It was dark. So very dark.

The sounds of a fierce battle raged on, as the army of chosen ones dropped one by one. The sickening sound of lifeless bodies hitting the hard ground could be heard, but not as loud as the screams of impending death. The large cavern was a battlefield, as some thirty newly empowered slayers fought with everything they had against the thousands and thousands of Turok-Han.

But it wasn’t enough.

So many had been killed already. So many of Buffy’s friends had been stopped dead in their tracks. So many dead bodies littered the dirt-covered floor.

But still she fought on.

Buffy thought if she just kept on fighting, no matter what, just kept on killing demon after demon, the world would be safe at last. But it didn’t matter. She could kill a hundred, two hundred, a thousand, a hundred-thousand-thousand, and it wouldn’t make a difference. They just kept on coming.

They were everywhere. Some had even managed to escape up into the school. More had made it outside. The first had come up with a brilliant plan, a flawless, foolproof plan, that worked to no end. It had blacked out the sun, swallowing the entire town of Sunnydale into a deadly darkness that stretched on for miles, and enabled the army of Ubervamps to get out of the school.

“Buffy!!” She heard a girl scream. He blonde head snapped up at the ear-piercing sound, eyes searching blindly for what was left of her friends. The girl called out to her again, this time with less strength. The slayer didn’t know if it was Rona or Kennedy, but she did know it couldn’t be Faith.

Faith had been one of the first to fall. She had been overpowered by at least a dozen Ubervamps and bled from every part of her body. Buffy had watched in horror as two of them had picked her up and threw her almost lifeless body off the edge of the cliff and into the large canyon of yet more demons. They had torn her apart.

When Buffy finally made her way to the fallen Rona, she knelt beside her and gently wiped the spot of dried blood from the dark girl’s face. Kennedy came up behind her and watched, eyes wide, as another one of her fellow comrades gave into death.

Buffy stood up, brushed herself off, and gripped her scythe tighter. “We have to get out of here.” She told Kennedy. “Find the others. Grap anyone alive and get them up stairs.”

“What’re you gonna do?” The dark haired girl asked. Buffy locked eyes with her then and uttered one final word, before walking off.


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