
“What are you doing peaches?” Angel just mumbled again and shoved it over for Spike to read.
“Oh, new prophecy, fun”
“Wesley picked it up, and surprise; it has you in it,” Suddenly becoming more interested in it Spike came closer and started to read.
“HA, they refer to me as the champion of the Chosen One in her highest hour, guess changing the Slayer heritage accounts for that, doesn’t it?”
“Don’t get too used to it.” Angel pulled the book back and continued to translate it from Latin.
“Oh right, cause champions your job right? Must just tingle that I was there instead of you, doesn’t it?” In one swift moment Angle had Spike pinned to the wall, and in another one Spike was on top of him on the floor.
“Gettin’ soft in our old age, peaches.” Both vamps got up and dusted themselves off. Spike heading towards the elevator, knowing that this little meeting was over.
“Spike, why aren’t you in Europe? At least then you would be out of my hair”
“Guess I just like evil lawyer offices better, mate”

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