Here’s the thing about saving the world. If you do it right, no one will ever know. People, thousands of ordinary people, running around like chickens with their heads cut off, will never know just what you’ve done for them; therefore they continue to run around like chickens with their heads cut off, none the better for it... But I digress.

You see, I myself, know what it’s like to be one of the good guys. Whistler’s the name, demon, but a good one. Anyway, like I was sayin’, in order to be a true champion, you have to be able to do things that others can’t. Things that others shouldn’t have to do. Most of the time it’s all about the sacrifice. For some it’s the love of someone they hold dear. For others, it’s the very thing that keeps them bound to this plane of existence, their life.

For him, it was both.

He was a tough one, let me tell you that. I had the privilege of meeting him once, a long while back. A cocky one-hundred and twenty three year old vampire with a British accent and a leather duster-yeah the guy had ‘bad ass’ written all over him. He gained quite the reputation in his time, and went by a few names. William the Bloody, Spike, bleach boy, captain peroxide ...champion.

A vampire with a soul, helping the slayer fight evil in a little town named Sunnydale. Alright, so maybe it’s not the most original plot in the world, but it did happen. It’s bizarre how love changes a person, isn’t it?

Okay, now don’t get me wrong, the slayer, she was, well, unique, and not too bad on the eyes either, but I still don’t understand how she can make not one, but two of the most brutal vampires to ever walk this earth fall madly in love with her. I mean, what’s so appealing about her anyway, she’s just a girl. There’s lots of girls, all over, everywhere you turn... So why did William the Bloody fall for her?

*shrugs* Beats me.

To make a long story short, he just did, okay? But being that she was so righteous, and good, and full of virtue, she would never let herself love a brutal killer...unless his name was Angel. Yeah, well, he was her first love, he’ll probably always be there in her heart somewhere. Kinda pesky if you ask me, but what can you do?

So, Spike loves her, he stands by her, fights with her, fights for her, is her sex slave, saves her, fights some more, blah, blah, blah. Let’s just skip to the part when he gives his life for hers. But of course, what kind of tragic-love story would this be if now she didn’t finally realize that she loved him, and probably always had. Don’t you just love bad timing?

But there was one thing that the slayer didn’t know... or she did, but she forgot, *thinks for a moment* it’s rather complicated. You see, Spike made an agreement with the Powers the Be. The agreement would change everything, it was one that would save the world, and the slayer’s life along with it. He had them turn back the hands of time and take back all the death and destruction that had occurred when the Scoobies, (don’t look at me, I didn’t name them) had to fight the final battle with the first evil. So many of the slayer’s friends had died, not to mention- her little sister- so consider this a bargain.

Then, only Spike would remember the battle, while the slayer and her pals didn’t have a clue. He fought alone side her that day, down there in the hell mouth. He knew exactly what would come of it, but he still fought, knowing that he was not going to leave the cavern alive. When she finally admitted those three little words that he so desperately wanted to hear, he told her that he didn’t believe her. But over time, she finally figured everything out.

Somehow, the temporal fold that the oracles created, had begun to leak. A year after Spike’s death, the slayer was able to remember the forgotten day at last. She had gone through a tough time without him there. She blamed herself for his death, because she knew that she could have saved him somehow. Even after everything she thought about while running away from the crumbling school that would be her lover’s grave, she still felt that she should have made him go with her. At the time she had thought his actions brave and unavoidable, but now she saw that things could have been so different, and she regretted not loving him enough to make him want to go with her.

She was surprised to think of a day in which she had no recollection of ever being apart of, but apparently was. She understood that he really did believe her, and that made her feel somewhat better. But nothing could fully erase the searing pain that she felt in her heart every time she thought of him, or saw something that reminded her of him, or when someone mentioned his name. She loved him. Nothing, not even death could erase a love like the one the vampire and the slayer shared.


But not every story gets a happy ending, especially one with a slayer and a vampire as it’s center characters. But hey, kiddies, calm down, the story isn’t even close to being over. ‘Eh, we haven’t even scratched the surface of things. Nope, this tale isn’t quite finished yet. There’s so much more to tell.

You’ll see what I mean...

The End...or is it?

A/N: So whatcha think? Should I do a sequel? Any ideas at how I could pick this up and continue? Please review

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