Chapter 5
Her arms were wound so tightly around William’s neck that he couldn’t breathe, even if he wanted to. Mimicking the movements of her diaphragm, William held onto his precious friend just as tightly. He breathed in her wonderful and intoxicating scent. Almost lightheaded, William released his strong hold to look at her face. Smiling up at him, Buffy’s eyes started to water. “We didn’t know where you were.” A lone tear ran down her face. Giving into the impulse, William moved his face forward and kissed her tear away.
William tasted the salty liquid on his lips and almost changed to his demon visage. Hoping she did not see the slight ripple, he asked, “What do you mean?” The background of the club started to surround them again. The beating of the drums and loud conversations around them assaulted their senses. Slowly their bodies became accustomed to each other and began to sway.
“We… we heard about your mom a couple years ago, I’m sorry.” The sincerity in her eyes, made William’s unbeating heart swell. “My dad… he told us like months after. I wish I was there… for you. But…” She shrugged and her eyes teared up again. “We called the old number, but… it was disconnected.” She buried her face in his cool shoulder. “Dad said you disappeared.”
“Sh, sweetheart, I’m here now.” William’s arms held her closer. When his mom finally passed away, he tried to find Hank so he could find Buffy, but Hank Summers was not in the country. William’s hands moved down to rest at her tiny waist. He couldn’t help but think, this was what it was supposed to be all those years ago. If only he kissed her back on his birthday. If only he told her how he felt before she left town. If only she didn’t move away. If only. Shaking himself out of his reverie, William moved his hands up her back, feeling the muscles give way to his nimble fingers. William felt his cock twitch with desire as he moved with Buffy. In the past couple years since he was turned, he had his fair share of willing women and minions writhing in his bed, but none of them inspired such desire, as the tiny woman in his arms. Her body was like fire, burning his cool skin and her breath was like the Santa Anna winds, dangerously warming his neck.
Buffy sighed and moved closer to his body, surrounded by him. She felt so safe in his arms. She felt like the missing years didn’t matter. In his arms, it didn’t matter that she was the Vampire Slayer, doomed to a short life of pain and loneliness. It didn’t matter that her first real love, turned against her the day after they had sex. It didn’t matter that she knew of the things that went bump in the night, and they stalked her. It didn’t matter that she was a poor college student, with an eight o’clock class the next day. The only thing that mattered was him, holding her, under the strobe light.
The song changed from slow to fast. The people around them started to jump around, knocking into them, as they shared this private moment. Pulling back, Buffy looked up into William’s dark blue eyes. “I still can’t believe it’s you!”
William chuckled, “Believe it, baby! Can I buy you a drink?” At Buffy’s nod, William grabbed her hand and moved towards the closest bar, he didn’t want to loose hold of her. William ordered two drinks for them and paid for them. Standing at the bar, wrapped up in each other, they didn’t notice Clara coming up.
“Hey Buff. Who’s this?” Clara’s short stature almost made her invisible, in the sea of bodies at the bar.
“Clara, this is an old friend from California, William. William, this is my good friend, Clara.” Buffy gestured to each of the people in front of her.
“Nice to meet you.” William shook her hand.
“You too.” Clara took her hand back and faced Buffy. “The guys were wondering where you were. Eric said you stopped dancing with him. Why don’t you two come on over?”
Buffy looked up at William. Would he want to meet her friends? Would they accept him? He was always very shy and considered a nerd. She knew before he met her and came to school with her, William had difficulty making friends. It wasn’t difficult in high school for her friends to accept William, because they knew William, even before he started attending school with them. This was different. Her friends here in New York weren’t as superficial as her friends in L.A., but she still worried. They knew her to be the confident, young single woman and she felt anything but that with William beside her. William nodded in consent as they followed Clara back to the couch and chairs.
Eric sat next to John and they were embroiled in a heated discussion. Buffy couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she thought it had to do with Eric leaving her alone on the dance floor. Clara sat in a big chair with her sister. Justine walked up behind Buffy and William, curious at the man that made out with the normally shy and reserved Buffy in front of everyone. “Guys this is William, a friend from California. William, these are my friends. You met Clara. Next to her is Sara, her sister.” William nodded in their direction, not willing to let go of his prize. “On the couch is Eric and John.” The two men on the couch looked William up and down, like a father would do to his daughter’s first serious boyfriend. “Where’s Justine?”
“Right behind you, kiddo.” Buffy turned and looked behind them. Justine stood with a silly smirk shit eating smirk. “So you’re William? Nice to meet you.” She shook hands with William. “I’ve heard quite a few things about you.” Justine winked at William, “Just never thought you two were the kissing kind of friends.” Justine turned around and walked away, ignoring the shocked and questioning look William was sporting.
“Talk about rude, what’s her problem?” Sara spoke up. Sara and Justine were not the best of friends and had quite a large rivalry between them.
“I got her with paint earlier, she was just getting me back,” Buffy laughed the comments off. Justine knew of William that was true. One night when they were having a girls’ night out, the girls shared intimate details of their first crush, kiss, and time. It was one of those female things bonding women do. “Anyways, I knew William in L.A. We were best friends before I moved to Sunnydale.” Buffy wrapped her arms around William’s waist.
John moved closer to Eric and insisted that the new couple sit down. Buffy’s sobering up drinks were discarded as new drinks were ordered. Three shot of tequila and a shot of Fire and Ice later, the group was laughing like they all were old friends. John sat next to William, “So you knew Buffy when she was young and stupid. Well, young anyway.” John chuckled at his joke, as Buffy sent him a scathing look. William wanted to rip the throat out of the man sitting next to him. He was the one that gave Buffy his jacket. Not only did Buffy have John’s scent all over her, but he had hers. Knowing that she wouldn’t have introduced him to John, if they were a couple made William a little calmer.
“Yes, I knew her since we were… when did we meet, Buffy?” She mouthed ‘ten’ to William and he moved back to John. “Since we were ten. Met in our parents work.”
“So what was she like?” Eric chimed in. William thought it was strange that John smelled partly of Buffy and Eric. It was almost like they were lovers. It finally dawned on William, that he had nothing to worry about from these two men, they were lovers and felt nothing but a brotherly love towards Buffy.
“Pretty much like how she is now.”
Buffy playfully slapped William’s shoulder, “Don’t tell them that! I was a total ditz. My brain was covered in boys and cheerleading.”
“And you aren’t a ditz now?” John asked. Despite his attempts, William was really starting to hate John.
“Shut up asshole!” Buffy leaped over William’s lap, partial sitting in it and started to tickle John. Yelping, John called ‘uncle.’ Buffy started to retreat, but William’s firm grip on her waist prevented her from moving off him. Instead, he helped her move her legs so she was sitting on his lap. William scooted towards the end of the couch, to sit in the corner with Buffy firmly seated in his lap. Buffy looked into William’s eyes and both were lost. Blue orbs met green and they spoke volumes without a sound.
“Hey, Buff. It’s already three don’t you have an early class?”
Breaking out of her trance, Buffy gasped, “Oh shit! I do. I’ve got to go.” She stood up before William could grab her down. The erection that she hid from the others by sitting on his lap, was now public. William sat forward, trying to hide it and willing it to go away. Buffy turned around and bent down towards William, “I’m sorry, but I have a class at eight.”
“Really?” William pouted. He didn’t want to lose sight of her. She was his now and he wasn’t going to give her up. Maybe he could get her alone and take her. No one would be the wiser before it was too late. Grinning, William whispered, “Just ten more minutes?” She looked around at her friends and nodded in consent. “Can we talk… alone?” Buffy nodded again. William looked around and finally up to the balcony. It was dark and it looked relatively deserted. “Let’s go upstairs.”
In the back corner past the upstairs bar, William cornered Buffy against the wall. Their mouths met in a flurry. Passion from the past years surfaced and both practically inhaled the other. Breaking free from her mouth, William trailed cool, wet kisses down her face towards her throat. She threw her head back in submission, offering him what he wanted most. Almost at her jugular, William opened his mouth and sucked in her golden skin. Unholy sweetness filled his mouth, making him forget his objective. Her pulse sped up and her hips moved towards him, letting him know how this was affecting her. Her leg came up his thigh, making a warm cradle for his groin. Through her jeans and his, her wet heat hit him, making his cock elongate even more. Slowly grinding their sexes together, they were lost in a world of ice and fire.
After thirty minutes, John was elected to go find Buffy and William. Climbing the stairs he saw William lead her up, he quickly found the couple embracing in the corner. Embarrassed at seeing one of his best friends making out for the first time, John cleared his throat. When he got no reaction, John moved to tap William on the shoulder. Startled, William’s eyes flashed gold as his incisors grew. Gaining control of his transformation, William looked at John and dropped his head in defeat. He was so wrapped up in kissing Buffy, he forgot to make her his. “Time to go, Buff.”
Dejectedly, “Yeah, I know. Thanks John.” Buffy stepped out of William’s embrace and went over to the bar. Coming back with a napkin, Buffy wrote something down. She quickly leaned in and gave William a chaste kiss, and stuffed the napkin in his jeans pocket. John and Buffy walked down the stairs and followed her friends out of the club. William stayed up on the balcony, watching his object of affection leave him. Vowing that he would hunt her down, he felt the napkin in his pocket. William pulled it out and smiled. It was her address and phone number.
Almost skipping down the road, William made his way towards the liar.
a/n: Thank you for your great responses and keep them coming.